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Does this website have a chatroom? I think it would be a good addition, personally. It would be nice to meet and to talk to a lot of you in real-time (more or less) and it would help us to get to know each other much better. If such a room already exists, then disregard this post.
also: look, a tree!
Not even if I give you ALL my Tums? :bawl:
As this forum is I think it would be like an aol room where there are regulars but a lot of people who come to argue. And personal squabbles among the regulars which on a moderated forum are taken care of.
There are other ways to chat.
Post your MSNs to each other via PMs and have it that way.
Would someone like to organize an msn group chat?
Having said that, there's no reason why you can't star an 'unofficial' newbuddhist irc channel on dalnet or something.
Why can't we have an unmoderated chat? Just list it as "WARNING: THIS CHAT IS UNMODERATED AND PURE ANARCHY. PLEASE BE KIND, REWIND." and/or have a mod pop in once in a while to clean things up. If there are constant flame wars, so be it. If people get offended, they can leave the chat.
TheJourney, you can... go on 4chan /b (don't... ever).
I don't understand what the issue here is.
If you want something done, do it yourself. You can start your own chat room, run it however you want and invite whoever you want. Just learn how to run an IRC channel and you're set.
Relies on people having microphones through.
What is it you're worried about? You're as free to voice your opinions here as you would be on anybody else's property.
If you're hosting a dharma discussion group at your house, for example, and somebody comes in without contributing anything of value, telling everybody else they are wrong and responding with uninvited and unwelcome insults, what would you do?
If you let them carry on fighting and bickering or join in, then you're lost sight of what you were there for - a dharma discussion. Then those who were there for the original purpose of the meeting would not show up again and only those who want to fight with each other would come. If that's what you want, that's fine, but then there's no point presenting it as a dharma discussion if it's just idle chatter and fighting.
So, why is there moderation? It keeps discussion on topic, so that those who are interested in the topic can discuss it without lolcats popping up everywhere. Others can search and find topic and discussions they are interested in and learn from them. That's the point of organisation and moderation. Moderators don't send out warning because they want to, but because they have to in order to keep the forum on track. I am a moderator on another forum and when someone comes along and starts insulting others, I send out a warning. Normally they leave and the forum functions as it should.
There's a fine line between a suggestion and a demand. If a participant in your dharma discussion group suggests that you talk about lolcats instead, that's fine. However, if that participant starts kicking and screaming about lolcats, it's disruptive to others. So, the mods have considered the idea of a chat and decided it's not necessary for the purpose of the site. We're in no position to demand a chat room... it's their property and they can do with it as they wish.
The great thing about the internet is that if you can do things your way. You can start your own forum with a chat room. Why complain when you can do something about it?
If it's going to cause trouble, then forget I brought this up.
I don't see what's being argued here. I've declined the suggestion to add a chat feature to this site (probably for the fourth time), not told you that you can't use the rest of the Internet.
If you don't agree with my decision, that's OK! I didn't say you had to agree, but don't think you're going to win me over with your opinions (on this one), either. I have a lot of experience doing this, and I don't believe this is an appropriate feature for the community right now. If some of you want to chat online, more power to you, but please don't do it under the NewBuddhist banner.
Can we call it OldBuddhist? Or NewerBuddhist? RecentBuddhist? RisingBuddhist? YoungBuddhist? Just wondering.