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I've been very, very naughty today...

MountainsMountains Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
Pharmacology test on Monday, followed by a Medicinal Chemistry test on Wednesday. So what did I do today? I went for a hike with my dog early in the morning, and since it was such a *gorgeous* day, I went to the glider club I belong to and went for a glider flight. Didn't get home until late afternoon. Okay, I did study a little, but boy it was sure nice to go flying! :)


  • Yeah, and it relaxed you on the eve of your test, which is probably what you needed. Your mind will be clearer for the test if it's in a relaxed state. Those stress hormones won't be blocking your memory.
  • Mountains are you switching from nursing (wasn't that what you are in) to pharmacy? Or is that for nursing too?
  • Nurse anesthetist. You can never get enough pharmacology or chemistry apparently :) We sort of have to be experts in everything as anesthetists...
  • You must be good at math!
  • Stay loose, Mts.
    You probably already know all the study tricks: review the info before going to bed, so your subconscious can work on it in your sleep. Review as soon as you get up, to reinforce it. Then relax.
  • You must be good at math!
    Not even a little bit, in my dreams, on my best day. Show me a picture, don't show me a formula!
  • Just don't multiply the anesthetic by 2! Or worse 1/2!
  • That kind of math I can do in my head, on the fly :) As long as there are no Greek letters involved, I'm good!
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Hi, Mountains. It's the end of your stressful day, can you give us a post-mortem? How did the exam go? Just remember, we're all rooting for you. :)
  • Hi Dakini

    Thanks for thinking of me! The pharmacology exam wasn't bad at all. I pretty well aced it. Chemistry is on Wednesday, and that one I'm sweating a lot. And we have another exam a week from Wednesday in another class (directly related to anesthesia and all that goes with it) that we're *all* sweating mightily. The next 10 days are going to be, um, interesting.

    Film at eleven...

  • You'll do great. Chem is difficult, though. But you've made it this far in your studies, through lots of chem, I'm sure :)
  • Well, that's actually part of the problem. I was instilled with an innate terror of chemistry by a really horrible high school chemistry teacher. Ever after that I avoided all things chemistry at all costs. In college (30 years ago) I had to take 100 level chemistry, which I did, and barely got a C. After that it was pure avoidance. Bizarre as it sounds, that one stinking freshman level chem course in 1981 carried me through getting a veterinary technician degree, a bachelor's of nursing, and into grad school! Bizarre, but true. Organic chemistry (again, bizarrely) is not a hard and fast requirement of this program - it should be - so I've never taken it. This Med Chem course incorporates a lot of concepts from o-chem that I've had to bone up on by myself (oh, the pain!), and the rest is learn as you go. Hence my profuse sweating. :)
  • It's good to be naughty once a while1
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2011
    I get it, Mts. I always had term-paper-phobia in school, based on my experience struggling to do a research paper in the 6th grade--our "training wheels" for future research papers. Years after graduating from university, I finally decided to face that phobia, and took a class just for the research paper requirement. I'm cured. :) I'm not sure how to advise you re: your chem-phobia, though. Maybe be mindful of the tendency to sweat it and catastrophize, and try to set up new mental habits? Wish I could be of more help. :( Let us know how you do after tomorrow's exam.

    P.S. I'm especially dysfunctional at math. :p Which relates more to your chem-phobia (exotic formulas, and stuff). Fortunately< I don't need anything more than 4th-grade math to get by in life.
  • WHEW!! Am I glad today is (academically) over and done with. The chem test was a challenge, but I think I did okay on it. On to the next big thing...

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