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Meditation class helps lower violence at Alabama prison!

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter


  • edited February 2011
    It would be most helpful towards their meditation practice and love towards ecosystem, if they would to be deprived of meat consumption. Moreover, prisoners should not be given that "luxury" of meat - the simple benefit of vegetarians could be found in this link :D They ought to be developed into the world of invincible piece of human :hair:
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    thank you for posting leon, i really enjoyed that :)

  • I'm surprised it survived the shut down. I'm also surprised they called it Vipassana, rather than cooking up a American and secular-sounding name. Surprised in a good way.
  • edited February 2011
    I am glad to hear that some of these prisoners are learning to be better people despite their past. I got a laugh out of the whole "evanglical Buddhist" remark.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    thank you for posting leon, i really enjoyed that :)
    You are quite welcome!
  • This is awesome and one of the many things I've seen lately that builds strength in my belief in this path. Very cool!
  • edited February 2011
    What puzzles me? The fact that there aren't a lot of practicing Buddhists in prisons.

    If I were King I would separate the prisons into two groups, Buddhist and non-Buddhist. Anybody caught breaking the Eight-Fold Path or Precepts or other basic rules in the Buddhist section gets thrown out for good.

    Too bad it ain't gonna happen in our mostly-christian usa prison system
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    What puzzles me? The fact that there aren't a lot of practicing Buddhists in prisons.

    If I were King I would separate the prisons into two groups, Buddhist and non-Buddhist. Anybody caught breaking the Eight-Fold Path or Precepts or other basic rules in the Buddhist section gets thrown out for good.

    Too bad it ain't gonna happen in our mostly-christian usa prison system
    Interesting theory.
    Isn't that kind of like Religion?
    If you don't believe in Heaven you are going to Hell?
    Or something like that?
  • @LeonBasin, I'd be surprised if meditation didn't lower violence, in any institution. :)

    @Wilfred, Really like your suggestion that prisoners should not be fed meat! It would save a lot of animals' lives and make them healthier and less prone to violence in the first place.
  • btw, if you didn't see the video at the bottom of the article, there was a trailer for a related documentary called "Dhamma Brothers." It's available on the internet if you look around.

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    btw, if you didn't see the video at the bottom of the article, there was a trailer for a related documentary called "Dhamma Brothers." It's available on the internet if you look around.

    I heard about this!
    I have to watch it!
    Thank you for the reminder!

  • btw, this is still a pretty "live" story. Today I just heard 10-minute long feature story on the radio about this prison program.

    So this story might be building momentum. Of course, I expect Fox News to bash it as anti-Christian, or at least as a waste of resources.

    If you guys hear about more this story in the popular media, please share!
  • edited February 2011

    Interesting theory.
    Isn't that kind of like Religion?
    If you don't believe in Heaven you are going to Hell?
    Or something like that?
    Good question. :thumbsup: I was just thinking if inmates were given a choice between learning and practicing Buddhism or living like animals serving their sentences with the insufferable heirarchy and exploitation of general population, we might have a better world.

    IOW, my faith In Buddhism truly transforming people is far greater than my faith in other religions' ability to do that.

    Why? Because B places the responsibility and self-discipline on the individual; there's no typically-religious God that will do most of the work for the practitioner as a favor and reward.

    I dunno. Just a thought. :)

  • edited February 2011

    Of course, I expect Fox News to bash it as anti-Christian,
    UGH! I chose to delete Fox "News" from my cable receiver. They are like pornography, IMO.

  • So prisons should institute Buddhist training and have a strict meat-free menu for inmates. These ideas I like. :)
  • Prisons should do everything possible for rehabilitation (i.e.: practice compassion) rather than exist mainly for punishment.
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