I've noticed that, lately, there's a lot of currency in ideas that 20 years ago, one would have their general sanity put in question for holding. I don't think you have to be necessarily chemically imbalanced to hold insane ideas though. You just have to live in an unstable and uncertain era for paranoid ideas to be more uncommon. I really think that's happening today with the whole notion of the, so called, Illuminati, which I've found to be described as a shadow government or even some sort of supernatural entity that has control over the current order of reality. The problem I have with the view is it tries to identify an external source of evil. I kind of believe in an iron prison as the Gnostics believed, but I think that, as a species, we imprison ourselves through our own nature, I don't believe there's devils that run around and make people do what they do or build the prison around them. I think everyone, from any socio-economic scale, has certain, inherent tendencies to be selfish and self interested and this behavior effects society and the world for the negative. If everyone, from rich to poor, saw reality outside of their own egos, we'd release ourselves from the prison we've found ourselves in as a species. I think we all have the key; we just have to find it within ourselves.
I've heard the agenda of the Illuminati as being globalized markets, outsourcing of jobs, corporate lobbyists, etc etc, but that sounds more like the work of multinational corporations and ultimately the greed and self interest of individuals within those corporations. I don't see any use in the term, because it just seems to be a catch all (Anything from shape shifting lizards from another dimmension to international bankers) and think its pointless because nobody is actually calling their selves by that name. The real names they go byare Exon-Mobile, BP, Halliburton, etc etc. The name implies some sort of enlightenment, but the only thing they're enlightened about is maximizing profits for their investors. Beyond that they're pretty unconscious people spiritually. I don't think that lack of conscience in them is really any more extensive than the average person though. I see it as just a general soul sickness of the human species that effects people on the bottom as well as the top of the ladder.
Another thing I notice Illuminati conspiracists do is they demonize anyone who has a differing opinion than them. If you don't agree with everything they say, they brand you as being one who's in on the conspiracy, especially if you're high profile, like a celebrity. If you believe in multiculturalism or environmental conservation, you're not just someone with a differing opinion. You're working on behalf of evil, whether consciously or through ignorance. I think a lot of it comes from popular culture over the past decade that deal with these kind of Gnostic themes, like the Matrix, where they depict the average, ignorant person who isn't in the know as an enemy working on behalf of the corrupt system. Their idea is that there's spiritual forces manning the helm of reality in an exploitative or incompetent way. In my view, nobody is really manning the helm, and I think its there for us to take as a species if a bunch of people wanted to stop being jerks to each other and taking life too seriously.
From what I've seen, more young people believe in the whole Illuminati, secret world government idea than older people. This is the case in America anyway; I don't know about the rest of the world. I think it could actually be potentially dangerous for so many, otherwise sane people, to hold such strong, paranoid notions. At the least, its counter-productive in actually solving the real issues at hand.
Like anything else... It could exist and it does, maybe our perception is different and our consciousness is not ready to know about it?
I'd agree with all of that, but I wouldn't downplay the implications. Sure, people like Mark Dice, Alex Jones and David Icke talk about Satanists or reptilians and what not. They make real concerns seem foolish, I think.
In my opinion, there are plenty of reasons to have legitimate concerns about secret societies.
now, the iluminati are purely fictional.
And I do agree with, "They make real concerns seem foolish!"
I'm not completely complacent nor think there isn't any manipulation whatsoever, I just take up a general issue with using the name "Illuminati" to describe all conspiratorial activity. I think conspiracy comes from different sources and different interests but suspiciously from the top 1% that own most the capital, land, resources, and influence. As Thomas Hobbes said, money is power, and there's really no need to use code words when we can actually identify the real sources of manipulation in the real world behind the media giants, corporate lobbyists, and crony politicians. They insist that the Illuminati is behind all that, but a careful examination of the dynamic of greed and self interest (basic human nature) will show there's no real need for explanation beyond what's already right in front of us.
As someone mentioned, the Illuminati was a historical organization that doesn't exist anymore. It was started by enlightenment thinkers that wanted to break away from the stranglehold that the church had over scientific inquirery, as well as government. I find it funny, or sad, that a lot of these conspiracy types, like Alex Jones, act like they're promoting the legacy of the founding fathers, when in reality the founders of America were educated men who wouldn't have wanted anything to do with their paranoid superstitions. Most of them were scientific rationalists who founded a modern republic based off the ideals of enlightenment and pre-enlightenment figures, some of which were involved in the real Illuminati. Many of the founding fathers were also Masons, another organization that Jones and Icke demonize that has its origins in enlightenment thought. The only reason there's so much of a prejudice against the historical Illuminati and the Masons is because churches of the time felt threatened by their cosmopolitan and multicultural views. They saw them as competition, so they branded them as Satan worshipers, a very common tactic that they'd used for hundreds of years for all sorts of things they felt challenged their power and influence, whether protestant or catholic.
I think it's one of those things where people join in a fight without realising they want different things. Some might be there because they want to overthrow the government and put in a right wing dictatorship as you've said. Others might because they want the current government to be more responsible with their spending.
So yeah, I think it's the Glenn Beck and Alex Jones type of people who make libertarianism seem ignorant in the US. Before fox latched onto it, all I saw were positive comments about libertarianism, now it's quite the opposite.
'course I am all the way down under, so I might not be in the position to judge what's going on in the US.
As for the Tea Party/Glen Beck types, there's a lot of them who identify with the label over their views on taxes, getting rid of public education, food taxes,social security, etc, but they're socially repressive when it comes to issues like gay marriage. They tend to be religious nuts too.