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Night VS Day?

ZaylZayl Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
Now, I know there are a million and one variations of the "I like 'X' a little, is this attachment?" threads here, but this one is a tad different.

You see, I am slightly photosensitive. It is not to the point where I cannot go outside without bursting into flame. However, prolonged exposure to sunlight will give me sunburn faster than most people, and bright lights in general make me uncomfortable, and I often get severe headaches after too long. While I do enjoy a nice sunny day and the feeling of the warm sun on my skin, I much prefer night.

I live far out in the country, so I am surrounded by mostly forest, and little else. During a summer night I almost always go outside. I enjoy the cool night breeze, the ambient sounds of the wildlife, and a canopy of stars overhead. I find it much easier, and indeed it even feels more natural, to meditate late at night. I have no problems with staying awake at night, since I generally sleep during the day anyway (I work the graveyard shifts)

However, I generally find myself distracted by the aforementioned pleasures I feel, and often times I will just lay in the grass and stargaze and let my mind wander. Now while I still manage to meditate for a few hours (on a good night) I just want to know if letting my mind wander like this is harmful at all? and if it is, should I move my meditation schedule to another time?


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    If you could not go outside at night and stargaze and such, would that cause you unhappiness and suffering?
  • It's all good. Just watch your mind. Don't judge and let it be.

    When you try to force your mind to shut up, it will come back with a vengeance lol.

    Just enjoy yourself! This life is a blessing.
  • If you could not go outside at night and stargaze and such, would that cause you unhappiness and suffering?
    Y'know? I say--who gives a flying fig? You're allowed to enjoy life a little, such a simple pleasure--enjoying an evening breeze while stargazing. Is Buddhism that Puritanical, that one can't enjoy such a simple thing? :p
  • The only time something is an attachment is if, in the end, it causes suffering to you or someone else. Do you see any suffering in stargazing at night, or does it ever cause suffering if you cannot stargaze when you want to? If not, then there is no attachment.
  • I'm glad to hear that, because I'd be a miserable shut-in if I had to give it up. But what I'm really asking is if it is appropriate to have my meditations during a time where I can become easily distracted? Any other time of the day I am too tired or busy. Sometimes I can sit quietly for hours meditating at night. Other times, I can't even sit through one minute before my mind begins to drift.
  • Use your drifting mind. There is no bad or good meditation. Don't make bad or good. Just watch everything. Let things be. The mind naturally drifts off. Watch it. Watch your body. Watch your feelings. Watch how you go into a thought and you miraculously wake up from that thought. Just watch. Meditation is just watching.
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