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Moralist Cock Blocking

edited February 2011 in General Banter
I deleted the original message, cause someone said it was inappropriate. Anyway, I hate it when people cock block you over phony moralism. That's what it was about. Some dude, who brags about everything sexual he does told me I was objectifying women when I told him I was gonna get laid. I didn't call her my ho or some possessive, disrespectful name or anything, just said that she bluntly told me, more or less, that she wanted to get it on with me and that I got her number. It just irritated me. I think he was just saying that because he's not getting any. That's really what I think its about, just based on how indignant the guy was to me. That fake moralism really gets on my nerves, and I found this instance3 particularly hypocritical. Anyone else have this experience?


  • HIGHLY inappropriate discussion. Keep your sexual antics to yourself. PLEASE
  • edited February 2011
    lol, sorry RW (someone), but that really got on my nerves. I toned down the language. I hope that helps. There was no disrespect intended toward you or anyone. For the record anyone else, I didn't actually explain anything overly-personal from the bedroom. I was just quoting the language used in real life. What I originally stated was pretty much what I re-edited above, just with more profanity.
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Don't recognize the particular feeling in such a situation, but I can assure you it will not last forever.
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    Hey MellowViper... you do realize we have minors amongst our members right... I'd hate to see what your original post looked like... This one is still way inappropriate...

    What I think its about is you and your ego. You feel some need to tell others that you are "active" and for some reason think we might care... You are probably airing it here cause no one else you know cares either.
  • I don't feel I was objectifying her, because it was mutual, and I hate being condemned for something I'm not doing. Yah, maybe I'm running into it too fast, but who knows. It might turn into a long term relationship. There's a likelihood it won't. Like I said, the dude isn't all that private about his own sex life, and he flipped out when I said I was getting laid. Its just really annoying, and I thought he was more of a friend than that.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm not bragging. I'm just irritated about my friendship. Go ahead and tell a mod to delete the post. I don't really care. Its not like I said anything that isn't on broadcast television nowadays. Anyway, that probably makes this a better place if they aren't trying to emulate that, but I seriously doubt anything I said would be a shocker to most teenagers. I digress. Its a community, and if people disapprove, take it down, and I promise to never write anything in this territory again. I'm fine with that. Yah, my ego is probably hurt by what I referred to. If you don't care, then you don't care. I'm cool with that. Also, like half the posts people write on the internet is over that kind of egoism you're talking about. People do want others to care about what they're posting normally. If people related, I wouldn't see any problem. Nobody is relating with it though, and I'm fine with it. I just want to tell you my feelings aren't shattered over it. Anyway, peace. If I knew who was a mod, I'd get a hold of them myself. My apologies.

  • Why not talk about it with your friend?
  • edited February 2011
    aight, I'll do that. This post isn't going too well, and probably a bunch of people who see this post will probably think I'm a jerk. I think it was about context though. This dude's shared stuff about himself before, and if he wasn't that kind of person, I wouldn't have said anything. However, when I brought it up, it was a shock to me how he reacted. I probably should have picked a diff title. I was just trying to be funny. Anyway, I hope this post disappears and I don't get banned. I really promise I won't post anything like this again.

    To be honest, I haven't told anyone about it. I haven't even said anything to anyone else. I'm probably using the anonymity of the internet too much to vent personal issues. I'm not the kind of person that runs around and runs my jaw ona nd on to people when they don't want to hear about it though. If someone says TMI, or gives me a look, I normally change the subject. Anyway, I'm sorry for posting this subject matter, and I won't do it ever again.
  • Don't kiss and tell
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    And don't tell and kiss either
  • MellowViper - i don't know why - but the progression of this post made me laugh! Especially reading your last post.

    Look - Firstly - don't compare apples with oranges, i.e. compare yourself with your friend.

    Secondly - not really a situation to discuss here (but i have a feeling you knew that)

    Thirdly - Good for you (for you know what)
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran

    Oh, get over it, guys. Any person who is on the internet knows about "this stuff." Unless MV goes into grotesque detail about actually doing it, the thread is fine.
  • MindGate - the original post was a lot worse.

    In fact when I first read the heading of this thread I thought he was intoxicated

    Anyway - each to his own.
  • edited February 2011
    Don't kiss and tell

    ;) That about sums it up?
  • edited February 2011
    I'm not bragging. I'm just irritated about my friendship. -peace
    DUDE! GET A NEW FRIEND! This one isn't working out for you. Why have you tolerated this bozo for so long, anyway?

  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with sex. It is what it is. It is a perfectly natural biological function. As long as you're not hurting anyone or yourself, go for it.

    And about your friend. Is the noise bothering you or are you bothering the noise.
    People think a lot of things. Let it go. Move on.

    We live in a scary world, where even normal things like sex are frowned upon.
    It is what it is. Sex is empty like everything else. Neither good nor bad. Up to you.

    Much love.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    i don't think this post is "tmi". perhaps it is an age thing, or perhaps i am just overly crass (haha, probably)... but this seems to me to be a completely natural conversation that i would have with my friends. now, whether or not it is appropriate for THIS forum, that might be up for discussion...

    did the explanation of how 'she said she wanted to have sex with you' come before or after you said, "dude, i'm gonna get laid!" because if the explanation came after, i would be tempted to say, to your friend it must have looked like an overly presumptuous statement after a girl simply gave you her number, and therefore, i would agree that it is degrading to women to assume that any girl who gives you her number wants to have sex with you.

    obviously, your statement wasn't based upon assumption, but rather a comment the girl actually made... i'm just trying to see the other side of the argument.

    or, it could be like you said... your friend was jealous and wanted to rain on your parade. that happens too. *shrugs* this is pretty common behavior by people who aren't very happy in their own situations, you should really try not to let it bother you so much. just realize it for what it is and move on.
  • Yup, there seems to be a clear divide of age groups here. I don't see what the big deal is, either way. Friends say things like that, it's important to be able to take a bit of a stab in the ego sometimes.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2011
    taiyaki, empty does not mean neither good nor bad. Thats why its emptiness is in union with clarity. Good or bad are not absolutes however but are determined by the clear open and sensitive awareness from the context.

    Trungpa Rinpoche called viewing murder as just emptiness to be 'shunyata poisoning'
  • edited February 2011
    i don't think this post is "tmi". perhaps it is an age thing, or perhaps i am just overly crass (haha, probably)... but this seems to me to be a completely natural conversation that i would have with my friends. now, whether or not it is appropriate for THIS forum, that might be up for discussion...

    did the explanation of how 'she said she wanted to have sex with you' come before or after you said, "dude, i'm gonna get laid!" because if the explanation came after, i would be tempted to say, to your friend it must have looked like an overly presumptuous statement after a girl simply gave you her number, and therefore, i would agree that it is degrading to women to assume that any girl who gives you her number wants to have sex with you.

    obviously, your statement wasn't based upon assumption, but rather a comment the girl actually made... i'm just trying to see the other side of the argument.

    or, it could be like you said... your friend was jealous and wanted to rain on your parade. that happens too. *shrugs* this is pretty common behavior by people who aren't very happy in their own situations, you should really try not to let it bother you so much. just realize it for what it is and move on.
    It was before. She told me how she thought my hair was sexy and all and how she wanted to lick me (no drunkenness involved or anything either). I think that's fairly straight forward. This dude is kind of being a douche, and I guess I'm over it now. We all are DB's at least some of the time though, am I right? I just hate being called a salacious womanizer or whatever when I'm not. The dude's been going through kind of a churchy phase anyway, but if he keeps it up much longer, I'm out. I don't have much patience with this sort of thing. I said I wasn't bragging, when, with this dude, I was. I'll admit it. My assumption is that when you brag about anything to anyone else who likes to brag that there's a mutual understanding. I was obviously mistaken. Also, I think the whole Buddhism thing is about controlling the ego, not completely ignoring it. If It was all about that, I'd just move to some compound in Uganada and do everything the great leader tells me.

    Wow, I'm surprised this thread is still going based off the first responses. I was certain it was gonna be closed.
  • Emptiness for me means something that lacks an essence. If something lacks an essence, they lack inherent qualities. Thus something can be seen as both good or bad or neither good or bad. Everything in our reality lacks an essence. That means everything in this reality lacks an inherent quality.

    So ultimately things are empty. But relatively we project what we want onto things. We call things bad or good but they lack all those qualities.

    This is just my opinion.

    Never take anyone's words for fact. They are just words.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2011
    emptiness in a Tibetan buddhist context is emptiness-appearance.

    form is emptiness and emptiness is form...

    The buddha nature is emptiness and it is also clarity openness and sensitivity. From the lack of inherent characteristics all the myriad of insubstantial (appearance) characteristics are given birth.

    Kind of like in the Tao Tai Ching the 10000 things all come from the Tao. You dig?

    'Shunyata poisoning' is a wrong view of emptiness that leads to suffering
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2011
    What does "TMI" mean?

    In light of some other discussions on this site recently, about how easy it is for women to get sex (I know no women who believe this), may I ask you, Mellow, was this an average-looking woman, or above-average? If she'd been plain and ordinary-looking,or overweight, would you've been so excited? Would you've called her at all? Just wondering how the male mind works, if you don't mind me picking your brain.

    BTW, it looks like the mods dealt with the perceived inappropriateness of your thread by "sinking" it. It doesn't pop up to the top when there's a new contribution. but they're allowing it to stay active.
  • TMI means too much information.
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