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taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
Our greatest teachers are the people we cannot stand.

Prime example: My mother.

She is a devote fundamentalist Christian. She goes on and on and on and on and on about God.
She raised my brother and I as a Christian and now I am a recovering Christian.

I found Buddhism through books and now I go to a Korean Zen Center.

I've learned that after a good meditation session, I lose my clear mind right when I talk to my mother.
She keeps telling me to go to church. Praise God. Etc.

I've learned to just listen to her and watch my anger arise and go. She and AOL 56k modems have taught me patience.

Truly we learn so much from the people we cannot stand.

Btw nothing against the Christians, I used to hate Christianity but now I'm cool with them.

Food for thought.

What allows you to practice patience or biting your tongue?


  • Great post. Written with beautiful freedom.

  • ravkesravkes Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Playing poker, sometimes you don't get good hands forever along with the bad beats.
    Going to college, I used to 'dislike' it, almost failed out.
    My girlfriend talks a lot too, that's annoying sometimes.
    I work with a friend of mine who has an extremely abrasive personality.
    Working in general, I was a fairly lazy person.

    All these different things have taught me that my likes and dislikes really don't matter. I simply go with the flow now, seeing the situations clearly as they arise and taking the appropriate actions. Mindfulness has helped tremendously, it helps center me and it directs my decisions.
  • Girl friends/wives. LOTS of learning there.

    That's beautiful ravkes. Experience teaches a lot of crazy stuff.

    Thanks Dhamma dhatu. We can learn a lot from each other. I've been reading the Dhammapada because of you.
  • 14.4k modems (if I remember correctly)... now those encouraged patience.
  • Imagine no internet. Snail mail. Riding on carts to get to places. Lol.
  • I used to have a knack for being patience, now the world flies by so fast I hardly ever get to practice it.
  • there is human doing and human being. human (our bodies, minds, ego) and being (meditating, relaxing, chilling out, being mindful in the present moment). Be both a human and a being.

    Gotta rest yo.
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