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Worrying for others.

edited February 2011 in Buddhism Basics

I have recently encountered the notion that there are many people of all ages using drugs!
I find this very worrying, and no longer angering, because I have seen the effects and the way people can use these things and what happens to them. Whenever the topic comes up, I get anxious to try to turn them away from it, and try to get them to see that it does not help them. I suppose I mainly worry that they will become dependent on it when they feel unhappy or unpleasant, or just become addicted.

Is there anything you believe I could do?


  • I was just involved in a facebook conversation along these lines. I try to just offer kind ways for someone to look at their mind. With curiosity and kindness to themselves, regarding their past pain and mistakes. A real alternative. Drugs are just another aspect of conditioned mind
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Drop your anxiety. be compassionate, tell it like it is, but know that you cannot save the world.

    There's a story of a guy walking along a beach, and throwing back the starfish that had drifted onto the beach in their annual migration to spawn and breed. Some in the shallows inevitably got caught out by the receding tide....
    A friend walking with him told him it was futile, he couldn't possibly save all of them, what difference did it make...?

    "well" replied his friend, hurling another starfish out into deeper waters. "it made a difference to that one!"

    By all means do your best, but let go of the need to save everyone.
    It can't be done.
    Just do your best, and relax.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited February 2011
    I have used many many substances from the age of 14 up until the present, age 22. I believe that they do destroy lives, they destroy relationships and they are a mask, a cover up to a problem one has. This problem is sometimes not even known by the user, and they think they are just having fun.

    I am more angry at the doctors who just throw pills at people with depression or anxiety as it is cheaper and quicker than therapy or counseling.
    However, I then let go of this anger as I realize I am powerless to change matters. The world is the way it is and I cannot change the world. If I cling to this notion and try to change the world, I will just cause myself suffering and probably anger drug users. Drug users will ONLY QUIT IF THEY REALLY WANT TO QUIT. People who are not addicted are okay to approach in my opinion and one should not lecture, but merely engage in a conversation which is tactful and informal.

    But please, don't go around trying to change the world, you will just become disappointed and suffer.
  • Only doctor possibly could help by prescription of medicine free from the effect of drug such as sweet etc :p , on case by case basis. Mind is not conditioned by drug but by attention and loving-kindness of the doctors skilfully applying psychology for this type of patients. Amitabha
  • Thanks, that's all really helpful. :)
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