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What Jobs?

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
What kind of jobs would be good for a person wanting to dedicate their lives to spirituality and philosophy related things? I mean, like, for example:

1) Becoming a college professor and teaching philosophy.
2) Opening a zendo and writing books and doing other things on the side.
3) Becoming a feng shui consultant.

Any other suggestions for some jobs? I'm thinking about either doing 1 or 2. Though, with 2, I need to have another job other than having a zendo and writing books. And with 1, I'm not so sure I want to go to college for another 8 years. :(


  • In whatever you do, do what is most obvious in that situation. If you need money, go work. If someone comes and is hungry, feed them. If a loved one needs comfort, comfort them.

    Tolstoy's Three questions:
    What is the best time to do each thing? Right now.
    Who are the most important people to work with? The people in front of you.
    What is the most important thing to do at all times? Care.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Yes, yes, but I don't want to have some normal job. :(
  • I have had MANY "normal jobs." They have helped make me who I am today. I can say that I have been a Mcdonalds employee, work in a financial dept at a college, worked as a server at 5 restaurants in 3 states, worked at a bread shop and a gas station, been a snow mobile driver, a bar manager, a cook, folded jeans and pushed carts for a green house trucking garage, legal documents scanner, assistant to the director of technology at a public school, and a debt collector. Now I'm trying to get back to school to become a psychologist...whatever that means :p
  • Dang Talisman! Ha, awesome advice from Taiyaki too. If you didn't have your basic needs provided for you you wouldn't have these questions lol.. so many people would love to be a Mcdonalds Employee.. 3 bil live in poverty..

    You should however quit thinking about this crap and just focus on school, you are 15 dude.. get off the Buddhist forum and play some Halo lol
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited February 2011
    I find this much more fun. Plus I need this for a class in school (list of potential jobs).
  • I am looking into becoming a yoga teacher, ayurvedic yoga can express an entire lifestyle change for people. Just an avenue to explore....
  • I majored in Comparative Religions at uni with an eye toward becoming a professor. However, there were no jobs for professors in the field in the mid-70's, so after working at a school for handicapped children and then a large uni emergency department I decided to become a nurse. I am now what is known (loosely) in Tibetan as Gengo-Stare, which, loosely translated, means "old battle-axe". It keeps me very grounded and in touch with where people are really at. I worked with developmentally disabled people for 16 years and with elders for two years, as well as general nursing. It's definitely been a spiritual experience.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
  • Nursing....
  • MG, you don't necessarily need a PhD to teach. There are institutions that'll hire an MA, like California Institute for Integral Studies. And with an MA you can teach in community colleges. With a BA, you could work as administrative staff for the spiritual organization or publication of your choice, and organize retreats, guest speaker events, and so forth.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Hmmm... this might sound stupid, but what are some "spiritual organizations" that are in the east coast?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I have had MANY "normal jobs." They have helped make me who I am today. I can say that I have been a Mcdonalds employee, work in a financial dept at a college, worked as a server at 5 restaurants in 3 states, worked at a bread shop and a gas station, been a snow mobile driver, a bar manager, a cook, folded jeans and pushed carts for a green house trucking garage, legal documents scanner, assistant to the director of technology at a public school, and a debt collector. Now I'm trying to get back to school to become a psychologist...whatever that means :p

    That is awesome!
    I am doing my BS in Psychology...
    As you said, whatever that means:)

  • I am doing my BS in Psychology...
    I laughed forever.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran

    I am doing my BS in Psychology...
    I laughed forever.

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