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A perfect situation to apply the dhamma

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited February 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Today my partner lost her job due to our relationship, which also means she has lost her place of living. As some of you may know, I live in a guest house and have been in a relationship with someone who looks after a woman which is in a coma. The boss of the guest house has finally come to know of our relationship, even though it has not affected her work. She would mostly be with the lady in her room during the day, occasionally seeing me, at night she would sleep in my room but every 2-3 hours would go down and check on the woman and do her job, then wake at 6am and start work. Despite this, the boss has said she has to go at the end of the month. She has 2 children who live far away who she supports financially as the father is nowhere to be seen.

So, it looks like we are both moving to bangkok. I feel rather apprehensive, rather guilty and generally down at the situation. At the same time I am looking on the positive side of things, this could be a chance for change and our relationship will not have this ever watching eye upon us. The problems that have surfaced in the last 3-4 weeks will be behind us. I have applied the matter of impermanence and change, that many things are beyond our control in life and this has helped. I am trying not to worry of the future, but it is quite hard considering the circumstances. I am mostly worried of my partner and finding work, the pay she had at this job here was good for a thai person, so I don't know. I have had the worse run of luck over the past 2 months, a lot of negative kamma has ripened, but hey, I can still smile :)


  • edited February 2011
    It seems to me, reading your posts, that having that place in your past and not your present could be a good thing for you and your relationship.
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