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What are some good Herbs to take for General Health?

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
What are some good Herbs to take for general health?


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Thyme and peppermint.. Don't know much about health but they are beneficial to the throat and heart chakra..

    Nettles tea is beneficial to the sacral chakra. Center for the unconscious mind.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Thyme and peppermint.. Don't know much about health but they are beneficial to the throat and heart chakra..

    Nettles tea is beneficial to the sacral chakra. Center for the unconscious mind.
    Thank you!
    What about green/black/white tea?
  • I don't know about those teas I think green tea is good for body. I myself drink the teas I mentioned :) I also drink anise, valerian, chamomile, st. john's wort teas. Those all have activity on the chakras.
  • A well balanced diet, rich in dark green leafy vegetables, vegetables of as many colors as possible, and moderate amounts of proteins and fats is the best thing you can do for your body. Taking extra supplements shouldn't be necessary if you follow the above. People did it successfully for hundreds of thousands of years before there was a 'food industry' and they started eating junk. Only then did the 'supplement industry' have a raison d'etre and come into existence.
  • But soil in the US in which veggies are grown became so depleted already by the first quarter of the 20th Century, that food lost some of its nutritional value. So supplements are considered necessary now, by some experts. At any rate, herbs are green leafies.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2011
    For those with concerns about cholesterol, guggul (an ayurvedic herb) is good. Even better is a Tibetan compound called Padma 28, not available in the US, but available in the German-speaking countries. (Contrary to popular belief, excess cholesterol isn't always caused by diet.)
  • edited February 2011
    ^^^ Dakini! ^^^ You're an amazing source of knowledge! :bowdown: :thumbsup:

    You always give me great places to start Google adventures. :aol:
  • Ginger increases lifespan.
  • :vimp: Baby drinks milk grow very fast and healthy. Cow eats simple vege grows very strong. Venerable master practices meditation developed its mind :p
  • But soil in the US in which veggies are grown became so depleted already by the first quarter of the 20th Century, that food lost some of its nutritional value. So supplements are considered necessary now, by some experts. At any rate, herbs are green leafies.
    Not in my garden. It's got more organic matter & manure than you can shake a stick at ;)
  • edited February 2011
    Because you tend it well, I gather. I was speaking of commercial farming. Corporate farming hasn't helped.

    Not in my garden. It's got more organic matter & manure than you can shake a stick at ;)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2011
    You always give me great places to start Google adventures.
    Well, you saw the film on Tibetan herbs that featured Padma 28, didn't you Rog? The FDA won't allow Padma 28 into the US in commercial quantities, but maybe you could find someplace in Germany of Switzerland that would mail it to you. Guggul is available at any healthfood store, and Whole Foods.

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