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I'm new

edited February 2011 in General Banter
Hi all
I am here to learn more about Buddhism with a hope to have a better understanding of life and maybe get to know myself a bit more. At the moment I know very little. But I'd like to change this by interacting.
My name is Luke.


  • Reading is also good, Luke, to get the basics. I'm sure our members could suggest some good introductory books.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Welcome Luke!
    I believe under the categorie Buddhism for beginners there are many "pinned" threads that suggest reading materials, introducing yourself, resouces and talks.
    All the best to you on your path,
  • Welcome Luke,

    My best advice is, don't get overwhelmed with Buddhism. It's easy to do because of all the manmade stuff that's been piled on top of the basic truths of the Dharma over these thousands of years. The foundation is what you need to start with in any dwelling, and the foundations of Buddhism are the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. Work from those and you can't go wrong. Buddhism for Dummies is also a good book :)

  • Hi Luke,
    I new too; both to this group and Buddhism. I'd suggest looking into the wide variety of dharma talks from Pods casts as a means of learning more. They've been great entertainment and the good ones are transformational, IMHO.

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