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Erratic mind remedy - needed urgently!

edited February 2011 in Meditation
I hope your all well and safe wherever you are, I again need your help.

Im generally a person who tends to be able to do five things at the same time and get them all done - its this one personality trait that has lead to so much hassle for me at work (because i naturally end up overworking and doing that little bit more) and home. Im currently between jobs so i'm having a blissful time studying buddhism and meditating and detoxing from my last job and more i think about where my life keeps going off a track is because of this one damn flaw!!

This sort of five things at the same time is transferring into my meditation. As well its like my mind does not clear because i start drifting off on a huge topic and then its like my mind is running like 100 mph like it used to in my burnt out days - what do you do to clear your mind? Im adding in some yoga breathing techinques which usually help me switch off but all seems to be failing now!

do any of you do a pre-mediation routine that helps you to clear your mind?


  • Just concentrate on your breath and nothing else. When you see a thought arising, really see it, and let it go. Don't follow it!
  • "Thinking, thinking"... and go back to the breath.
  • edited February 2011
    im getting really annoyed as I really thought I had this perfected - I got over some of the weird childhood memories coming back phase and then the weird bad memories thing. Now its like a concentration thing and im forever distracted.

    Example: I was reading up on tibetan buddhism and when off on this weird trail ending up on a pure land prayer website so i just stopped then. During meditation im totally unable to switch off from what i had read about Tara and then this pure land prayer website and im drifting off in thought.

    maybe i need dark quite room and nothing else.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    This may work for an erratic mind:

    Forget the breath. Focus on your senses (sound, bodily sensations, smell, taste, and sight if you want). If you notice you're not paying attention to any of them, pay attention! You'll be hopping around until you can multitask this too, and when you do get a handle on it you'll be really paying attention to your mind at work. If you can't focus on all of them at the same time, that's okay too! The real work will be the re-focusing on each one as you realize that you've lost it (just like meditation with the breath).

    That's just something to try. :)
  • im getting really annoyed as I really thought I had this perfected - I got over some of the weird childhood memories coming back phase and then the weird bad memories thing. Now its like a concentration thing and im forever distracted.

    Example: I was reading up on tibetan buddhism and when off on this weird trail ending up on a pure land prayer website so i just stopped then. During meditation im totally unable to switch off from what i had read about Tara and then this pure land prayer website and im drifting off in thought.

    maybe i need dark quite room and nothing else.
    Maybe be gentle with yourself? It sounds like you've been "busy". I think I've mentioned that I have had Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder for about 35 years, and I had an opportunity to speak with the 98th Ganden Tri Rinpoche about it- he told me not to meditate too much. So I just do refuge and some mantra at bedtime and that's pretty much it (except for doing refuge and some mantra before a nap lol).
  • edited February 2011
    lightlotus: are you practicing correct breathing technique? If your mind is running a mile a minute during meditation, I wonder. The yogic breathing is supposed to calm the nervous system and the mind. As soon as you notice your thoughts have wandered off, just bring them back to the breath. That's all. No hand-wringing over going off-track, just calmly bring the mind back to the breath. Don't expect speedy results. Patience is key. It takes some people months or years to work up to 20 minutes of focussed meditation. It's challenging for most people. Our culture, education, everything is set up to keep our minds busy. It takes time to de-program from that and retrain the mind. Relax. Don't judge yourself. Enjoy. :)
  • When I first started meditation it was a massive speedy reaction and its was like woah i felt like i physically stopped that erratic habit to do everything at a 100mph and I just felt instantly chilled out and more relaxed and I can think so much more clearer - as my implusive tendency went. Like a switch turned off. CW, Im doing alternate nasal breathing and added a few more.

    Now its like the habits which were so quickly erased are coming back. Cloud I will try that as i think that maybe the best thing to try before i adapt anything.

    SherabDorje, Im thinking to condense my practice i think your right as im walking up early in the morning and thinking about something instantly like the calmthat used to be in my mind first thing has gone. Im thinking to keep the refuge where it is and the mantra and maybe slow it down with the meditation. If that works for you im going to give it a try!
  • "Alternate nasal breathing"? I've heard of that, but not for ordinary meditation. Who taught you that?

    Maybe what happened is the calm state you originally achieved became so familiar, so routine, that your mind decided to liven things up. For variety, try a meditation where, after doing your initial breathing technique, you do a visualization. You can visualize an image of the Buddha, and focus on visualizing every detail, or you can visualize a calm place where you like to go that's calming (somewhere in nature; the beach works for me). Visualize everything about this place, and bring all your senses into play: smell, touch (feel the sun or the breeze on your skin), sound, everything. And just dwell in it for as long as you can. Sometimes it's necessary to out-maneuver the mind by changing the object of one's focus. ;)
  • Show me your mind and I will clear it for you.

    No seriously if you try to be anywhere than where you are it will just cause further agitation, or alternatively dullness which is also unpleasant. You have some idea that you are having the wrong experience. Just notice this idea and get curious about it. Is it accurate perception?
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited March 2011
    If you don't think that you're not supposed to be distracted, then being distracted is not a problem. Is it? It seems to me that you think that meditation is always supposed to be a certain way. I have a friend who has been practicing for 40 years, every day. She still get distractions, but they are not a problem because she does not try to force her mind to always be certain way. Resistance to distractions is what gives them the energy to persist.

  • Try doing some loving kindness, do some contemplation to set your intention and give you inspiration.

    Then do some walking meditation for like 10 minutes.

    Then, when you sit, keep your mind active by doing things like: Counting the breath, then paying attention to the length of the in breath and length of the out breath, then mentally connect the in breath with the out breath so that you can study the whole breath and detect its changing qualities.

    If you can do all that, you should be in a good concentrated state.

    Once you are there, you want to maintain it. I recommend mental noting of phenomena as it arises. "thinking" or "worrying" or "feeling".

    If you've found that your mind has wandered off for a long period, make a note of how long it has been gone for and how powerful that experience was. Also, pay attention how strong the urge was to wander.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    You have good days and bad day, good weeks and bad weeks, good months and bad months. Meditation, same thing. Don't worry about it, just keep doing it.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Hi Lightlotus,

    I don't want to say too much because if you read lots of different advice from lots of different people then that might just contribute to more erratic-mindedness.

    I will say this though: Have you ever tried walking meditation?


  • Hi Lightlotus,

    I don't want to say too much because if you read lots of different advice from lots of different people then that might just contribute to more erratic-mindedness.

    I will say this though: Have you ever tried walking meditation?


    I second that, or even try jogging. Not everyone can't sit down right away and be able to clear their mind right away.

    Sometimes I can just sit still and meditate, but that usually is in the morning when I am already calm.

    Sometimes I need some exercise to calm me down.

    I used to do a lot of self-reflection while walking. Not exactly meditating, but it helped a lot.

  • Just wanted to thank you all for your help. I've added in some serious discipline to my life. Im now doing one task at a time and not being erratic all the time and if i get into that crazy multi tasking habit (i tend to be able to do 6 things at the same time!) i stop and im setting up an environment to start meditation and its not just me walking to my spot and doing a few yoga breathing techniques im adding music in and its much better - previously it was me stopping doing what i was a then just sitting on my Zafu.

    I did take a time out and for a week or so and I noticed this huge calm return when I restarted meditation again, I guess im not going to over analyze what im supposed to get out of meditation all the time - But i did notice myself start to feel stressed out when i stopped meditation, which was interestingly odd!

    take care everyone!
  • Stay with the breath. Love it. Feel it, do not control it nor judge it. Simply let it be. As you stay with the breath it will ground you here in this eternal moment of now. Know thoughts will arise and thoughts will fade. Do not judge them do not try to control them. Do not try to stop them. Simply let them be. As you stay with the breath your thoughts will fade then disapeare and there will only be peace right here right now
  • Hi lightlotus,

    It sounds to me that you expect instant results, and when you don't get them your feeling as if something is wrong, asking yourself "why can't I still my mind", "why can't I concentrate". Well all I can say is that by doing this you are in fact giving energy to the thoughts that appear in your mind instead of just acknowledging that they are there and accepting them without judging if you want them there or not. I know from personal experience that it is better to just accept the thoughts, and indeed turn them into your meditation, be aware how they form, how they relate to each other and how they dissolve. Ask yourself "Is the stress that I am experiencing by not being able to calm the mind due to me clinging onto the notion that my mind should be calm ?"

    Metta to all sentient beings
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