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Dharma in daily life

edited March 2011 in Buddhism Basics
I've only recently come to the Dharma, having started in the last few months. However I had a bit of an epiphany Saturday while doing the laundry. As I sorted the darks from the whites I began to check the pockets of my pants but then it occurred to me that this was unnecessary. Since taking up the practice, I had became quite focused on mindfulness which almost unintentionally translated to less chaos in my life. This included a more fastidious approach to handling my clothes, carefully putting them in their place at the beginning and end of each day. So I knew that as I sorted the laundry that all my pockets were clean! Yay, Buddhism! It helps with the laundry! Since then I've been contemplating how this religion has influenced my day to day experience. Here's a brief list of how Buddhism has changed just the little things in my life:

1) I have stopped giving fellow drivers the one finger wave
2) I don't loose things like I used to since I'm mindful of their place
3) My dishes are cleaner and I'm losing some of that selfish resentment from having to wash them EVERY day

So here's my question to the denizens: How has your practice manifested in the small ways in your daily life?


  • Wow! that's very inspiring indeed :vimp:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Why do people do the "one-finger wave"? what is that about? My observation is that most of the time that it's done is totally unwarranted; I think it assumes that people make moves on the road intentionally, out of malice, when in fact, it's usually due to error. so people react with rude gestures thinking someone deliberately did them wrong, but most of the time that's not the case, it's a misperception (all in the mind0. Cut people some slack, for heaven's sake. you'll be all the more relaxed and happy for it.
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