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rūpa-rāga and arūpa-rāga clarification

VincenziVincenzi Veteran
edited March 2011 in Philosophy
wiki has a nice summary:
rūpa-rāga: craving for fine-material existence (the first 4 jhanas)
arūpa-rāga: craving for immaterial existence (the last 4 jhanas)

rupa means form and arupa formless; so they should be "craving for form" and "craving for formless".
are this 2 fetters craving for having a rebirth in either rupa-dhatu or arupa-dhatu?
or is it craving for the 4 rupa jhanas and 4 arupa jhanas?



  • I think both probably...

    By the way I had a meditation where I really felt like let go and I had pleasure in my whole body especially in my head. It wasn't just regular piece of calm it was like my body was buzzing with pleasure. Does this sound like a jhana? I was trying to remain clear and aware rather than just sort of bask in the pleasure by letting go even more.
  • yes, it sounds like sukha.
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