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edited March 2011 in General Banter
What is the definition of hypnosis? Something i could search for, but i would rather opinions.


  • There is a medical definition that may be different from the psychological definition. In medicine, a state of hypnosis is a sleep-like state induced by medications.
  • OK, Awakened? Definitions aren't something that are decided by opinion. Hypnosis according to most dictionaries is a "means of inducing a trance-like mental state resembling sleep, resulting in heightened suggestibility". That isn't subject to opinion.

    But do you mean what's our opinion on how accurate the public perception is of the power of hypnosis, and what actually takes place? Plenty of opinions on that.
  • edited March 2011
    @cinorjer, yes, that is what i meant lol. Sometimes its difficult to articulate whats on the mind. In a way, i remember this when i was younger and was forced to attend church at the time. The sermons felt to me that they held a parallel with what i believed hypnosis to be. It was kind of like suggestibility. Also, is not an opinion a form of definition? You are defining your thoughts and conveying them to another.
  • edited March 2011

    Human brain has a few levels of consciousness. Need proof? Notice what happens when you're drifting off to sleep: things change! LOL.

    OK? So hypnosis is a technique, which works on some people, allowing access to different levels of consciousness NOT like our usual daily normal WAKING consciousness.

    Sounds good to me.

  • edited March 2011

    "Hypnosis Technique and its Danger

    Osho - The process, the technique, is very simple. The hypnotist hangs a crystal from a chain just over your eyes, and tells you, ”Don’t close your eyes until you cannot keep them open. Fight to the last, keep your eyes open! ”And the crystal shines in your eyes etc etc etc..... "

    That's absolute nonsense! I'm a qualified hypnotherapist and I've never heard of anyone using the technique that he's talking about.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited March 2011
    I think hypnosis is accessing the bodhi mind (the awakened mind), within the larger mind. The person doing the hypnosis supplants the ego, the self, as the controller. The reason a person that's hypnotized won't do something too extreme under hypnosis is because their awakened mind knows better, but the reason they'll squawk like a chicken though they wouldn't while not-hypnotized is because the self/ego is pushed away (no embarrassment). Makes sense eh?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Hypnosis is a state of relaxation with heightened suggestibility. A lot like meditation, which some categorize as a form of self-hypnosis. One relaxes via breathing techniques, then employs visualizations to generate compassion, healing, etc., depending on the object of the visualization, or the subject of the meditation (extending loving-kindness to one's enemies, for ex.)
  • edited March 2011
    its definitely a very intriguing subject to me. I am more or less interested in what hypnosis achieves rather then its mechanisms of action on the other hand. Thank you guys for your thoughts on the matter.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I have submitted to hypnosis, and found it interesting.
    I do know that a person my not be influenced to do anything that in a normal state of consciousness, they would absolutely never ever do....

    Suggestion goes only so far, but for example, a Buddhist Monk could not be persuaded to murder a child. If it's unthinkable in a fully awakened state, it's unthinkable in a hypnotised one.

  • "Hypnosis Technique and its Danger

    Osho - The process, the technique, is very simple. The hypnotist hangs a crystal from a chain just over your eyes, and tells you, ”Don’t close your eyes until you cannot keep them open. Fight to the last, keep your eyes open! ”And the crystal shines in your eyes etc etc etc..... "

    That's absolute nonsense! I'm a qualified hypnotherapist and I've never heard of anyone using the technique that he's talking about.
    Ah, maybe this is where he got his ideas:

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