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Do You Like Pictures? Visually Inspired? Start Here.

edited March 2011 in General Banter
I like pictures. The link below starts with Tibetan anatomical paintings.

That's the mere tip of the graphic iceberg!

Be sure to check out the archives for some equally obscure and compelling stuff!

IMO? Verrrry cool; hours and hours of "WOW." image


  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Had some trepidation going to that site to see "anatomy" pictures, but some of it's pretty cool/funny. Thanks. :)
  • edited March 2011
    Great. Glad you checked it out. This one (the GROSSEST one BTW, AND there's lots of other stuff not related to body anatomy) makes me glad I we weren't born in the 15th C. LOL!

  • Not something to send in a mass e-mail to all my non-buddhist friends and family! In other words cool ;) !
  • TIbtean stuff: (Again lots more DIVERSE not bodily stuff).

  • And now for something else!

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