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seeking refuge - standard amounts to seek refuge in day.

edited March 2011 in Buddhism Basics
i found a shop in london which has a few buddhism books and a lot of stuff like meditation starter classes and i was flicking through a book while I over heard the meditation teacher say to another person that they should seek refuge 6 times in a day and thought well i never checked out if there is supposed to be a set amount of times that you do this. I've just customised my own way of doing this (3 times in the morning pre meditation and 3 tiimes at night too pre meditation too)

Should I be following a set form of doing this? I've only adapted this as a method to maintain my concentration during meditation its just help to keep me focused and to help me switch off, so to speak.


  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited March 2011
    I have never heard of a set number of times to go for refuge. I myself go each time I meditate, and thats three times a day.

    Metta to all sentient beings
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    I don't do it at all, in words or thoughts. I just live my life by the Buddha's teachings because that's how life really is... it's no longer a question. Hasn't been for a long time. Taking refuge is having confidence in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; having some faith that all of your answers will be found in the Triple Gem, and committing yourself to seeking your answers through them. If you aren't sure yet that the Triple Gem is a true guide to seeing the truth, then take refuge in words to remind yourself as often as you feel that you need to. This is a personal thing.
  • edited March 2011
    zidangus, I thought so too - to be honest i was flicking through a book and didnt get the full conversation (really wasnt planning to listen in on the conversation) it just made think - 6 times! thanks
  • I don't do it at all, in words or thoughts. I just live my life by the Buddha's teachings because that's how life really is... it's no longer a question. Hasn't been for a long time. Taking refuge is having confidence in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; having some faith that all of your answers will be found in the Triple Gem, and committing yourself to seeking your answers through them. If you aren't sure yet that the Triple Gem is a true guide to seeing the truth, then take refuge in words to remind yourself as often as you feel that you need to. This is a personal thing.

    I probably wont been too keen on getting a buddhism teacher just yet - I was just a bit surprised how she describe a sort of ritual too then ended with the words do that six times a day! at which point i thought 'what!'
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Someone probably has just turned it into a ritual, as if saying it a certain way or number of times a day will lead to enlightenment. Just do what feels right for you. :)
  • edited March 2011
    yeah i will - just made me think that my grand plan of finding a teacher is well off my list. Im not too sure I want to join a local sangha just yet i've been debating about that for a while now.

    I just have a lot more to learn..
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    Im not too sure I want to join a local sangha just yet i've been debating about that for a while now.
    It's fine to just visit a local sangha and see what goes on. You don't have to make any commitments at an early stage.

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