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Korean Zen

taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
edited March 2011 in Faith & Religion
The essence of all Zen traditions are the same, but they have different styles or presentation/techniques.
Rinzai Zen emphasizes "perceive kong-an (koan)," which refers to illumination through looking into words.
Soto Zen emphasizes "perceive silence," in which one just sits and "hits" the world of opposites.

Chogye Zen (the korean tradition) emphasizes "What is this?" which is perceiving not-knowing.
If you perceive don't know, just this, itself, is enlightenment.

The mind before conceptualization has infinite potential and is one. As soon as one conceptualizes, one creates your opinion, my opinion. his/her opinion, American opinion, Korean opinion, etc. But Korean Zen asserts that prior to this conceptualization the universe and you are one.

"Socrates used to walk through the streets and markets of Athens, telling people as he passed, "You must understand your true self, you must understand your true self." One of his students asked him, "Teacher, do you understand your true self?" "I don't know," he replied, "but I understand this don't know." [Zen masters'] and Socrates' actions, are they the same of different? If you attain that, then you attain your true self. If you don't understand, go to the kitchen and drink cold water.
The sky never says, "I am the sky." The tree never says, "I am tree." The dog only barks, "Woof, woof." If you open your mouth, you get thirty blows; if you close your mouth, then you also get thirty blows. What can you do? Put it all down. If you are thirsty, go drink some cold water."
-Seung Sahn


  • Then what is the one pure and clear thing?
  • Can't talk about it. Find it for yourself.
  • Thank you, my friend.

  • Keep a shoe always on hand.
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Seung Sahn’s book “The Whole World Is A Single Flower” is one of my favorites.
    It is a collection of koans though!
  • Yes, those koans drive me crazy. Dropping Ashes on the Buddha is my favorite. I love reading his letters from the teachings section of the Kwan Um website. I see they finally updated it. I was never able to meet him.
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