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Eating miso against radiation

zenffzenff Veteran
edited March 2011 in Buddhism Today
Okay, now that it looks like the Fukushima nuclear power plants are going to explode,
it could be a good idea to start eating Miso!

It is tasty and it supposedly protects against radiation.

“Some, especially proponents of healthful eating, suggest that miso can help treat radiation sickness, citing cases in Japan and Russia where people have been fed miso after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Notably, Japanese doctor Shinichiro Akizuki, director of Saint Francis Hospital in Nagasaki during World War II, theorized that miso helps protect against radiation sickness.[7]”


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited March 2011
    No, it protects against radiation sickness. Not radiation.

    And it's only a suggested theory. Not fact.
  • The only things that protect against radiation are shielding and physical distance.
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited March 2011
    I agree that it’s a relatively soft theory.

    “Ito reasoned that if people were protected from radiation by miso, then rats that were fed miso and radiated should develop less cancer than radiated rats that were not fed miso. Professor Ito was not surprised to find that the liver cancer rate for rats that were not fed miso was 100 to 200 percent higher than that of rats that were fed miso. Ito also reported that rats that were fed miso had much less inflammation of organs caused by radioactivity.”

    I surely hope you don’t challenge the tastiness of miso!

  • edited March 2011
    I'm going maybe a bit off topic for a pointed observation. Maybe people will feel a little better (less afraid).

    News broadcast told of the disaster possibly dropping radiation on the US west coast and then said, "People are very afraid." The way they said it made me cringe! Nice huh? A newscast which is reporting on a bad event, and has to declare people are very afraid thus *****causing more fear*****.

    The report was not on people feeling very afraid, that "fact" was added gratuitously. Awful! Don't trust the news! Maybe relax a little more.

    Shut Up
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Now that we’re off topic, there’s a Buddhist story somewhere about a little bird that takes water into its mouth and flies from a pool to a burning forest and back.
    It keeps attempting to put out the fire until it dies in the flames.

    Some people out there in Fukushima have the same attitude.
    They work to try and stop the disaster and risk their own health – maybe their lives - in doing so.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran



  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Wouldn't iodine tablets be more effective? At least for thyroid cancer.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Americans, Canadians, and Europeans shall not worry about radiation. If it does explode. The radiation will be so diluted. The radiation from Japan will just be the same amount as the normal background radiation we get every day.




  • I saw a documentary on Public Television years ago about how Tibetan doctors were able to reverse some of the radiation-related illnesses in children affected by the Chernobyl disaster.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    That's useful.
    care to share how.....? :confused:
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    I love a good miso soup anyway *shrugs*
  • The original article that wikipedia links to is pretty convincing

    It's not just a theory, it has been tested and shown to be true. We'd have to actually dig up the original research to be sure, but I am willing to take their word for it.
    I love a good miso soup anyway *shrugs*
    I hated Japanese food when I was there, but now I miss it. It was probably the healthiest food I ever ate... shame it was so expensive.
  • It isn't so healthy now is it.. I live in Thailand and hope that place doesn't explode, but hey, what can we do about it, diddly squat.
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