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Libyian Civil War

B5CB5C Veteran
edited March 2011 in Buddhism Today
Well this is it. The United States, France, and UK has sided with the rebels and opening attacking forces of the loyalists.

The United States is now fighting another war on another front.


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Thanks for the cheery news, B5C. How did things work out with your family and the religion question, BTW?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Yay! Too bad it couldn't have been a non-violent civil war, though. But yay anyways!
  • Hoo-rah. Just war. Gadhafi was going to commit atrocities. I'm for it.
  • "We will open up Libya's deserts and allow Africans to flood to Europe to blow themselves up as suicide bombers."
  • I wouldn't say the US is fighting another war. At this point, they're simply fulfilling their international obligation to the UN. Actions such as these happen all the time without leading to war.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    What's Libya got that Zimbabwe hasn't? Have you seen what outrage Mugabe has done to his people?
    Has the UN intervened?

    Just mulling......
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited March 2011
    What's Libya got that Zimbabwe hasn't? Have you seen what outrage Mugabe has done to his people?
    Has the UN intervened?
    And Myanmar?
    Didn’t the military attack the people of Burma?
    There are more inconsistencies, when we start thinking about it.

    UN resolutions are products of political pinball, I’m afraid, not of rules of international law.
    Or I don’t understand the rules of international law.

    (Which doesn’t imply I am speaking in the defense of any dictator at all.)
  • What's Libya got that Zimbabwe hasn't? Have you seen what outrage Mugabe has done to his people?
    Has the UN intervened?

    Just mulling......

  • Thanks for posting that song B5C.

    Regardless of faith, religion, or non of the above, I wish more people would read and seriously consider Tolstoy's message in "The Kingdom of God Is Within You," because people all over the world have never been more manipulated by the mighty marketing of the mighty WAR machine.

    I saw a bumper stickers which says, “Their Government Doesn't Represent Them Any More Than This One Represents Me.”

    I say: END THE (fill in the blank) WAR!

    What would Buddha do?
  • If the UN would be going for Libya because of oil,wouldn't the military expenses outweigh the profit of the oil? Especially on top of the military expenses in other parts of the middle east? If the goal was oil I think it would have already happened by now... I definitely could be wrong though!
    I'm just curious and need informing. Thanks :)
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