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Tattoos, piercings, and maiming one's self.

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited March 2011 in Buddhism Basics
What are Buddhism's thoughts on altering one's body through piercings, tattoos, and so forth?


  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    Hmm, I'm not too sure. But I do not think it is too much of an issue to most. What I mean by that is that your body is merely a raft, if you choose to paint it up a little then really that is your choice.

    I do not have any tattoos or piercings, but this is because I do not think they would suit me, not because of any moral objection.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Could someone become a monk if they have a tattoo?
    This link will take you to a thread that was done in January on this topic. The link starts in the middle of the thread, but if you scroll to the top you'll see what I mean.

  • Could someone become a monk if they have a tattoo?
    Yes, many Buddhist monks have tattoos. In the western Buddhist monasteries, many of the younger western monks have them (at least in Australia).

  • edited March 2011
    AFAIK, Regarding something as harmless as tattoos? Whatever makes you happy! Go for it. Buddhism is about Happiness.
  • Going from the title to the thread, I would just say IMO "maiming one's self" violates ahimsa.
  • IronRabbitIronRabbit Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Tats and piercings are like adornments for the buses in Nepal - those things are painted and festooned with prayer flags, malas, statues, flowers. Our corporeal bodies are little more than buses transporting us through samsara to the next rebirth - mine is decorated with Buddhist,Celtic and Portrait tats - but only one piercing. Respectfully, these (semi)permanent decorations on an impermanent body are anything but maiming and fall far short of impugning the first precept. As stated, many monks are covered with tattoos of sutras, prayers and symbols.
  • Tats and piercings are like adornments for the buses in Nepal - those things are painted and festooned with prayer flags, malas, statues, flowers. Our corporeal bodies are little more than buses transporting us through samsara to the next rebirth - mine is decorated with Buddhist,Celtic and Portrait tats - but only one piercing. Respectfully, these (semi)permanent decorations on an impermanent body are anything but maiming and fall far short of impugning the first precept. As stated, many monks are covered with tattoos of sutras, prayers and symbols.
    I was just making a joke based on the title of the thread...
  • Ever heard of Dharma Punx? The guy who founded it is covered in tattoos, and he thinks of it as a form of expression... are you hurting yourself? (Well you know, prolonged torture not momentary). Is it hurting others? Does it go against the precepts or the 4NT or 8X path? Probably not... use your knowledge. With what YOU know, do what YOU think is right. ;)

    As far as the monk thing goes, depends on what country you plan on being a monk in?
    ALSO in Thailand did you know there is a monk tattooing festival (monks give and get tattoos) check it out and also you can find videos and stuff of it on youtube.
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