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Meaning of Life

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited March 2011 in General Banter
So, today I was listening to Owl City's Alligator Sky and it inspired me to add a section to my website called "Life's Meaning." This is what I wrote, so tell me, do you agree or disagree?:

The Meaning of Life

Due to the universe's conditioned nature, life has no absolute meaning other than what we give it. As humans, in this mysterious, wonderful universe, we have free will. We have given meaning to our lives - to be happy and cultivate happiness to others. Everyday, thats what we strive for.

What other purpose could their be that is more powerful, influential, and great?

Being happy and spreading happiness in every moment - this is our very purpose. We are right where we are supposed to be, and no where else.

"Life is a journey, not a destination."
"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
— - Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • How do we give life meaning if we are conditioned phenomenon ourselves? Its a conjurers trick, the magician is projected from the movie projector. The slides are empty.. The light and the glass. What are they?
  • I'm taking this from the movie City Slickers, the meaning of life is one thing, and it's different for everyone, and only you can find it out for yourself. (ok I added that last part but it all fits)
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    How do we give life meaning if we are conditioned phenomenon ourselves? Its a conjurers trick, the magician is projected from the movie projector. The slides are empty.. The light and the glass. What are they?
    Creatures strive to be happy naturally. "We" do give it meaning, but only because of our conditioned nature, of course.
  • I take a class of milk and dump it on your floor. What meaning does that have?
  • just look around you. those who don't live life passionately need meaning.

    smell the flowers. eat a pizza. drink a beer. listen to music. meaning you say. lol
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    I would agree that there is no ultimate meaning, but the meaning that we do ascribe to this life is well.....meaningless. It's all make believe, memories and concepts.
    Inji-gyo very good answer
    With metta,
  • The meaning is one more cup of coffee listening to music.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited March 2011
    The nature of life, of mind and form, is change.
    What static meaning could you ever give to it, other than "to change"?
    Let it go. ;)
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    I don't know, don't really care.
  • There is no meaning to life
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited March 2011
    @ThailandTom, You can't actually be sure there's no meaning to life any more than you can be sure there's no Boogie Man, or that there is/are no God/god(s)... but you can admit you "don't know and see no way to find out". ;) Admitting ignorance, not-knowing, is usually the best route. In the face of having no way to find out, letting it go and moving on is the best route on top of that.
  • Well, there is either no meaning to life, it being a mere cause an effect, or it being something we cannot comprehend. Either way, it is pretty irrelevant to the path to being awoken
  • I think it makes sense to think there IS no meaning, since meaning is a human construct. Meaning is an abstraction, really.

    But abstractions can be powerful, and we do need a sense of meaning somethings. I think we create our own meaning.
  • @ThailandTom, You can't actually be sure there's no meaning to life any more than you can be sure there's no Boogie Man, or that there is/are no God/god(s)... but you can admit you "don't know and see no way to find out". ;) Admitting ignorance, not-knowing, is usually the best route. In the face of having no way to find out, letting it go and moving on is the best route on top of that.

    Admitting ignorance is the best start.

    But, it has to be followed by searching the answer.

    I have this gut feeling that Buddhism offers certain wisdom but like any other religion was kidnapped by establishment i.e. church.

    The main message / if you forget the spiritual meaning of it and the promise of reincarnation/ is :

    Your DNA is what you have got to play with.
    The influence of environment is strong but at least here you have a chance to play with your ‘’free will’’
    Ego is a heritage of our evolution and its laws.

    I am really looking forward to the answers which will point that I am wrong.

  • edited March 2011
    I have forgotten to mention that this old philosophy is full of wisdom when it comes to psychology and understanding of common suffering.
    It also offers great techniques to control certain physiology of our body.

    Moderators if my views are too controversial please let me know.
    I would feel bad if I am adding negativity and doubts here.
  • I think a personal meaning which I have discovered is to create with the intention that what you create can and will be destroyed. Create relationships. Create art. Create knowledge. Create emotions. And do it for the purpose of making something that can be destroyed. Because that is what life is.

    Here's an interesting video with people on the street giving their own take on the meaning of life:

  • I don't , should I :D or cry. Great link.....make you think.
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran

    I thought it was more on the line of:

    "The one who has the most stuff when he dies wins?"

    At least that was what they said on the first lecture in the University...



  • I thought it was more on the line of:

    "The one who has the most stuff when he dies wins?"

    At least that was what they said on the first lecture in the University...


    Sure, but it will be very expensive to pack all this stuff in the coffin.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    To say there is no meaning to life is to say there is no meaning to...for Buddhism.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Buddhism has a meaning, or at least one given by the Buddha. That is the cessation of suffering. We're the ones giving meanings to things, who else could?
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