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Seeker567Seeker567 Explorer
edited March 2011 in General Banter
So I probably sound like an annoying teenager (I am haha) but how would a Buddhist deal with the person you love being with someone else? Thanks..


  • move on.
  • Use the opportunity to learn some life lessons. Lessons about love. How does that feeling you feel for that person make you react to her/him being with someone else? What does that tell you about that feeling you call love?

    What is love to you?

    I don't know if this applies to your situation but being in love means you want that person. Loving means you want that person to be happy. "In love", when it's unrequited, is painful because you are not getting what you want. When the other person is also in love with you it feels wonderful....until it inevitably dies out because you guys eventually find reasons why you don't want each other anymore.

    I'd also suggest you to move on. But actually, I wonder how a buddhist would break that down in parts. How to accept something.

    I think you might agree there is nothing to do but to accept it, right?
  • It is unfortunate. I was in love with someone who was dating my friend for years. It caused me great pain buy now... Years later... I am with a wonderful guy who treats me like a gem. The guy I loved is engaged to my friend. It would have been wrong for me to intervene now knowing that they to love eachother. My point is that we don't know what the future may bring. Don't stress yourself out. There are billions of people on this planet and I'm sure there are plenty who would take a liking to you. Focus on what makes you happy. Love in most instances finds you, not the other way around. I wish you luck.
    With love, Jen
  • Just be a human and learn to detach from that love.
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    If you truly love them, you will let them go and find their own happiness.
  • Love is impermanent :) It may be that you are craving.....which as you are finding out, is leading to suffering.

    That's not a bad thing though. It's just life....... don't worry about being a silly teenager, as you get older, you will probably become a silly adult who feels the same things.
  • That's not a bad thing though. It's just life....... don't worry about being a silly teenager, as you get older, you will probably become a silly adult who feels the same things.

    :clap: :D
  • Meditate on the loved one's internal organs and the fact that you will both be dead someday. Then read Be your own dating service.
  • When you are in love, you tend to focus exclusively on one person, so my advise would be to accept your feelings for this person, but try to keep in mind that actually there are other wonderful people that you can have this experience with, and try to create the conditions that will help you to meet one of these persons. I have been single all my life, which has been a painful road for me (and not one I would specifically recommend), but it might be as good a road as any other :-)
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Well my baby sister's been with this fellow for YEARS and even got married last Fall and shes not evan 30 yet!!! Dont really know how to react to that but if it was my mother I'd be cool... ;)

    Sorry couldnt resist. But seriously I think most of us been there or close and I guess Buddhists react no diffrent in such situations than others do.

    The difference might be that a Buddhist might see it as a perfect opportunity to cultivate. Mindfullness if not anything else.

  • If you truly loved this person, you would be happy seeing them be happy. If you feel pain, jealousy or anger then you truly didn't love this person, but were attached to them. Love is a word that is thrown around so easily, especially by teenagers, (no offense) but just realise that you cannot control certain aspects to life, be happy for this person and you will get over it soon enough.

    All the best
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