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Mindfullness 24/7

edited March 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Hai. Im looking for some information or advice on how to remain mindful 24/7 - or at least while I'm awake.


  • There's an Android app called mindfulness bell which rings a bell at a certain interval reminding you to be mindful of what you're doing. You can also take something you see often and use it as a cue. For example, a doorway is a good cue - anytime you walk through a doorway, be mindful of what you're doing. I guess it develops over time if you keep practicing on cues.
  • When we say mindful - do we mean of the 5 senses? or all 6?
    I deliver papers in the morning - and sometimes I try to mindful when I'm doing that - but I always get distracted etc.

    But when being mindful of what I feel - I have to sort of mentally scan my body - and then try and hold it all together - As I do it, the feelings seem stronger - or heavier. Is this normal?
  • Damn, I need to get a phone with a colour screen first...
  • I don't know, I was just repeating what I've learned elsewhere. I don't practice mindfulness outside of situations where I feel it's needed. However, it seems like you're judging what you're experiencing. Just be mindful of what is, not what you think should be. There's no 'normal', there's just what you're experiencing, through your senses and mind.
  • I'm sure Thich Nhat Hanh has said or written something like this. Maybe you should research that.
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