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When can someone claim to be Buddhist or follwing/practicing Buddhism

edited July 2011 in Buddhism Today
Hi All,

My question stems from a message board i happened to come across. A lady had made a comment saying the she was converting to Buddhism (this formed part of a question) - to my surprise a reply was posted by a someone really having a go and stating that it takes years to be able to claim you are a Buddhist or your claiming your faith as Buddhism.

I'm interested to understand peoples opnions on this.

Personally, i would say i'm trying to find my way back to buddhism after a 3yr absence from my local Sanga - but I hold no concept that you have to do a minimum time to claim anything....





  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    when one takes refuge they become a Buddhist.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    There's no hard line that you cross to consider yourself a Buddhist. Generally if you consider yourself a Buddhist you are. An alternative view is that once one has taken refuge, either the literal ceremony or just in your heart then you are a Buddhist.

    Since Buddhism is more a path of realization than an ideology you adopt its a constant deepening of being a Buddhist rather than some superficial label you wear.

    Your membership card and decoder ring should arrive in the mail in 3 to 4 weeks. ;)
  • That's just bull. If you consider yourself to be living by Buddhist principles, you can call yourself a Buddhist. No one will deny you admission to a temple or sangha just because you haven't put in a certain number of years.
  • @person haha, nice touch at the end there!

    its certainly made me think as to whether i am claiming to be anything or just trying to follow the path to the best of my ability.

    It's strange as its had me questioning myself for a few days....
  • @SherabDorje thats certainly my chain of thought....especially with Buddhism above any other faith (not that i'm claiming to know an awful lot about varying faiths).

  • I've stopped claiming to be a buddhist. Either I've transcended the label or I've lost my faith. :-/
  • Well, you get the secret handshake after you undergo the rites of Annada and recite the Heart Sutra from memory while the sponsoring Buddhists try to distract you by throwing lotus blossoms at you...and then of course there's the membership card that entitles you to a discount on the incense at the gift shop...

    But really, most Buddhists don't bother with that sort of thing. So you're good to go. Like the folks said, make an inner commitment to following the Precepts and take refuge in the Buddha, the Sangha, and Dharma, and you're one of us.
  • Thanks to all for the comments!

    I'm about to send my hard earned money to a dodgey website where i can get my very own certificate confirming me as a buddhist plus i get a free pin badge......and a bumper sticker for the car :)

  • Well, you get the secret handshake after you undergo the rites of Annada and recite the Heart Sutra from memory while the sponsoring Buddhists try to distract you by throwing lotus blossoms at you...
    You forgot to mention doing all this while playing an accordion. A ukulele will do if an accordion is unavailable.
  • You are a Buddhist if you follow Buddhist Teachings.
    You dont *HAVE TO* join a sangha or take refuge etc etc...
    You can just BE.....

    Buddhas teachings are just a guide for us. It was *his* awakening,his way. And he was very kind to teach everyone what he had *sussed* out about life.

    But to your question - Following the 8 Fold path correctly and honestly makes you a follower of the Buddha. If you agree with the 4 Noble truths and believe the 8 Fold Path can end your suffering then follow it. Test it. See if it works.

    But there could be a day when you suddenly WAKE UP. Just like Prince siddhartha did. You could awaken to the truth yourself. Everything could make sense. And you wont need to *label* yourself a Buddhist anymore. We should never label ourselves anything. We should label ourselves by our first name. We know all the answers.They are inside us. We just have to listen to them. x
  • Well, you get the secret handshake after you undergo the rites of Annada and recite the Heart Sutra from memory while the sponsoring Buddhists try to distract you by throwing lotus blossoms at you...
    You forgot to mention doing all this while playing an accordion. A ukulele will do if an accordion is unavailable.
    You know very well the sixth Buddhist council firmly stated that only an accordion is authentic. Unless you're one of those "Ukehana Buddhists" I've been hearing about.
  • Well, you get the secret handshake after you undergo the rites of Annada and recite the Heart Sutra from memory while the sponsoring Buddhists try to distract you by throwing lotus blossoms at you...
    You forgot to mention doing all this while playing an accordion. A ukulele will do if an accordion is unavailable.
    You know very well the sixth Buddhist council firmly stated that only an accordion is authentic. Unless you're one of those "Ukehana Buddhists" I've been hearing about.
    I'm not allowed to talk about it. It's a secret practice.
  • I can't wait for my decoder ring! Any day now. :)
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I think that question is what those people who said that should be asking themselves. I think it has to do with them and what they are experiencing rather than having to do with a generalization applicable to everyone.

    One possibility is that they are haughty and look down on some people.
  • This is just one of those things where people can make a claim, but not follow through with the claim that they have made. It doesn't take "years" or an amount of time, it just takes right effort. Of course anyone can call themselves a Buddhist, well that takes care of the label, but don't you want to at least learn about Buddhism and try to practice it? There's many other examples of this that is non-Buddhist related.
  • jlljll Veteran
    Anyone can claim to be a Buddhist. Some know very little about Buddhism. It is cool to be a Buddhist these days.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    Hi Mogzino,

    Any time that I act or speak or think in accordance with the Noble Eightfold Path - at that time I am a practicing Buddhist. Any moment when my thoughts, speech or actions run contrary to the N8FP then in those moments I am not a Buddhist.

    The more we purify our mind, the more frequently our thoughts, speech and action are "Buddhist thoughts", "Buddhist speech" and "Buddhist action". A Fully Enlightened Being is one who has cut off the root cause for (and is therefore incapable of) performing "unBuddhist thoughts", "unBuddhist speech" and "unBuddhist actions".

    Kind regards,

  • It is best to focus on the teachings and one's own practice and not worry too much about "ist"s and "ism"s.

  • Personally, i would say i'm trying to find my way back to buddhism after a 3yr absence from my local Sanga - but I hold no concept that you have to do a minimum time to claim anything....

    IMO if you're meditating, following the precepts and trying to be mindful, then you're being Buddhist. The timescale is irrelevant.


  • Anyone can claim to be a Buddhist. Some know very little about Buddhism. It is cool to be a Buddhist these days.
    OHmygod, that ring takes me back. I actually had Mom send out boxtops and some stamps to get my decoder ring! Back in those days, you could send regular postage stamps instead of the dime or quarter they wanted for "postage and handling." Is that Sky King? I don't even remember what the ring looked like now.
  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran
    I want a decoder ring now - I never had one :(
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited July 2011
    My question stems from a message board i happened to come across. A lady had made a comment saying the she was converting to Buddhism (this formed part of a question) - to my surprise a reply was posted by a someone really having a go and stating that it takes years to be able to claim you are a Buddhist or your claiming your faith as Buddhism.

    I'm interested to understand peoples opnions on this.

    Personally, i would say i'm trying to find my way back to buddhism after a 3yr absence from my local Sanga - but I hold no concept that you have to do a minimum time to claim anything....
    Well, technically, you can call yourself whatever you want. As Chandrakirti allegedly said in one of his works, "Words are not policemen on the prowl. We are not subject to their independent authority. They take their meaning from the intention of the person speaking." It all depends what the word 'Buddhist' means to you.

    If one wanted to be more formal about it, however, a lay-follower (upasaka) is one who's gone to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha for refuge [as guides], and is committed to the practice according to the Dhamma (AN 8.25). From this point of view, anyone who's sincere in their practice has the right to call themselves a Buddhist if they so desire, even if they're relatively new to the practice or not that terribly good at it.
  • sovasova delocalized fractyllic harmonizing Veteran
    Does the sky, for itself, claim a name?
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    All you have to do is take up the cross...I mean ummm......some will say take refuge (I have on my own), listen to your heart and start on the path :)
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