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What are some good career ideas, someone wouldn't think about not requiring college?

edited July 2011 in General Banter
I've come up with Insurance, Mortgage broker, retail (hopefully manager after a while)


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Something in one of the construction trades, most of the good paying ones require some schooling and apprenticeship though. Most non college work are just jobs and not a career though. If you're not into books though there are supposedly alot of high skill manufacturing jobs available with the right community college education. Most community colleges partner with businesses in their area to train the students in the areas the businesses need and there's often some promise of work after graduation.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I know a guy who went to trade school to install and check furnaces.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Musician, Writer, Model and the like.
    I would Google this, I have seen many different jobs.
    However, I think with most of the jobs outlined, one needs connections. Networking and the like.
  • Sam, retail is the pits. It's EXTREMELY underpaid in the US (are you in Canada?) Managers often make just above minimum wage. The chain stores have been cutting back on pay the last decade or two, in order to keep the cost of the merchandise low. Forget retail.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Sam, retail is the pits. It's EXTREMELY underpaid in the US (are you in Canada?) Managers often make just above minimum wage. The chain stores have been cutting back on pay the last decade or two, in order to keep the cost of the merchandise low. Forget retail.
    This is very true!
    My girlfriend is in Retail and she is a Supervisor and she is making only $10.50 and she works for Perry Ellis out of all stores.
    Her Manager might be making $15.
  • edited July 2011
    WOW! Perry Ellis is a cheapskate? tsk, tsk!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    WOW! Perry Ellis is a cheapskate? tsk, tsk!
    Not only that, but an Assistant Manager quit! And now, my girlfriend is basically an Assistant Manager and they are paying her the same wage!!! And it has been like that for 3 months now.
  • edited July 2011
    @LeonBasin So, she should write down all the Ass't Mgr-type work she's doing, how many hrs./day she does that type of work, maybe keep a log for a week or two, then ask for a mtg with the mgr to say that she deserves a promotion to Ass't Mgr. Don't let them get away with that. It happens all over in retail.

    A friend of mine has a relative working as mgr in an office that manages storage units (it's a national chain). The 2 employees under her left, so she's doing the work of 3 people, and she has to go to work 7 days a week, because there's no one to cover for her. The only applicants to the vacant staff jobs are ex-cons and druggies. (That's a sign that the management doesn't pay enough to attract qualified people.) But she's only getting paid for her regular hours, she's not getting paid for the 7 days/wk., plus doing everyone else's work as well.

    So, Sam, have we scared you away from retail yet? And hey, weren't you due to start college soon? How's that going?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    @LeonBasin So, she should write down all the Ass't Mgr-type work she's doing, how many hrs./day she does that type of work, maybe keep a log for a week or two, then ask for a mtg with the mgr to say that she deserves a promotion to Ass't Mgr. Don't let them get away with that. It happens all over in retail.

    A friend of mine has a relative working as mgr in an office that manages storage units (it's a national chain). The 2 employees under her left, so she's doing the work of 3 people, and she has to go to work 7 days a week, because there's no one to cover for her. The only applicants to the vacant staff jobs are ex-cons and druggies. (That's a sign that the management doesn't pay enough to attract qualified people.) But she's only getting paid for her regular hours, she's not getting paid for the 7 days/wk., plus doing everyone else's work as well.

    So, Sam, have we scared you away from retail yet? And hey, weren't you due to start college soon? How's that going?
    Yea, I have been telling her to put all this experience on her Resume. I believe she will be doing that. And I'm sorry about your friend! Poor thing.
  • I thought retail would pay more then that, thanks for the heads up guys. Actually.. I was going to put off school but am going back in 3 months now, just working through a temp agency (those things are bitter schweet) to save up some money. I am excited but because I am going to Film school, I hope I get a job some what soon after I am finished to pay off debts. (Most jobs are in TV btw, which I am also some what interested in as a career) :]
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I thought retail would pay more then that, thanks for the heads up guys. Actually.. I was going to put off school but am going back in 3 months now, just working through a temp agency (those things are bitter schweet) to save up some money. I am excited but because I am going to Film school, I hope I get a job some what soon after I am finished to pay off debts. (Most jobs are in TV btw, which I am also some what interested in as a career) :]
    Wonderful news!:)
    I have struggled to get any jobs with Temp Agencies! Lol. So as you can see it depends on the individual and all that jazz!

  • I have struggled to get any jobs with Temp Agencies! Lol. So as you can see it depends on the individual and all that jazz!
    This is interesting, Leon. I wonder if there's a bias in favor of women at temp agencies. You don't look like a "Kelly girl". (bad joke :p But I can't help but wonder if there's something to it...)

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