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We Love War (USA Thread)



  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Telly, America is also nation that opposes freedom of religion.

    Do you know who is the most distrusted group of people in the United States?


    The 10 Scariest Places to live if you are a Atheist.

    Is Atheist Money Too Controversial for the American Cancer Society?
    The American Cancer Society may have turned down a potential half-million dollar donation because it came from a non-theistic organization.

    Atheist Richard Dawkins snubbed by Detroit area country club after the owner finds out that Dawkins is a atheist.

    Most Americans will rather vote for a homosexual than a atheist for President:
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    to be fair that's not like government oppression of athiests
  • Not sure what world you live in @B5C but I'm somewhere else... either that, or that's some twisted propaganda.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    In response to:

    ROFL! Yep, Pennsylvania made the list. Should've known.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Not sure what world you live in @B5C but I'm somewhere else... either that, or that's some twisted propaganda.

    It's not propaganda it's a fact. I lost friends because I came out of the closet of becoming a non-believer.

    In some areas of the Bible Belt where non-believers are forced out of town:

    Lucklly I don't live in the Bible belt. Washington State is acceptable to atheists. I did had someone in from old church that I am the devil because I "tricked" a Christian to marry me. Heck the Church my wife wanted to go to get married would have denied us because I AM A ATHEIST!! Even though the pastor may not approve, but he is a nice of a guy to marry us. For my wife sake.

  • B5CB5C Veteran
    to be fair that's not like government oppression of athiests
    A bit.

    US Army has spirital programs the point towards judao-Christian ideals:


    The US government gives support to religious programs (especially during the Bush era) and endorses the Boy Scouts of America who bans gays and atheists from joining.

    "Small-town Tennessee mayor seeks legal help to fight atheist “terrorists”
    posted by Rob Kerby, Senior Editor | 11:18am Saturday October 8, 2011
    Calling aggressive out-of-state atheists “terrorists,” a small-town Tennessee mayor is asking for help defending a cross atop his town’s water tower.

    “They are terrorists as far as I’m concerned,” said Whiteville, Tennessee, Mayor James Bellar about the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation. “They are alleging that some Whiteville resident feels very, very intimidated by this cross.”

    The Wisconsin group has sent him threatening letters saying they will take the small Tennessee community to court to force removal of the cross, reports WREG-TV Channel 3 News — which had reported the mayor’s decision to remove the cross.

    However, apparently the city council has put that on hold while consulting with a Christian law group, seeking help in defending the cross.

    But Freedom From Religion Foundation co-president Dan Barker told Fox the cross is a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. They’ve given the mayor until the end of October to remove the cross. “The law is very clear on this,” Barker told Fox:
    “A secular city may not promote or hinder religion. We don’t have a problem with believers putting up crosses wherever they want, but this is a cross put up by the city on the city water tower.”
    Barker said they’ve been sending letters to the city since last year demanding that the cross be taken down, acting on behalf of an unnamed resident who complained.
    “It offends many residents,” Barker said of the cross. “Many of them think the cross symbol is an offensive symbol – that it’s an insult to humanity.”
    Mayor Bellar said he doesn’t believe that’s true.
    “As a matter of fact, I don’t even think it’s a Whiteville resident,” he said. “We don’t have people of that belief here and if we do they’re not going to raise that kind of ruckus for the rest of the town.”
    The town council has voted to consult with the Alliance Defense Fund about their legal options, “This is their cause in life – to ride up and down the highway and find small towns that maybe have a religious symbol somewhere on public property,” he said.
    “A terrorist is more than a guy that flies the planes into the building,” the mayor told Fox. “It’s anyone who can disrupt your way of living, destroy your lifestyle, cause you anxiety. It’s more than killing people. If they can disrupt your routine in life, that’s what they want to do. They are terrorists as far as I’m concerned.”

    Read more:
    It doesn't have to be government. It can be socially as well.

  • You losing friends because your different is human nature... the US has laws to protect you, much different than Islamic states that has laws to condemn you
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    You losing friends because your different is human nature... the US has laws to protect you, much different than Islamic states that has laws to condemn you
    Still doesn't make it better by endorsing wars and forcing people to accept your values.

  • This is off MSNBC today "President Barack Obama said in a letter to Congress Friday he is deploying around 100 U.S. military advisers to Uganda to help battle the notorious Lord's Resistance Army.

    The rebel group is accused of a campaign of murder, rape and kidnapping that began 20 years ago"

    Ahh I hope this doesn't flare up into something ugly... I don't believe this is out of Love for War, but that doesn't matter if the results are the same.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
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