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End of Ze World!

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited October 2011 in General Banter
While reading this thread, I recommend listening to this song to set the mood. :)

This is satire. Not meant to hurt anybody's feelings:

So, Harold Camping said the world would go through 5 months of torment starting on May 21st after the rapture occurred. Well, that didn't happen. Wanna know why? God apparently had mercy upon us poor souls and decided not to torture us for 5 months (even though He'll torture us for the rest of eternity when we die). Though, tomorrow will just simply be the end of the world. So, get ready for the real rapture and the great earthquake! You can't repent though. God already has judged you on May 21st (silently) and you aren't allowed any appeals in The Big Man's court. So, gather 'round with your loved ones and sing gospel songs until the pearly gates open up (or the jaws of Hell).



  • While reading this thread, I recommend listening to this song to set the mood. :)

    Great song! <3 Johnny Cash!
  • riverflowriverflow Veteran
    edited October 2011

    GBV's "rapture song" LOL
  • I'm in the afternoon of 21 Oct in Australia and no one around me has dropped dead today - yet ...
  • edited October 2011
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    You make fun of people with wrong views?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    You make fun of people with wrong views?
    When people are fear-mongers who constantly tell everyone how the world is going to end and we should start repenting and freaking out, or when they tell me blantantly I'm going to burn in Hell forever because I don't have the same beliefs as them, or when I wouldn't be able to hold public office in my home state because of this, or join the boy scouts, or the fact they create laws based on their 2,000+ year old book of laws that takes away my rights and the rights of others, or when politicians tell me they don't want "my kind" in my country, or when there are constant threats of global wars breaking out because of their beliefs, then yes - I will have a little fun showing how absurd their beliefs are.

    If they were to simply keep these beliefs to themselves and not openly try to force a specific religion or someone, or tell them nasty things like how they deserve eternal torment or how their entire family is going to die in a terrible end of the world scenario - then we'd be fine. But the fact is they don't keep it to themselves - so I make light of it.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    You make fun of people with wrong views?
    Mindgate said: "This is satire. Not meant to hurt anybody's feelings"
    Seeker not all view are equal, some are pernicious and deadly.
    All the best,
    BTW good song from J. Cash.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    You make fun of people with wrong views?
    Mindgate said: "This is satire. Not meant to hurt anybody's feelings"
    Seeker not all view are equal, some are pernicious and deadly.
    Exactly. Like I also said above, I'm just making light of this thing which is supposed to cause fear and sadness.
  • Oh is it that time again already?
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    Oh is it that time again already?
    It's always a good time for the end of the world! Look at all the "signs"
    I remember when I was a kid Hal Lindsey was predicting the return of the almighty,and there was going to be this big war with the 'evil empire", the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union, where the hell did they go? How can you have an end of the world when the flip side of your duality doesn't exist anymore? I call BS on that!

  • is today the 21st? I thought it was the 20th or something. Meh, I am in hell anyway, I have no money until later, thus no food and have ran out of valium, is that what they spoke of by a 'quiet rapture' that we all die off in a subtle manner?
    I do not mock these people and their beliefs, but that is not to say that I think their beliefs have any value what so ever.
  • Oh is it that time again already?
    It's always a good time for the end of the world! Look at all the "signs"
    I remember when I was a kid Hal Lindsey was predicting the return of the almighty,and there was going to be this big war with the 'evil empire", the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union, where the hell did they go? How can you have an end of the world when the flip side of your duality doesn't exist anymore? I call BS on that!

    I remember when I was around 10-11 there was a big frenzy over Edgar Whisenant and his "88 reasons why the Rapture will happen in 1988". The churches I had to attend as a child ate this kind of shit up. I'm sure those same folks are all over Camping and his predictions now.
  • I was born in 1988 :)
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited October 2011
    "I vow not to talk about the faults of others." In the Zen tradition, this is one of the bodhisattva vows. For fully ordained monastics the same principle is expressed in the payattika vow to abandon slander. It is also contained in the Buddha's recommendation to all of us to avoid the ten destructive actions, the fifth of which is using our speech to create disharmony."

    The opposite of what this post is about. :)
    What people don't realize it that speech like this hurts yourself and makes bad karma. It kills metta and causes the arising of ill will. It make the separation of self and other more prominent and stronger. The opposite of what practice is.
  • In a budddhist book I have among a few, the dalai lama first makes a point that one should not discriminate any religion as they all have the ability in bringing positivity to a persons life. You may not share the same views, but one must respect them. And anyway, getting into arguments of any sort or speech in an unskillful manner is poison to the mind in itself.
  • I'm not sure I see much positive in an ideology that seeks to prey on people's psychological fears (and in many cases, also prey on their pocketbooks). I don't have much "respect" for an ideology and its leaders who prey on people's weaknesses. This has more to do with fraud and fearmongering, not "spirituality." They should be called on it as such.
  • Religion in itself, not always the people following the religion. People taint religions, or their names anyway. I think the DD was referring to the main religions and not all of the sects that branch of or cults.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    3. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.

    4. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.

    5. Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.
    The Dhammapada

    This is meant to be taken literally. :)
  • Go and confront the Dalai Lama as it was he that said it, i am just quoting what he said :p
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited October 2011
    I'm not sure I see much positive in an ideology that seeks to prey on people's psychological fears (and in many cases, also prey on their pocketbooks). I don't have much "respect" for an ideology and its leaders who prey on people's weaknesses. This has more to do with fraud and fearmongering, not "spirituality." They should be called on it as such.
    I agree. I see no problem calling BS on something that is harmful and destructive.
    I don't hate these people. I don't hate racist, neo-nazis or skinheads either but I find it perfectly acceptable to say your hatred and beliefs are garbage. Your views and ideas KILL people and they are not OK. Simply because someone cloaks their pernicious views in the mantal of religion and spirituality does mean I can't question it. Anyone who wants to tear my Buddhist beliefs apart, go right ahead. Investigate and dismantle my beliefs, tell me how the 4NT's and the noble 8 are harmful. When someone blows themself up in the name of God I call BS!
  • "I vow not to talk about the faults of others." In the Zen tradition, this is one of the bodhisattva vows. For fully ordained monastics the same principle is expressed in the payattika vow to abandon slander. It is also contained in the Buddha's recommendation to all of us to avoid the ten destructive actions, the fifth of which is using our speech to create disharmony."

    The opposite of what this post is about. :)
    What people don't realize it that speech like this hurts yourself and makes bad karma. It kills metta and causes the arising of ill will. It make the separation of self and other more prominent and stronger. The opposite of what practice is.
    Well, so far the world hasn't ended yet. But yeah we really should respect this kind of fearmongering bullshit and not call it for what it is - fearmongering bullshit.
  • Okay, we have established that there is corruption within religion and sects that are known to be of an evil nature, what is new about that finding? Not a whole lot, furthermore what are any of us going to do about it apart from say how bad it is and provide evidence for our statements?
  • Okay, we have established that there is corruption within religion and sects that are known to be of an evil nature, what is new about that finding? Not a whole lot, furthermore what are any of us going to do about it apart from say how bad it is and provide evidence for our statements?
    What am I going to do about it? Well, leave the church for one. Did that two decades ago. Apart from that? Not much really. If people want to buy into this kind of nonsense that goes against what's written in their own Bible then who am I to stop them? If they want to burn through their life savings, quit their jobs or drink the Flavor Aid*, while hoping for some world-ending event that's their business, not mine. Just don't expect me to respect that.

    (*The Jonestown cult actually used Flavor Aid, not Kool-Aid.)
  • okay then, not really much else to do. You already left the church so yea, just do not go drinking any of that flavour aid anytime soon.

    Going back to the respect remark, it was quoted by the HLDD and I am sure he was referring to the core religions and not their sects/cults that may have branched off.
  • riverflowriverflow Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Well, I can certainly say what I am not going to do: turn a blind eye to something just because it calls itself "religion." Being a religion doesn't exempt such beliefs from scrutiny. That has nothing to do with hate. That's just calling a spade a spade.
  • Well, I can certainly say what I am not going to do: turn a blind eye to something just because it calls itself "religion." Being a religion doesn't exempt such beliefs from scrutiny. That has nothing to do with hate. That's just calling a spade a spade.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited October 2011
    "I vow not to talk about the faults of others." In the Zen tradition, this is one of the bodhisattva vows. For fully ordained monastics the same principle is expressed in the payattika vow to abandon slander. It is also contained in the Buddha's recommendation to all of us to avoid the ten destructive actions, the fifth of which is using our speech to create disharmony."

    The opposite of what this post is about. :)
    What people don't realize it that speech like this hurts yourself and makes bad karma. It kills metta and causes the arising of ill will. It make the separation of self and other more prominent and stronger. The opposite of what practice is.
    Well, so far the world hasn't ended yet. But yeah we really should respect this kind of fearmongering bullshit and not call it for what it is - fearmongering bullshit.

    No one says to respect bullshit. What is skillful is to respect people, regardless of what they say or do. To not do so is unskillful. Do you feel all embracing loving kindness for Harold Camping and his like? If not, then you are not thinking or acting skillfully. Furthermore, just saying "That's bullshit!" serves no productive purpose other than to bolster your own ego. Any reasonable person can see that "the end of the world" is nonsensical...

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Ahem, you do know that Harold Camping more than likely did this for the money, right? You know, preyed on the weak-minded and insecure to fill his pockets full of cash. Do you know how much money he made within the past year with all the donations he got? A LOT. So, should we show respect for this man and his fear-mongering propaganda? I say Hell no. Should I hate this man? No. But should I respect him? No.
  • "I vow not to talk about the faults of others." In the Zen tradition, this is one of the bodhisattva vows. For fully ordained monastics the same principle is expressed in the payattika vow to abandon slander. It is also contained in the Buddha's recommendation to all of us to avoid the ten destructive actions, the fifth of which is using our speech to create disharmony."

    The opposite of what this post is about. :)
    What people don't realize it that speech like this hurts yourself and makes bad karma. It kills metta and causes the arising of ill will. It make the separation of self and other more prominent and stronger. The opposite of what practice is.
    You know what I think? I think people in general, but you particularly in this case, need to stop taking themselves so damn seriously, and until they can do that they should abstain from lecturing other people on what they should and shouldn't do. Personally I think that preaching a sermon to others about their behaviour is 'the opposite of what practice is'.

    The world as I see it is an insane place, and sometimes I think the only sane thing to do is to have a healthy sense of the ridiculous.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Hmm... the world didn't end yet. Whats up with that? Should've happened like 26 minutes ago.
  • This is the afterlife I guess?
  • edited October 2011
    This is the afterlife I guess?
    Well, if you believe in literal rebirth, I guess it is! :p
  • lol, we all have died and have subsequently been reborn a thousand plus times today, no different to any other day IMO, business as usual :crazy:
  • "I vow not to talk about the faults of others." In the Zen tradition, this is one of the bodhisattva vows. For fully ordained monastics the same principle is expressed in the payattika vow to abandon slander. It is also contained in the Buddha's recommendation to all of us to avoid the ten destructive actions, the fifth of which is using our speech to create disharmony."

    The opposite of what this post is about. :)
    What people don't realize it that speech like this hurts yourself and makes bad karma. It kills metta and causes the arising of ill will. It make the separation of self and other more prominent and stronger. The opposite of what practice is.
    Well, so far the world hasn't ended yet. But yeah we really should respect this kind of fearmongering bullshit and not call it for what it is - fearmongering bullshit.

    No one says to respect bullshit. What is skillful is to respect people, regardless of what they say or do. To not do so is unskillful. Do you feel all embracing loving kindness for Harold Camping and his like? If not, then you are not thinking or acting skillfully. Furthermore, just saying "That's bullshit!" serves no productive purpose other than to bolster your own ego. Any reasonable person can see that "the end of the world" is nonsensical...

    Sorry, but I do not, and will not, respect someone just because. Furthermore I said nothing about Mr. Camping himself. I'm speaking of the kind of preachings of him and his type. Furthermore if I am only bolstering my own ego then what are you doing by making assumptions about my intentions based on things I have not said, and then presuming to lecture me on it?
  • This is the afterlife I guess?
    If it is, then it's much better than I feared. Result! :D

  • ToshTosh Veteran
    I've know people from work who're Jehova Witnesses; those guys have went through their fair share of failed end of the World prophesies, yet the organisation is not only intact, it's still growing.

    They tend not to encourage their children to go onto further education, because, well, what's the point? The world is going to end soon! :screwy:
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