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Mitt Romney and the Vet.

cazcaz VeteranUnited Kingdom Veteran
edited September 2012 in General Banter



  • Sorry bored already, just my stance on the whole thing. The country is pretty much doomed anyway so...
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran

    Sorry bored already, just my stance on the whole thing. The country is pretty much doomed anyway so...

    Maybe so :)

  • Romney is a useless, rich-boy, privileged politician. If he wins and becomes president, I might sit down and actually weep for this country..... Much like I did when Bush became president - twice.
  • Politics, from what I have seen in my 24 years as of yet seems ro bring out the worst in people, this is why I tend to steer clear of it. It is the same story each election, they talk big and come out with promises and tall words, yet they rarely follow through with a lot of what they say. Add to that the fact that one person, one government and one country cannot always control problems within said country due outside issues.
  • That's exactly why I don't like politics in my religion - it's so divisive.
  • RebeccaS said:

    That's exactly why I don't like politics in my religion - it's so divisive.

    If I remember, the Buddha made an emphasis that he stayed away from politics, but who knows it was so long ago and documentation of anything he spoke was at least 100 years after his death. But yea, I TRY to not get involved with politics.
  • Wow. Sad and powerful interview. Thank you, @caz.
  • MaryAnne said:

    Romney is a useless, rich-boy, privileged politician. If he wins and becomes president, I might sit down and actually weep for this country..... Much like I did when Bush became president - twice.

    You should be weeping now, regardless of who is "president".

    After you fill the great ocean with compassionate tears perhaps we will have been healed somewhat.

    No tissue for you! Let the tears fall freely!
  • MaryAnne said:

    Romney is a useless, rich-boy, privileged politician. If he wins and becomes president, I might sit down and actually weep for this country..... Much like I did when Bush became president - twice.

    You should be weeping now, regardless of who is "president".

    After you fill the great ocean with compassionate tears perhaps we will have been healed somewhat.

    No tissue for you! Let the tears fall freely!

    Having a bad day? Or just looking to poke others with a sharp stick?
    come on, tell us- what IS your point?

  • MaryAnne said:

    MaryAnne said:

    Romney is a useless, rich-boy, privileged politician. If he wins and becomes president, I might sit down and actually weep for this country..... Much like I did when Bush became president - twice.

    You should be weeping now, regardless of who is "president".

    After you fill the great ocean with compassionate tears perhaps we will have been healed somewhat.

    No tissue for you! Let the tears fall freely!

    Having a bad day? Or just looking to poke others with a sharp stick?
    come on, tell us- what IS your point?

    See, my point exacltly, even on a buddhist forum the ego is starting to arise hehehe
  • MaryAnne said:

    MaryAnne said:

    Romney is a useless, rich-boy, privileged politician. If he wins and becomes president, I might sit down and actually weep for this country..... Much like I did when Bush became president - twice.

    You should be weeping now, regardless of who is "president".

    After you fill the great ocean with compassionate tears perhaps we will have been healed somewhat.

    No tissue for you! Let the tears fall freely!

    Having a bad day? Or just looking to poke others with a sharp stick?
    come on, tell us- what IS your point?

    What sharp stick am I poking you with?

    All I am saying is that America is screwed immensely already, right now, regardless of who gets elected in whatever position.
  • The "no tissue for you" is an inappropriately placed Seinfeld reference

  • Yes America is screwed, the west is screwed, it will be somewhat enjoyable to see the next 5-20 years play out if I am able to.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    ^^ We heard that in WWII. We heard that in the Cold War. We heard that after 9/11. And a dozen times in between.

    We've had lousy candidates for President plenty of times in the past...and some pretty lousy Presidents elected, too.

    Am I pessimistic...yes, a bit. But I also know that things are rarely as bad as they seem at the moment.
  • Asia is thinking of changing the dominant currency from USD to the Yuan before 2015, that is something that has actually been spoken about and planned within Asia.

  • All I am saying is that America is screwed immensely already, right now, regardless of who gets elected in whatever position.

    Then why didn't you say just that? (no need to answer... not that important)

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    MaryAnne said:

    Romney is a useless, rich-boy, privileged politician. If he wins and becomes president, I might sit down and actually weep for this country..... Much like I did when Bush became president - twice.

    A "constitutional scholar" supporting the suspension of habeus corpus indefinitely, is equally disturbing!

  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran

    Politics, from what I have seen in my 24 years as of yet seems ro bring out the worst in people, this is why I tend to steer clear of it. It is the same story each election, they talk big and come out with promises and tall words, yet they rarely follow through with a lot of what they say. Add to that the fact that one person, one government and one country cannot always control problems within said country due outside issues.

    Did you watch the video to the end? I think the real reason this video is STILL a hot topic is not because of politics, per se, but more because of the Veteran who gives a passionate and compelling plea for the gay rights movement. Whether or not you believe in the politics of it, I would hope you could find some compassion for his story.

    But to the OP... I love this video. I've seen it several times, but it always brings a tear to my eye :) ...and I have to chuckle a little at Romney's nervousness when he realizes this is really bad PR.
  • The Vet asked for a "Yes" or "No" answer and got exactly that, then complained later that it's all he got... and could he really be surprised by Romney's position? I liked Romney's answer, not because I agree with him, but it makes it easy for the voters who are weighing the issues to not be fuzzy.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    You know, I didn't see Romney look nervous at all...just a sort of fatalism that yes...sometimes photo ops go wrong...for all candidates.

    I also didn't see the vet complaining about the type of answer he got...a yes or no answer, and then an explanation. What he was complaining about was what the substance of the answer was.

    To be honest, I though Romney came off fine here.
  • vinlyn said:

    I also didn't see the vet complaining about the type of answer he got...a yes or no answer, and then an explanation. What he was complaining about was what the substance of the answer was.

    at 3:00 the Vet commented on Romney's bluntness in his stance, could be substance or delivery, doesn't really matter.
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