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Reptilian Meditations

I recently moved to a new room and have noticed some strange behavior from the resident lizards.When I sit down to meditate morning and evening I can see them out the corner of my eye flitting past centimetres from me seated on the floor.Making their lizard sounds and shaking their tails.When I open my eyes at the end of sitting theres usually 3 or 4 of them sitting in formation about a foot in front of me staring at me,often in weird poses.
Anyone have similar experiences or can shed some light on what is going on with these reptiles?


  • You need to read David Icke to find out what this means. He is the expert on reptiles ... and humans.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    edited October 2012
    removed by author.
  • Your trending dangerous ground Zither! Curiousity killed the cat know what Im saying? I suggest you do not uncover our shapeshifting plans to take over the world!!! >:(
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    zither said:

    When I open my eyes at the end of sitting theres usually 3 or 4 of them sitting in formation about a foot in front of me staring at me,often in weird poses.
    Anyone have similar experiences or can shed some light on what is going on with these reptiles?

    Sort of similar experience - not meditating, just sitting in the sun - 3 lizards came forward and stopped about a meter away - they were in formation - I suppose 3 lizards close together will always be in formation - they stopped dead and then started doing weird poses - one leg up, head tilted back - what I would term general lizard type behaviour - we basked in the sun together for a while - I thought maybe they worked out that birds don't dive near big apes so maybe they felt safe while heating up - darted as soon as I flinched.

    Maybe you're unthreatening just sitting there and you're radiating heat - do they look like they're basking? Is room temperature significantly less than body temperature? Tile floors? are you on the ground floor?

    Maybe as you're sitting there they're sizing you up - while you're not moving they're gaining strength - perhaps you're witnessing some type of territory display?
  • Did they try to sell you car insurance?
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    zither said:

    Anyone have similar experiences or can shed some light on what is going on with these reptiles?

    They're probably wondering what's going on with you. ;)
  • SileSile Veteran
    I love lizards. HK is overrun with them, at least out in the sticks (if there are such places any more!) We called them all "Lizzy" after the queen ;)
  • SileSile Veteran
    Ours looked like this--which means they must have been geckos:


  • Sile said:

    I love lizards. HK is overrun with them, at least out in the sticks (if there are such places any more!) We called them all "Lizzy" after the queen ;)

    And Hk is?

  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited October 2012
    Zero said:

    Maybe you're unthreatening just sitting there and you're radiating heat - do they look like they're basking? Is room temperature significantly less than body temperature? Tile floors? are you on the ground floor?

    Maybe as you're sitting there they're sizing you up - while you're not moving they're gaining strength - perhaps you're witnessing some type of territory display?

    About bodyheat...
    I used to have pet lizards when I was younger. One night, I forgot to put my favorite lizard away after I was playing with him before bedtime. I woke up the next morning and he was sleeping on my chest. :D

    At the time, I thought he must have really liked me, but now I know he was just using me for my body heat... c'est la vie. Lol.
  • edited October 2012

    At the time, I thought he must have really liked me, but now I know he was just using me for my body heat.

    Not very different from most men, then.
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