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eat meat, save the world

this is a ted talk on stopping desertification by using large herds of grazing animals

Could we have mobile sangha, tending animals, saving land and supporting themselves?
Maybe they could swap the animals for lentils? :p


  • ArthurbodhiArthurbodhi Mars Veteran
    edited March 2013
    Land management researchers have heavily criticized the concepts of holistic management (that is what Allan Savory was talking about) because experiments conducted on grazed land in many different places in the last few decades have failed to find any scientific support for their validity. Virtually no active academic rangeland ecology researchers have come forward to espouse holistic management principles.
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    The world doesn't need to be saved, only us humans =P. We cannot destroy the planet short of having a death star to blow it up. We can make it so that the earth is uninhabitable for us.. But even then the world will move on after us and in a few million years other life will rise.

    99% of all species that ever existed are extinct.. There have been world wide die offs( earth extinction events) at least 5 times where almost all life on the planet died. Eventually so will we.
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    Jayantha said:

    The world doesn't need to be saved, only us humans =P. We cannot destroy the planet short of having a death star to blow it up. We can make it so that the earth is uninhabitable for us.. But even then the world will move on after us and in a few million years other life will rise.

    I quite like George Carlin's view that Mother Nature created man because She wants plastic bags, and once She's had Her fill of us, She'll just wipe us out.

    Job's a good un'.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I always find it interesting when people look for ways to stop "the end of humanity." We are intelligent beings, but to think we can stop such forces is kind of amusing. So attached to our existence, we are.

    We are watching a species population die off in our area right now, actually. It's interesting, but sad too. My state has seen the warmest climate change over the past 20 years than any other, something like 4 degrees warmer. Partially due to that (and likely due to other factors, they don't know yet) the moose is disappearing from our forests here. Their population declined more than 30% this past year alone. Down in the past 10 years from over 7000 to just over 3000 now. We used to see them all the time, now the only time you see them is if you are very deep in the woods. It's sad to watch them disappear.
  • I think that it's not the end of humanity that's the worry, it's the survival of humanity on a planet with no suitable climate for cultivation and few lifeforms above the level of the insects.

    What's a 'ted'.
  • Jayantha said:

    The world doesn't need to be saved, only us humans =P. We cannot destroy the planet short of having a death star to blow it up. We can make it so that the earth is uninhabitable for us.. But even then the world will move on after us and in a few million years other life will rise.

    99% of all species that ever existed are extinct.. There have been world wide die offs( earth extinction events) at least 5 times where almost all life on the planet died. Eventually so will we.

    Here comes the intelligent beings from the offspring of cockroaches!!
  • ted talks = Talks to educate and inspire
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    lobster said:

    ted talks = Talks to educate and inspire

    I love ted talks, I don't have cable but I do have my laptop hooked up to a flatscreen and some nights I will just watch an hour or two of em in a row. It's amazing what you can learn.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Actually, that controlled grazing was first developed by farmers in Zimbabwe around 50-60 years ago. It was very successful, but when the new gov't came in and forced those farmers off the land, and gave the land away to people who didn't have that specialized knowledge, the situation deteriorated.

    I'm still curious to know what the huge herds he's advocating eat in the first year, after being introduced to a desertified landscape. He said they somehow found food on their own, but what food was it?
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