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Internal Mantras

Can anyone vouch for the effectiveness of using a mantra internally when meditating on the breath? I found that trying to count breaths seems to get in the way of the breath itself, so I stopped doing it - but I read that in the Thai Forest tradition they simply say "bud" on the in-breath, and "dho" on the out-breath to help concentration.


  • The main question is, are they effective for you? Do they lead to greater stability of concentration than other possible approaches. If you try a mantra out, and it leaves you more peaceful, alert and concentrated, then it's something to keep in the toolbox. If it leaves you frazzled, dull and scattered, probably not the right thing for you, at least at that time.
  • I personally do best with a mantra -- sitting in silent meditation watching my breathing is really really hard for me. My brain just goes on vacation for much of the time. That's one of the reasons why I gravitate towards Pure Land. Though, I find for me that if I sit and count breaths my brain goes bye bye, but it's easier to sit for a little bit longer period (after all, it's not so hard to sit still and quiet when I'm zoning out). Since recitation (either silent or outloud) involves more of my concentration, I mentally wear out faster and get fidgety sooner (there's less room for me me to pass the time day dreaming), but I feel like my time spent sitting is of better quality. I also like that if I get really flustered/angry/whatever during the day, I can recite nembutsu to help bring myself back a bit. Everybody is different, though -- what works great for one person may not so much for someone else. Some times I will sit and count breaths for a bit before chanting, it partly depends on how I feel that day. I would say experiment and see if it helps you or not.
  • Can anyone vouch for the effectiveness of using a mantra internally when meditating on the breath?
    Absolutely. Without doubt. Guaranteed . . . or your suffering back.
    I tend to do mantras four ways:

    1. Loudly, to impress the neighbours.
    2. Quietly to impress the Buddhas.
    3. Almost silently to get an impression of the nature of the breath.
    4. Silently or via ipod when amongst my fellow un-enlightened, un-impressionable Buddhas . . .

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