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Evidence of past life?

How do you explain this case?


  • poptartpoptart Veteran
    edited April 2013

    Here's another one:

  • To answer the initial question - I can't explain it. That said, my personal belief system demands room for this sort of thing. It happens.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Well, interesting videos, and they absolutely prove -- without any room for doubt -- reincarnation/rebirth. Just as other such videos prove -- without any room for doubt -- the existence of Christian-type heaven and hell and God and Jesus.

    Glad we got all that settled.

    P.S. Coming to any definitive conclusions on such matters based on a few videos is an excellent example of grasping.
  • vinlyn said:

    P.S. Coming to any definitive conclusions on such matters based on a few videos is an excellent example of grasping.

    I wasn't aware that anyone came to any conclusions.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    No, but that's where this thread is "see, there is evidence for rebirth/reincarnation". People will see what they want to see.
  • Lee82Lee82 Veteran
    Interesting. Before 6 months ago I'd have said rebirth was a ridiculous idea but I am becoming more open to the possibility. It cannot be proven either way but I no longer feel the need to dismiss the idea. I have experienced a fair amount of de ja vu in my life but never been able to think beyond the fact that I'd been there before, and then it's gone.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I've seen enough in my own life experiences to believe that we continue on in some form. Whether it aligns exactly with how various Buddhist traditions explain rebirth, I'm not sure. I do believe in reincarnation/rebirth. That is something I've believed in for a long time before arriving at the Buddhist fork in the road. But what I believe about it doesn't line up with what Buddhism believes, and I'm ok with that. My views evolve, and honestly regardless of what I believe, what happens to me will happen no matter what. Whatever happens when we die, I do believe being at peace in those moments before and during that transition are very important. It's just one of those things I sense more than I can say I know.
    As I read in a book once, "Belief is not required. You will reincarnate whether you believe in it or not." that is how I tend to believe of when we die, regardless of whether it's actually reincarnation or not. I don't think Christians go to heaven, Buddhists are reborn, Hindus reincarnate, atheists just poof out. What we believe does not change what truly happens after we die. It just makes it easier for us to get on with life when we feel we have an answer to the question.

    Anyhow, I'm off track. I really enjoy these types of stories. I remember watching some shows about it on tv many years ago (I think it was Unsolved Mysteries, the one with Robert Stack) yet most often people with very vivid memories couldn't find historical support so I always found that interesting. I've read a lot of books on it and regardless of exactly what I feel about it, I find it fascinating.
  • I agree, people will believe what they want to believe based on their own experience. That is right and natural. And there is no reason what we believe shouldn't evolve. Impermanence shows that nothing is written in stone.
  • Trilobites.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Lee82 said:

    Interesting. Before 6 months ago I'd have said rebirth was a ridiculous idea but I am becoming more open to the possibility. It cannot be proven either way but I no longer feel the need to dismiss the idea. I have experienced a fair amount of de ja vu in my life but never been able to think beyond the fact that I'd been there before, and then it's gone.

    And that's a very fair and open-minded viewpoint.

  • When this was said, General Siha said to the Blessed One: "As for the four fruits of generosity visible in the here & now that have been pointed out by the Blessed One, it's not the case that I go by conviction in the Blessed One with regard to them. I know them, too. I am one who gives, a master of giving, dear & charming to people at large. I am one who gives, a master of giving; good people, people of integrity, admire me. I am one who gives, a master of giving, and my fine reputation is spread far & wide: 'Siha is generous, a doer, a supporter of the Sangha.' I am one who gives, a master of giving, and when I approach any assembly of people — noble warriors, brahmans, householders, or contemplatives — I do so confidently & without embarrassment.

    "But when the Blessed One says to me, 'At the break-up of the body, after death, one who gives, who is a master of giving, reappears in a good destination, the heavenly world,' that I do not know. That is where I go by conviction in the Blessed One."

    "So it is, Siha. So it is. At the break-up of the body, after death, one who gives, who is a master of giving, reappears in a good destination, the heavenly world."
  • DaftChrisDaftChris Spiritually conflicted. Not of this world. Veteran
    edited April 2013
    All evidence for past lives and reincarnation/rebirth is circumstantial & anecdotal at best; but it works for me.

    Somes books I like to recommend on this subject are Life before Life, Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation and 20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Again, it's all fairly circumstantial, but it sure is interesting and has helped shape my beliefs on the matter.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    DaftChris said:

    All evidence for past lives and reincarnation/rebirth is circumstantial & anecdotal at best; but it works for me.


    It's actually refreshing to hear someone say that no, it's not proven, but I still accept it...rather than those who argue the proof is there, which it isn't. Good for you, Chris!

  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    My two cents. I was thinking to today that believing in multiple lives.. with the only evidence available is kind of like believing in life on other planets. Some people say that finding water on other planets is evidence of life on other planets. But why? We don't know how life was formed anyway.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    honestly maybe that's dumb I just thought I would share a thought I had.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Just curious -- in what ways do we not know how life was formed?
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    Was there a point where life did not exist on earth? Were the conditions always there?

    Sorry to answer your question with the question it's the best answer I can come up with, and thanks for yours.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    I also remember hearing a scientific theory that it was formed by lightening, which implies that science does not know at this point. I will also point out that I don't know the facts on this issue.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    No, science does not "know". But some work done by a scientist -- Stanley Miller back in the 1950s. Basically, what Miller did was to try and replicate the substances that would have been present in the primordial earth, and then introduced electricity. The result was the formation of amino acids...a stepping stone to life. It appears that the first major life form on earth -- well, actually in the oceans -- may have been large colonies of blue green algae called stromatolites.

    Overall, despite a few problems with details, Miller's work has held up over the decades as at least having gone in the right direction.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    edited April 2013
    I'd also like to share that, about 6 or 7 years ago I billetted two Tibetan Lamas to stay in my home as they were on an art and awareness tour across North America. One was an older Rinpoche and former abbot of Drepung Gomang Monastery in Southern India. When they got to my home we gave them a tour of my house, and when he came to my room he saw my Buddha shrine and pictures of monks. Then we sat down at the kitchen table and the first time I began to speak to him he smiled and said, "I think Aaron Buddhist monk, last life". I don't believe things on faith so I didn't believe it fully.

    Some time has past and I've remembered some things about my childhood. My mom said she was a little shocked that I talked so much about death at such an early age. I remember when I was very very young I believed in past lives. I mean really young. I also remember thoughts I would have in elementary school like thinking it was against the rules to talk to girls. I remember when I was a little older in school we had school assemblies and we were taught to sit cross legged in the gymnaseum. I remember wanting to sit for hours and boast to my friends about how much I love sitting like that and that I want to do it for a long time. I remember laying down on the stage when I was playing with my friends playing dead and that the thought came up in my mind that I was meditating on death. When I joined karate I started crying and noone knew why because it was over our class changing to red robes. We did one day of meditation in karate and it made me very happy and peaceful and wondered if everyone else became like that and why we didn't do it more if they were. A monk on youtube said that some people become peaceful very quickly and easily when they first start meditating because they meditated alot in previous life, that they did the work.

    It's hard to admit but I pretty much do believe that I was a monk. But of course it doesn't matter.
  • vinlyn said:

    DaftChris said:

    All evidence for past lives and reincarnation/rebirth is circumstantial & anecdotal at best; but it works for me.


    It's actually refreshing to hear someone say that no, it's not proven, but I still accept it...rather than those who argue the proof is there, which it isn't. Good for you, Chris!

    I totally agree! I find people's experiences fascinating and have plenty of my own, and I end up coming across as dismissive of people's beliefs in something like reincarnation because (1) I personally don't believe in literal reincarnation, and (2) I've looked into the evidence and don't find it compelling from a scientific standpoint. But, belief itself on faith is something else. After all, I believe in the inherent goodness of humanity and our ability to forge a better world, and that is certainly rooted entirely on faith and hope, nothing else. All the historical record and current events tells me I'm delusional.
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