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Share your Poetry!

I've seen from the hobbies thread that many of you write haikus / poems. Personally, I've been doing it for years and love it! So here goes today's poem, for those of you who understand French...

Les quatres vérités en une journée ensoleillé

De retour à la tradition
Puisque Sartre m'ennuie
Avec son vide d'émotions
Frères d'âme moi & lui.

Pourtant on m'a appris
À lutter contre ces idées:
Accepter que souffrance et vie
Son synonyme en réalité.

Ce serait l'attachement
Aux objets et concepts
Toutefois impérmanents
Qui nous rend inepte.

Notre ignorance mène
À désirer toujours plus,
Infligeant douleur et peine
À l'Homme jusqu'à la puce!

...mais réjouissez-vous!
Puisque Buddha est venu
Et a indiqué qu'en nous
Se trouve l'avenue.



    Among these pines
    Arching toward a crystal sun

    Each a solid pillar of light each
    An ancient syllable resounding

    Through melanous earth a language
    No one will ever know

    Finding no entrance no windows
    The temple is everywhere

    ~ Joshua Sellers
  • cptshrkcptshrk Explorer
    Beautiful, the last stanza is really powerful! Here, I'll share another I did in English this time:

    Untitled #6

    I see the World in green, brown, white & blue
    Under the sun lending the rainbow its hue
    I feel the cold wind blowing strong, then rest
    Swaying my body to the east, from west
    I hear the small birds singing to the dead
    Reaching to my listening ear, instead
    I smell the fresh air fleeing from the snow
    Leading me to ponder on tomorrow
    And I taste the bitter tea on my tongue
    Loyally keeping me up all day long

    My head sometimes can be a fright'ning place
    But we can't be dealt a hand full of Ace
    So as I sit here - hands cold - on the edge
    Waiting for a sign, looking down the ledge
    And I try to find how to end this poem
    Because all I'm thinking about is home

    O' hear me now sons & daughters of spring
    Gather to meet this year's winter offspring
    At last coming to bring the World a piece
    Of his offering known as joy & peace!

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    I wrote this a long time ago, back when I used to write really cheesy, melodramatic, slightly depressing poetry. Maybe someone will like it. :p

    He sat quietly, anticipating
    her embrace
    her smile
    and her warmth
    As the snow fell silently

    But now
    his love lay on the snow
    petals scattered like drops of blood
    And there he stood
    among the snowmen
    quietly anticipating the warmth
    to take them all away

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    A Recollection of Warmth

    Memory recalls the embers of the fire as dazzling
    and forgets the longing soothed and mesmerized
    Long tongues licking in darkness
    Sparks leaping on their brave voyage
  • cptshrkcptshrk Explorer
    @invincible_summer nothing to be ashamed of!

    @Jeffrey now I'm horny... ^^
  • What is Zen really?
    There is no such thing as "Zen",
    Once found it is gone.

    Why look for it then?
    There is nothing to look for.
    "Zen" is just a word.
  • GuiGui Veteran
    It is not as bad
    as my smaller mind
    in the middle of the night
    or the waking hour
    or any other moment my heart is beating.
    As I lie here naked and alone
    my imagination cannot surpass
    memories of shared ecstasy.
    And I find my body
    looking forward to
    knowing yours again.
    Remembering my lips to the back of your neck
    the tip of my tongue to the glen down your back
    my fingertips to the place where a thigh
    becomes the rest of you
    feeling your satisfaction on my heart
    beyond two pairs of brown eyes
    locked freely
    where the universe was created for us.
    And as you drift
    with your head on my chest
    I will lose myself in the rythm
    of your breath
    like a blade of sea grass
    in a salty bay wave.
  • @Gui - I need to go take a cold shower now. :D
    For Angie

    The weight of water hurls itself against rock,
    Retreats, re-gathers its strength, the sun shattered
    Into innumerable shards the eye cannot follow.
    Stranded on an elusive shore, half-remembered,
    I climb with you into sunlight, up a narrow path,
    Overlooking the ocean on a late summer day.
    Between us, the intimate silence we shared,
    The purest blue of sea and sky: every step
    In the course of time’s unfolding has led to this.
    But as two lines fuse together in Euclidean space,
    So they also pass and continue, the infinite point
    Disappearing into the ever-receding distance.
    Our ghosts are evoked more imperfectly with each
    Strain of music, straining for what cannot return.
    Was it even a memory we once shared?
    You, whom I have lost, have not escaped my hand
    To another place, but to another time dissolved
    By time, slipping away between numbered
    Heartbeats, submerged in a ceaseless roar.
    You and I are but a blur in this landscape, our shadows
    Stranded on a elusive shore, beyond salvage,
    Where the ocean’s perpetuum mobile drowns
    A late summer day in a lullaby of forgetting, forgotten.

    ~Joshua Sellers (2012)
  • John_SpencerJohn_Spencer Veteran
    edited May 2013
    I wrote this poem for my friend Flo who died suddenly in 2010.

    We had a memorial in Sussex Gardens (and the name, written in gravel, was for real).

    We let off an enormous firework rocket when it was dark, on the beach.

    If you don't know what a 'Tunnock' is you will have to Google it.

    She was buried on a hill not far from the sea.

    "Call me in denial but Flo seems more here and now than ever.

    Which is strange because apparently we buried her the other day.

    Yet I saw her name, heel-carved in gravel on a path in Sussex Gardens (whilst she hung out at the back and listened in?)

    Someone thumbed down cloud to scatter light on the sea and origamied gulls from tunnock wrappers.

    At night I caught a frozen flash of someone, knee-deep in seawater, neck extended, watching fireworks go off.

    She caught embers on her tongue and didn’t seem to care.

    Call me in denial – but just because it didn’t happen, doesn’t mean it wasn’t real."
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    To all things there is a beginning and an end.

    All things, except for two, that is.

    Life never really ends.

    A day dawns when the body becomes just a discarded shell, but the essence of life, the spirit, weaves its path though the corridors of eternity. The pillars of history that steady the ascent of humanity rest on a foundation of the souls of great men and women who have brought light into a world where darkness always threatens to hide truth. We know only the reality of the present. Yet, we have wandered through eons of space and time searching for the peace that will come only when we are one with the universe.

    I have forgotten my past, although there are those moments or experiences when I nearly capture a glimpse of what has come before. And, l know not what a future existence may bring. In point of fact, I cannot even comprehend what my present future may hold in store. I only know that if I die tomorrow -- and there are times the cavernous emptiness of loneliness makes me yearn for such peace -- the life force will go on, perhaps to a brighter future and hopefully a day when my spirit will find the happiness that has so far eluded my feeble grasp.

    Perhaps tomorrow God will grant me fulfillment or peace. I can go on only because I know there must be a reason, a purpose, for being here. Maybe tomorrow that purpose -- that person -- will emerge from the shadows of loneliness.
  • cptshrk said:

    I've seen from the hobbies thread that many of you write haikus / poems. Personally, I've been doing it for years and love it! So here goes today's poem, for those of you who understand French...

    Les quatres vérités en une journée ensoleillé

    De retour à la tradition
    Puisque Sartre m'ennuie
    Avec son vide d'émotions
    Frères d'âme moi & lui.

    Pourtant on m'a appris
    À lutter contre ces idées:
    Accepter que souffrance et vie
    Son synonyme en réalité.

    Ce serait l'attachement
    Aux objets et concepts
    Toutefois impérmanents
    Qui nous rend inepte.

    Notre ignorance mène
    À désirer toujours plus,
    Infligeant douleur et peine
    À l'Homme jusqu'à la puce!

    ...mais réjouissez-vous!
    Puisque Buddha est venu
    Et a indiqué qu'en nous
    Se trouve l'avenue.

    I hope you don't mind @cptshrk - My French is no good so I put your poem through Google Translate - How did it do?

    "The four truths in a sunny day

    Return to tradition
    Since Sartre bored
    With its empty emotions
    Soul Brothers me & him.

    Yet I was taught
    To fight against these ideas:
    Accept that suffering and life
    Its actually synonymous.

    This would be the attachment
    Objects and concepts
    However impermanent
    Makes us inept.

    Our ignorance leads
    As always desire more,
    Inflicting pain and punishment
    At the Man to the chip!

    but ... rejoice!
    Since Buddha came
    And indicated that we
    Is the avenue."

    N.B. I am unconvinced that "At the Man to the chip!" is a sensible translation.

  • cptshrkcptshrk Explorer
    edited May 2013
    @John_Spencer it's about right... appart from the weird grammar and some mistakes:

    Sartre bores me
    With his emotional void

    Our ignorance leads
    To desire always more
    Inflicting pain and sorrow
    From the man to the flea

    And indicated that in us
    Is the way

    EDIT: that's my very naive take on the four noble truths, what do you think? I began writing it after putting down Sartre's L'age de la raison, because I couldn't endure his boredom which I came to realize is something I recognize in myself also. Then reminded myself of the Noble Truths and how to deal with the suffering I had caused myself: practicing the eightfold path as Buddha spoke.
  • @cptshrk -

    I knew:
    "since Buddha came
    And indicated that we
    Is the avenue..."

    ...couldn't be right.

    I like your poem - it's seems both noble and true.
  • poptartpoptart Veteran
    Are limericks allowed?

    There was a newbuddhist called Buddy
    Who meditated in the nuddy
    His lama said "Oi,
    Get some clothes on, my boy!"
    Don't you think he's a bit fuddy-duddy?

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    no no know now
    dog chien

    Buddha Tree Age

    no routes
    no branches
    just leave

    Sun of Cod

    Mother of Mudra
    Murder and Maha Mayhem
    No pulse, No life,

    Your terrible blood is drunk
  • I used to write poems like mad in my mid 20s, involved in workshops, doing readings at a local museum (even got a tiny grant from the state for that! haha), etc. I was "serious" about it and then one day, around 1998, it all dried up. I didn't write another poem until 2001 (that poem "First Day" that I posted earlier in this thread). Since then I have written a few here and there (I don't count my haiku because it is such a specialised genre), and I had a big spurt last year.


    I am blind to faith
    In any eternity
    Other than this moment:
    The river rushes past
    Ephemeral hands.
    After all, a life can only
    Bear so much world,
    And its myriad sorrows,
    And its myriad beauties,
    Before ripening and falling
    Into its own shadow:
    It is enough to know
    It is enough.

    Long after I am dead,
    Long after you are dead,
    Long after the wake
    Of our history submerges
    Into an ocean
    With no shore in sight,
    While the wingless soul,
    Flimsy as it is, flickers
    Before the vast All,
    Only this unsung song,
    Our simple love,
    Beyond the frailty.

    ~ Joshua Sellers (2012)
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