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Could have been prayer more than anything else.

Hi, I'll keep it short.

Struggling to maintain thought.
Immense amount of mental pain.
For the 1st time in a long time,
Decided that there actually might be some "thing" out there that might actually know more than me.
Was right on the edge of the black with nothing left to lose mentally. What a mess.
I gave in and I jumped. Right into the black. No fear.
An insane move for sure, but not when you have nowhere else mentally to go.
Could have ended up anywhere, madness really.

Then something I hadn't planned on. Everything and nothing but all at the same time.


A place of pure conscious, energy, golden honey and yellow hues of light.
A realm that had no dimensions or time.
THE reality that makes this one we experience a poor video game.

Might have been there forever, could have been a second, no way to tell.
Came back to what I had previously thought was the "real" when I began to wonder if I would get back to my "real" body.
I simply slipped back.

Haven't really dealt with it yet. Still have many big questions.

What the feck is 'this' place and how does it relate to the infinitely more real REAL.

Spoke to my sister about it. Told her that this place is an illusion. Strange look.

She's just had a kid so she's as sure about somethings as I am on this.

No reconciliation of the talk. She said she wouldn't want to know what I know even if she could.

My dad always said that it would be a boring world if everybody was the same.

I told him we were.

I'm getting a lot of strange looks these days.

I'm thankful that it all washes over.



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Thank you for sharing.
    And every word is laden with gratitude.

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited June 2015

    Nice but I'd ask that you not get so lost in the absolute that we lose your perspective.

    We are the same but we are each an unique aspect of that sameness.

  • EarthninjaEarthninja Wanderer West Australia Veteran

    @ste20man said:
    Hi, I'll keep it short.

    Struggling to maintain thought.
    Immense amount of mental pain.
    For the 1st time in a long time,
    Decided that there actually might be some "thing" out there that might actually know more than me.
    Was right on the edge of the black with nothing left to lose mentally. What a mess.
    I gave in and I jumped. Right into the black. No fear.
    An insane move for sure, but not when you have nowhere else mentally to go.
    Could have ended up anywhere, madness really.

    Then something I hadn't planned on. Everything and nothing but all at the same time.


    A place of pure conscious, energy, golden honey and yellow hues of light.
    A realm that had no dimensions or time.
    THE reality that makes this one we experience a poor video game.

    Might have been there forever, could have been a second, no way to tell.
    Came back to what I had previously thought was the "real" when I began to wonder if I would get back to my "real" body.
    I simply slipped back.

    Haven't really dealt with it yet. Still have many big questions.

    What the feck is 'this' place and how does it relate to the infinitely more real REAL.

    Spoke to my sister about it. Told her that this place is an illusion. Strange look.

    She's just had a kid so she's as sure about somethings as I am on this.

    No reconciliation of the talk. She said she wouldn't want to know what I know even if she could.

    My dad always said that it would be a boring world if everybody was the same.

    I told him we were.

    I'm getting a lot of strange looks these days.

    I'm thankful that it all washes over.

    You've definitely had a really auspicious experience, learn what you can from it but don't go chasing this again :) otherwise you will suffer feeling separate.
    Keep investigating!

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran

    what about it relates to prayer?

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Prayer ... that'll do it ...


    It is auspicious BUT in Buddhist terms of no import. Strange as that may seem.

    People do not on the whole talk of or some even have trancendent experiences.

    Some of us here are familiar with 'arisings' of all manner shape and form ...

    Be cautious. Be normal. In Buddhism we call this wisdom <3

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    @ourself said:
    Nice but I'd ask that you not get so lost in the absolute that we lose your perspective.

    We are the same but we are each an unique aspect of that sameness.

    The reason I said that is because it happened to me for a while and delusion started setting in... Actually thought I was God for a whole day. That was 2 days after my experience.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited June 2015

    <3God for a day eh?

    We iz all 'God' ... yeah, yeah.

    So? As has been mentioned ... eh ... in another thread :3

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    I'm just warning of the dangers of forming beliefs around these things.

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