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Buddhists and animal rights activists against Hindu sacrifice to Gadhimai

edited November 2009 in Buddhism Today
Thought you might be interested in the following:

In Bara district, where the ‘living Buddha’ meditates, more than a million Hindus are preparing to sacrifice half a million animals during the festival of Gadhimai Mela. Actress Brigitte Bardot wants the inhumane practice stopped. More than 12,000 police agents are mobilised for the occasion.
However, Bara district is also a major Buddhist pilgrimage site. This is where Ram Bahadur Bomjan, known as the living reincarnation of the Buddha, meditates year round.
At present, hundreds of Buddhists and activists are praying with him to stop the animal sacrifice.
“The killing of animals in the name of sacrifice is the most serious crime. So it must be stopped immediately,” said Rinpoche Sange Rangjung, a Buddhist monk and protest leader. “In no religion are animal sacrifices prescribed”.

What you guys think about this?


  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited November 2009
    I don't think there will be much debate here on the mass slaughter of half a million animals as a sacrifice.

    But this stuff about a reincarnation of the Buddha, a.k.a. Siddhartha, certainly caught my attention. Contradictory much?

    "...but Ram himself has denied this." - oh, thank goodness.
  • edited November 2009
    OMG what will TheFound say about this?!!?!:p

    I've only put one animal and about 30 spiders to death by my hand.
    The spiders were mistakes I made being angry,
    they being so damn many after I put them all outside for years...I decided they were infesting and i had to take measures...I severely regret it to this day that I killed them with anger, glee and without mercy..

    The animal, was my dog of 13 years, who was a god to me. He got cancer, was a wreck and had to be put down..I honestly stared into his eyes and held his hand as we put him to sleep at the vet.

    If you think about it, any animal could easily be your lifelong friend like this dog was to me. Any being.

    So if you are going to kill goats, or animals whatever in a festival or whatever occasion ....
    You are just a dumb traditional cfuk. Or an evil prick.
    Either way karma will tell..
    "Don't be ridiculous"... is my advice to them.
    If you were stupid enough, get smart! idiots..:crazy:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2009
    We think the sacrifices are wrong, we think Brigitte Bardot and Rinpoche Sange Rangjung are right. :)
  • edited November 2009
    We probably cant do much about it though. I received a mail from FPMT where Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote, that he didnt think much good would come of, trying to prevent the Hindu's from sacrificing the animals. But that he recomended prayers and sutra recitations - especially recitation of the golden light sutra.
    Ill try and find the mail, and post it here if anyones interested

    Big love

  • edited November 2009
    Here is the mail from Lama Zopa Rinpoche

    Dear Center Directors, students and friends,

    You might have heard the Nepal news about the 500,000 animals that are going to be sacrificed over two days on 24th November (Ghaddimai animal sacrifice festival, happens every five years in the terrai).
    The Buddha boy wrote to the organizers asking them not to do it but his request was rejected. It is a big Hindu festival and now the Buddha boy is thinking to go there and try to stop it. I think unless one has special powers to show, people will not listen. It is a big religion with not 100 or 1000 followers but millions. Now it seems to have become a problem in Nepal like the problem with shoes and the Hindus in Pashupati. Now probably no matter what the reality is they will think it is the Buddhists who are making problems.
    My observation shows that the Buddha boy won't be able to stop it. Possibly some animal rights organisations might be able to help, but it's not sure. If western organisations and people like Nobel Peace (laureates) ask, maybe could help, but it would need many.
    It came out good to read the Golden Light Sutra 100 times so i have asked Kopan gompa to send some monks to read it at the stupa and make strong prayers for the sacrifice not to happen, to dedicate like that and of course dedicate for world peace. You can find the Sutra in various languages here: http://www.fpmt. org/teacherszopa/advice/ goldenlight. asp. org/teacherszopa/advice/ goldenlight. asp

    I would like to request the centers and students to read the Golden Light Sutra and recite the Padmasambhava prayer for removing obstacles and for quick success, for the sacrifice not to happen. This needs to be done quickly as the sacrifice is happening on 24th November. You can find the Padmasambhava prayer here: Please recite any number of the Golden Light Sutra and the Padmasambhava prayer for removing obstacles and for quick success.

    With much love and prayers,

    Lama Zopa
  • edited November 2009
    this kind of thing never ceases to amaze me
  • edited November 2009
    I just skimmed through it, but these guys are kind of pissing me off... when did they lose sight of the important stuff, and start losing themselves to BS
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited November 2009
    How can a God be happy with his people slaughtering his animals?
    If I was there God I'd be sad... :(
  • NiosNios Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Have they edited the article? It doesn't refer to him as a "reincarnation of the buddha"...
    "However, Bara district is also a major Buddhist pilgrimage site. This is where Ram Bahadur Bomjan, also known as the "Buddha boy", meditates year round."
  • edited November 2009
    the found is suffering from his own ego
    i dont believe the issue can be resolved through the ill talk and the ill will that thefound is communicating we must rid ourselves of the judgmental mindset $0.02
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2009
    No, I think you are wrong.
    We need a certain amount of judgement, or else we would not care either way. I think we need to be judgemental in such matters, and it is vital to retain a judgemental evaluative perception.
    What we cannot lose - and must cultivate - is compassion, alongside wisdom.
    A lack of judgement, is a lack of wisdom.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited November 2009
    It's happening tomorrow- I can't believe this! Half a million animals! Half a milion wasted lives! Could be our dead pets, family or friends who are no longer with us! It makes me feel so useless! :(
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited November 2009
    At our temple we are doing extensive practices, including Vajrasattva and fire pujas, to hopefully counteract some of this outrageous negativity. The festival is a part of the holiday(!) celebrations of Durga, the vicious, blood drinking aspect of Kali-ma. Such sacrifices have been banned in India, but it's not likely to happen in Nepal. They make too much money off the Indians coming over for the "festivities"! I would invite everyone to dedicate some practice to these poor unfortunate creatures and those who are slaughtering them as well.

  • edited November 2009
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    It's happening tomorrow- I can't believe this! Half a million animals! Half a milion wasted lives! Could be our dead pets, family or friends who are no longer with us! It makes me feel so useless! :(
    *Hugs you* :sadc:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited November 2009
    I'm almost actually crying, oh why can they do this... :(
    I'll be praying they have a great, well-deserved rebirth, poor animals :(

    Do the animals get at least eaten or are they truely wasted? :(

    *Thanks for the hug, feels bit better :)*
  • edited November 2009
    Gut reaction- i get nervous when a group of people e.g Buddhists and another group of people e.g. Hindus face off against each other over a matter of morality- that's how we get conflicts. I am all for promoting non-harm, eg Palzang's approach, but one should be very careful about placing one's own beliefs above another's in a 'my beliefs are right and yours are wrong' kind of way (though i'm not accusing anyone!). My opinion is given different genes and environments any member of either side could have found themselves on the other. Just a view. Respectfully for my part i think it would be nice if nothing had to suffer or die in the name of a belief.

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Gut reaction- i get nervous when a group of people e.g Buddhists and another group of people e.g. Hindus face off against each other over a matter of morality- that's how we get conflicts. I am all for promoting non-harm, eg Palzang's approach, but one should be very careful about placing one's own beliefs above another's in a 'my beliefs are right and yours are wrong' kind of way (though i'm not accusing anyone!). My opinion is given different genes and environments any member of either side could have found themselves on the other. Just a view. Respectfully for my part i think it would be nice if nothing had to suffer or die in the name of a belief.


    You're correct I suppose... :)
  • edited November 2009
    There is yet another big animal sacrifice event coming up in Indonesia this Friday. My teacher, Lama Phurbu Tashi, is there teaching for the next month. He and his his Indonesian students are planning on purchasing live animals to release into the wild on Friday to offset the upcoming slaughter.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Dear, dear, when will humans become civilised:confused:
  • edited November 2009
    the found is suffering from his own ego
    i dont believe the issue can be resolved through the ill talk and the ill will that thefound is communicating we must rid ourselves of the judgmental mindset $0.02

    OMG you are so right about my suffering from my own ego, I admit it...and I agree that the issue can't be solved by ill talk etc..

    ... but judgmental mindset? comon man, we need to judge when to cross the street,
    what to do about NAZI's
    what to do about people slaughtering animals for reasons illogical.

    I know you must have meant how:

    "I am judging these peoples ways, as incorrect.... Well yeah.. fuck that! they are incorrect... if they are slaughtering animals, give me a break... wtf good has that ever done "?

    maybe they should start marching virgin princesses into volcanoes?
    "oh no thefound, that's ridiculous!!!......" :crazy::crazy:

    you sound very anti-TheFound though? I apologize I am a young guy with a lot to learn and I learn by saying my opinions and trying to evolve other ones,
  • edited November 2009
    TheFound wrote: »
    if they are slaughtering animals, give me a break... wtf good has that ever done "?

    While it is unskillful in our practice, to some cultures animal murder is a stairway to heaven.

    I think it important to remain composed, and subsequently non judgmental.
    Instead of an act putting people on a stage to be judged, let it inspire us towards.

    Check out the link, dictionaries can be so Zen.
  • edited November 2009
    Inji-gyo wrote: »
    While it is unskillful in our practice, to some cultures animal murder is a stairway to heaven.

    Well they are wrong....
    What's wrong with asserting something
    like 2+2 does NOT equal 631??

    is that really judgmental or just plain logic?
    if anyone gets in my face saying 2+2 = 631 or that killing animals is a stairway to heaven... wtf am I supposed to do? just go ahead and tolerate their ignorance until they themselves figure it out?

    how about we let the nazi's in ww2, just figure it out themselves? good idea or no? they will slaughter "animals" over and over..anyone jewish?...

    should we let them? HELL NO we should stop them with extreme prejudice...if it takes ILL WILL, then ILL WILL it is...if it takes ill action, ill action it is ...I will sacrifice my karma to kill worse killers...

    .you think a bunch of Tibetan Buddhist lamas? would have stopped the nazi's? NO
    it called for a joint effort of blood thirsty ill willed, fed up m**h3r f3**3rs

    Comon inji-gyo you know what I'm saying...I know what your saying but it doesn't work all fine and dandy like u may want it to, we have to express our judgment and act on it according to a democratic, intelligent way
  • edited November 2009
    There is no easy answer to any of the scenarios you mention. Nazis are scary (not as scary as zombie Nazis)

    2+2 just demonstrates duality.
    Just because an action is not holy does not make it evil.

    About the Nazis. Right-Actions could most likely have prevented Nazism from ever taking root. fivebells shared some links and posts to a book Titled "Human Smoke" very interesting read.

    Would Buddha march in and pass judgment on these people?
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Buddhists have never taken part in violence and we won't start now:-/
  • edited November 2009
    TheFound wrote: »
    Well they are wrong....
    What's wrong with asserting something
    like 2+2 does NOT equal 631??

    I understand what you are saying The Found. Sticking our head in the sand and thinking about airy fairy wishy washy nonsense would not be a way to approach any situation involving Nazis! I hope the best Buddhist ideas are very concrete and practical though. Look at Thich Nhat Hanh and engaged Buddhism, in the Vietnam war.

    You've got to be careful though about black and white thinking, right and wrong in my opinion. If you reflect that your ideas of what is 'wrong' are conditioned by the net of genes and experiences you have had (even extreme ones such as 'killing is wrong') you might agree its possible that given different influences you could have been posting a very different opinion. The people involved in sacrificing animals are not idiots, their brains are not inferior to ours - they have a different view on the place and role of the animal. They have a different mindset. Instead of blowing them up, understanding them first and seeing their view is wiser don't you think?
  • edited November 2009
    I'm sorry i do not mean to upset you in anyway... what im saying is that i do not feel that there is a place for me to make any judgments on the people that are sacrificing the animals... perhaps they are on the wrong path and we should peacefully without ill will or ill talk and with out ego do our very best to spread the message of the Buddha to them. I also do not have any right to place judgment on you for any of your actions this only clouds our path to enlightenment. i should simply not participate, in any way, on either side of the issue and stick to my path and participate in a nature that the Buddha and i would approve. Sometime my ego gets the better of me as it did when i was judging your post. i have to work on my ego even in my Buddhism studies because i have a tendency to see black and white in my buddhist studies and my beliefs. Judging you and your post is just another manifestation of my ego which i am truly sorry for and am trying to slay.

    once again i am sorry for the judgment and i hope you can forgive me
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Buddhists have never taken part in violence and we won't start now:-/
    Hiya, Joe.

    I don't want to upset you in any way but knowing the truth is better than not so I'll just go ahead and say this: There have indeed been times when Buddhists, even ordained Buddhists, have engaged in violence.

    Just do a little research if you want to know the specifics. It's not pretty but hey, we're still humans and subject to human weaknesses. We're all just trying to do our best along this path.

    Just wanted to point that out.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Non-violence is at the heart of Buddhist thinking and behaviour. The first of the five precepts that all Buddhists should follow is "Avoid killing, or harming any living thing."
    Buddhism is essentially a peaceful tradition. Nothing in Buddhist scripture gives any support to the use of violence as a way to resolve conflict.
    In times of war
    Give rise in yourself to the mind of compassion,
    Helping living beings
    Abandon the will to fight.

    One of Buddha's sermons puts this very clearly with a powerful example that stresses the need to love your enemy no matter how cruelly he treats you:
    Even if thieves carve you limb from limb with a double-handed saw, if you make your mind hostile you are not following my teaching.
    <CITE>Kamcupamasutta, Majjhima-Nikkaya I ~ 28-29</CITE>

    Figures like the Dalai Lama (who won the Nobel Peace Prize) demonstrate in word and deed Buddhism's commitment to peace.
    "Hatred will not cease by hatred, but by love alone.
    This is the ancient law."

    Many Buddhists have refused to take up arms under any circumstances, even knowing that they would be killed as a result. The Buddhist code that governs the life of monks permits them to defend themselves, but it forbids them to kill, even in self-defence.
    For Buddhist countries this poses the difficult dilemma of how to protect the rights and lives of their citizens without breaking the principle of nonviolence.
    The pure Buddhist attitude is shown in this story:
    A Vietnam veteran was overheard rebuking the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, about his unswerving dedication to non-violence.
    "You're a fool," said the veteran - "what if someone had wiped out all the Buddhists in the world and you were the last one left. Would you not try to kill the person who was trying to kill you, and in doing so save Buddhism?!"
    Thich Nhat Hanh answered patiently "It would be better to let him kill me. If there is any truth to Buddhism and the Dharma it will not disappear from the face of the earth, but will reappear when seekers of truth are ready to rediscover it.
    "In killing I would be betraying and abandoning the very teachings I would be seeking to preserve. So it would be better to let him kill me and remain true to the spirit of the Dharma."

    I know Buddhists have never been pacifist all the time but we're more peaceful than many other religions and I don't want us to engage in a war or anything stupid against Hindus.
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