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One of the Buddha's discourses on right and wrong speech: "Potaliya, four kinds of people exist and can be found in the world. What kinds? 1) Some blame those who should be blamed, according to … (View Post)
(Quote) I see where you're coming from, now. You inferred from his thread title, that he views compassion as the key element in his experience. (Very astute of you, haha, I missed it! :blush: ) But I… (View Post)
I've had some of my best meditation sessions out in my backyard, with the wind rustling in the trees and the occasional chirping of birds, along with the garden fragrances, as a background. I find it… (View Post)
The goal can be simpllfied down to: "non-attachment to ego". We need a basic, functional "self" to deal with the world on an everyday basis, as did the Buddha. The problems come i… (View Post)