Hi all,
I'm looking for your perspectives on the technical aspects of meditation: sitting posture, meditation schedule, creating a meditation space, and preparing for meditation. How do you feel about aids to meditation (chanting, music, imagery, using the sun, etc.)? I'm open to learning from different viewpoints. I've learned about the theory of meditation and dharma generally; I'd like to develop a useful regular practice.
This might help
or this:

I usually meditate sometime in the morning. I hear that HHDL likes to meditate at 4 AM, I tend to sleep a bit longer, then coffee first thing.
Hi everyone. @lobster Thanks, I will review it. @Kerome So you have coffee before meditation? Interesting. Does that help?
I like to read something before meditation. I don't think about what I have read during meditation though. I think about what I read before meditation though. If it's morning I also drink coffee but if I meditate in the evening I don't drink coffee.
And when I say I read something it may be something my teacher wrote for an ongoing course or it could be just something I stumbled on and thought "hey I want to review and know about that".
I wouldn't play music during meditation. For chanting I would do that outside of meditation but not during. A lot of teachers talk about the posture and over the years I have incorporated that. I like to experiment sitting by the sunshine from a window or wherever but I don't seek anything that is distracting.
For meditation the posture is important because it affects the mind. But the mind is mores important than the posture. For the mind I think of four points: present moment, heart/mind, wake up, and let go into space.
@Jeffrey Nice.
Then do it.
You might not like it. It is not about like, or dislike or amusing ourselves. It is just being with ourselves regularly
@lobster Good point. In the beginning, it will be a challenge. I come here for some insight from others before going into meditation lands.
Meditation land is Awareness & Familiarization land ...And on or off the cushion ,,, Awareness is always present...
@yoda_soda You may find this helpful...
@Shoshin Thanks!
It just helps me wake up and stay focussed, the risk with early morning meditation is that you can still be sleepy. It’s a help in some ways, in that it aids with staying tranquil. So there are some ups and downs compared to meditating in the early afternoon, where you may face more hindrances related to a busy mind.
@Kerome Nice.
I usually meditate after I get home from work. The kids are usually doing homework, gaming or cooking dinner so I do a 15-30 minute session in my bedroom. I also meditate just before I go to sleep for about 10-15 mins (with Google Home playing ocean sounds in the background)
_ /\ _
Do or Do not. There is no try.
Bodhi Yoda
@lobster Quoting me, you are!
@yoda_soda , a lot of that, we do...!
Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!
Home you do not own, but renting it you are.
Own anything, you do not, rent everything, you do.
For everyone, that is true.
Stop now, can we....?
My ritual of meditation is once i wake up, i go and wash my hands and face. Washing my hands is a great ritual to remain mindful, im aware of the temperature of the water, where the water streams over my hand, the look of the water. Once i have done this ill prepare one large pillow, sit spine almost fully erect, legs crossed and my hands wherever feels comfortable, usually on either knee. Then ill close my eyes and be mindful of every sensation i may be feeling from my sense; how hard the pillow is, how warm the room is, the moistness of my hands. And once aware of all with my eyes closed ill breathe deeply, counting 10 breathes, if i lose concentration on the way to 10 i start again. And once im induced into the meditation and in a state of blissful relaxation, i meditate according to whatever my intention is.
Good news! I visited a Zen center and got some meditation under my belt. Buddha claps for me... Now I just have to go back. It was actually kinda nice. A kindly experienced Zen dude took me under his wing and instructed me.
Must have been a Garuda.
Good news. Bravo.
You could go forward ...
@lobster I mean, return to the center!
Return to the Middle Way/Center ???
I knew there was a plan ...
Meditation space is eventually inward.
Initially it is useful to have a shrine as focus.
Here is one of mine

You might find a meditation/insight journal useful ... for your sacred space ...
I've had some of my best meditation sessions out in my backyard, with the wind rustling in the trees and the occasional chirping of birds, along with the garden fragrances, as a background. I find it helps calm the mind to focus on those elements, and really dwell with them.
Nice reminder @Dakini
From Food for the Heart by Ajahn Chah:
It may sound overly simplistic, but sometimes, as I sit, I open my eyes, look down at my knees and the supporting area of floor, and I just think to myself: "This is all there is. And it will end."
Brings me into the real moment more quickly and efficiently than any other technical aspect I know of.
Always stretch beforehand, especially if you're doing it in the lotus position.