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Jeroen·Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter·Veteran
I think you are absolutely right to say we need to stand still with the things we are doing right, it is important to realise that we are doing positive things. I have been involved in… * Helping my … (View Post)
I thought I’d talk about the Dutch prime minister, Schoof. Basically after the election there was no one party in control - this is normal in Dutch politics - and the four parties who together had a … (View Post)
“When your vision comes more and more in tune with wisdom, you will discover that the world is God. It is a way of looking.” — Ramana Maharshi (View Post)
(Quote) Well… I have detailed my stepfathers last days here: https://newbuddhist.com/discussion/27287/difficult-moments And I have talked about my mothers health difficulties the following year here:… (View Post)
One of the things I felt while watching the film, is that close family ties, of mothers and sons, and man and woman in particular, are important to our spiritual selves. In Buddhist life, not much at… (View Post)