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On this morning's jolk, this angry seagull was getting a little to close for comfort...perhaps the nest was close by... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k-D85GC3VA I've had them divebomb me before an… (View Post)
I'm at the beach for skinny dip and the beach is full of boaties,(people who arrived on their boats from the mainland) the bay is full of boats.... I haven't spotted any locals yet... (View Post)
A chilling account from reconstructive surgeon Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah who's been working in Gaza (NOT FOR THE FAINTHEARTED) .... It brings home the truth of what is still happening in Gaza and what ..… (View Post)
Beautiful day, so went for a dip... On the way back up the track, I stopped to rest in the shade (many moons ago I would race my selves to the top of the track without stopping...I would always win ;… (View Post)