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(Quote) and if so, can mindfulness really be found there? There is attention and the department store of mind chatter. If lost in thought we are not in the moment. We are inattentive. In such a state… (View Post)
Good point @person However the foxes are already in the hen house. Laying eggs. So for example: * Women sangha still frowned on by cultural, religious, patriarchs. Pah! * Middle class, privileged bia… (View Post)
(Image) Embracing our differences, I shall know myself as you, and you as myself. May we serve each other for all our days, here, there, and everywhere. Sensei Wendy Egyoku Nakao https://www.rabbimar… (View Post)
(Image) As a wer-lobster it is necessary for me to take fish oils. However in a moment of mindless abandon I took the capsules twice today. Tsk, tsk. I was not being mindful but attention-less. 😶 Hav… (View Post)
Tee Hee. Great Poem. So I will Free Form ... FEEL THE Heat HEAT neat Warmth glows within A light alights Shines out, lasered, directed, focussed Burnt out hear her crackling fire Sense the flame A ri… (View Post)