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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Today on the other hand temperatures are around 5 degrees Celsius. Distinctly chilly when you consider 17 degrees for next weekend lol, let’s hope the long range forecast was accurate.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Whether the weather is cold...Whether the weather is hot...We'll weather the weather whatever the weather whether we like it or not ! :)

    It was 15 degrees first thing this morning and today's top temp is meant to reach 23 degrees (possible 25 for the island)...

    My neighbour/landlord (who lives upstairs) is like a migrating bird, he spends May to September in Europe I don't think he has spent a winter anywhere for quite some time...

    He used to work for an international airline which provides staff (who have work there for many years) 'free' domestic and international travel, so he gets free flights for the rest of his life ( domestic flights quite a few and international once a year)... and he definitely makes the most of the perk .... :)

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    It's taken me ten years and three houses to realise I shouldn't be a home owner......oh well, better late than never!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    And how is living in a tent, working for ya....? :confused::glasses:

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Which @Bunks reminds me of...

    Thereupon he spoke these words of victory:

    "Seeking but not finding the house builder buyer,
    I hurried through the round of many births purchases:
    Painful is birth purchase ever and again.

    O house builderbuyer, you have been seen;
    You shall not build the buy a house again.
    Your rafters have been broken up,
    Your ridgepole is demolished too."


  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    edited April 2018

    @federica said:
    And how is living in a tent, working for ya....? :confused::glasses:

    If only......

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    I was on my way down to the beach yesterday when I came across this Heron chilling out and admiring the view...

    ....Or with its 20/20 vision it could have just been scanning the ocean for schools of fish :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Presumably to teach them a lesson on staying deep.......?

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    This morning I awoke to this choice ....

    Hmm.....which path to follow :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    The different one.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Hmm...I take it this would be the middle path :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2018

    It's as good a path as any other different one... just don't make it the same, old same-old....

  • Your two latest pics are really good @Shoshin <3

    I like rainbows and often take pics of herons. It is quite wet and muddy here at the moment.

    In other random and useless news, been taking neem - yuk, bitter but beneficial ...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2018

    Today's word is paraprosdokian.
    it is a sesquipedalian word meaning 'unexpected'. See 'Emo Philips'. (Love the guy.....!)

    (Sesquipedalian' was yesterday's word..... :D )

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran
    edited April 2018

    We've been having the four seasons in one Autumn's day, kinda weather...Cold overcast, wind rain, then sunshine blueish sky, then back to overcast and low temperatures more wind and rain...

    Seven days ago .....

    Oh well, can't complain...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Same, same @Shoshin ......our first blast of winter this weekend. My poor daughter has been pining for the trampoline!!

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    @Bunks no doubt the sun will be out again soon and your daughter will back bouncing :)

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Already happened since my last update :)

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Wow the power of positive think ;)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    4 Seasons in one day....

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    I just received a notification that a body is required while i was posting. Must one be a made man to belong to this forum? Please help.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    It doesn't have to be your body. I believe the morgue has several spares for such situations. Voluntary donations welcome.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    Federica, do I need to do something about the body notice? Made men kill other people in the Mafia not themselves, either way it just doesn't seem to fit with my sense of the Dharma. Am I missing something?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Only if you're a poor shot.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    I think I'm beginning to see how I can fulfill the body requirement.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Ok, but you may have a long wait as we only have a skeleton staff.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    Bunks, may the force be with you.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran
    edited April 2018

    @Bunks said:
    Heading off on a three day silent meditation retreat with Ajahn Brahmali from BSWA this afternoon.

    Looking fwd to no work, kids, phones, tv, internet etc. Just peace and quiet..... :)

    Have a nice quiet mind time @Bunks :)

  • Lee82Lee82 Veteran

    I'm in Scotland again for the weekend and yesterday found the most tranquil place I've ever visited. It was in the middle of Galloway Forest Park, no other people around, birds singing, river flowing, blue skies, absolutely incredible.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    If Heaven exists, it is around us all the time; we simply need to be able to see, appreciate and value it. What a beautiful picture, @Lee82 .

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    Wonderful picture. Thank you Lee82.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    How sweet, it's a well composed still life, that's quite attractive, warm and Buddhist
    homey and it tells a little story at least for me. Thank you DhammaDragon.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    (I love the tea timers...!) Yup. Medium for me. No sugar. Or honey.

    And unlike the crass boorish American woman once ill-met in a rather beautiful and extremely traditional Japanese restaurant, I do not want cream in my green/jasmine tea, thanks...

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    @Tsultrim said:
    How sweet, it's a well composed still life, that's quite attractive, warm and Buddhist
    homey and it tells a little story at least for me. Thank you DhammaDragon.

    Thank you too and you're welcome❤
    Nice to meet you

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Cream in one's green tea???

  • I'll bring coffee, just been reading about the Ethiopian Coffee Ritual, starting with green beans, finishing with popcorn and frankincense ...

    Meanwhile whilst we await the aroma, I am on retreat ... yes my iPad is allowed - I am a heretic. :p View from my window ...

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    I love both coffee and tea.
    I am a coffeine-run junkie...

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    On my walk this afternoon I came across this Asian paper wasp nest...

    As the temperature drops they will die a natural death...(well apart from the fertile foundresses who will hibernate and start a new nest in Spring)....

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I think the nests wasps build are an example of virtually faultless craftsmanship. The labour, effort and sheer hard work that goes into constructing these sometimes colossal structures, is simply breathtaking to watch. What a pity that some view them as an unwanted pestilential visitor and seek to eradicate them....
    We had a wasp's nest in our shed, one year. It was simply stunning to observe, and a marvel to witness its steady growth. Fortunately, it was situated at the far end of the shed, so our occasional visits to use tools stored therein caused little alarm and no problem.
    When the nest finally emptied in October, we removed it, and gave it to a local primary school as part of their 'Nature display'. They were both stunned and grateful....

    (My husband also secured the gap whence the wasps entered in the first place. They did not return the following year.)

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    If they're the paper wasps I know about, at certain times of the year they get very aggressive and sting. I remember one stinging me on the ear. It hurt and persisted. Being a Buddhist I didn't want to kill them, but after several more stings I took on the karma.
    Seems you caught them in a good mood or they are a different specie than the one I encountered. Those didn't need to be riled, if you were in the vicinity they came for you.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    It's funny you should mention this...Yes they are amazing master builders...

    This was a nest I came across last year....It was in an overgrown garden close to the path which the owners had to use to get in and out of their property, hence a real health hazard, especially for those with allergies to wasp stings ...

    Over the years I've come across many wasp nests and some in unusual places...I've also given a number of nests to schools for students to study...One common wasp nest I came across, (it would have been 20 odd years ago now) the queen had started to build her nest attached to a set of three stack tables in an old shed on the client's property...the nest was well established it was huge...and came with a set of legs to stand on (the nest was wrapped around the tables...I gave the table nest to the Auckland museum who put it on display in their natural history section...

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    @Tsultrim said:
    If they're the paper wasps I know about, at certain times of the year they get very aggressive and sting. I remember one stinging me on the ear. It hurt and persisted. Being a Buddhist I didn't want to kill them, but after several more stings I took on the karma.
    Seems you caught them in a good mood or they are a different specie than the one I encountered. Those didn't need to be riled, if you were in the vicinity they came for you.

    The paper wasp species in the first photo are not really aggressive, unless that is one is game enough to try and touch their nest...Normally people are stung by this species when they accidentally brush against the nest when gardening...

    I've had my fair share of karmic comeuppance, over the years I've been stung on numerous occasions when having to remove or destroy a wasp nest that was causing a health hazard, even when wearing full protective clothing, eg, hat with net, gloves and overalls.. they still managed to penetrate the protective clothing and have a field day, stung on the chin, arms, legs, they really go to town :)...I can't complain...I would do the same if I were them and someone was destroying my home :)

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    I love wasps. Some may be interested in ye olde thread on talking to animals, including wasps ...

    What about hornets. Ay caramba! ?

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran
    edited May 2018

    Fortunately hornets are not established in NZ......yet....All the established social wasp species in NZ have accidentally been introduced, which as led to major problems for indigenous insects, not to mention the problems for humans...

    In the countries where they originate they have natural predators and parasites, to keep the populations in check, whereas here they have none, and due to our temperate climate (well the northern parts of the North island) they breed like crazy, and can overwinter, building onto nest establish the season before...

    One of the largest german wasp's nest (Vespula germanica) found in the North island, was found in a tree, it was the size of a mini car...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    There's a lesson here somewhere....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Driving my 8 yo daughter home from school and she asks:

    "Daddy, do I own my mind?"

    She's a deep thinker.....

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    @Bunks said:
    Driving my 8 yo daughter home from school and she asks:

    "Daddy, do I own my mind?"

    She's a deep thinker.....

    Wow, what a question, better yet she may be a deep experiencer.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Bunks said:
    Driving my 8 yo daughter home from school and she asks:

    "Daddy, do I own my mind?"

    She's a deep thinker.....

    ...To which you replied....?

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