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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Life is sacred

    True... Glad you and your family are okay...

    Well I had a busy day off yesterday...

    Had a Covid booster shot in the morning then around 1pm I attended an open to the public local board meeting/workshop where locals can present issues they feel need to be looked into...

    I was there with the local Palestinian solidarity group requesting the local board (which is part of the greater Auckland super city council) approach the government regarding their lack of compassion when it comes to issuing emergency visas for the Palestinian Kiwis family members trapped in Gaza and the West Bank to come to Aotearoa....When the Ukraine Russia conflict started within the first 9 days the NZ government had granted over 900 emergency visas for local Ukrainian's family members to come to Aotearoa.. And in 9 nearly 10 months of Israel's invasion and bombardment of Palestine the government had not approve one emergency visa for Palestinians...

    After a short discussion, they agreed to do this and said that they would also contact all the other local board councils who make up the greater Auckland super city council asking them to follow suit.

    The workshop/meeting went on for a couple of hours, other groups and individuals presenting their issues.

    Then around 5pm I met up with my work friends to farewell one of our work friends who passed away last week.

    And at 7pm I attended the showing of the documentary "Where Olive Trees Weep" about the ongoing trauma which many thousands of Palestinians live with under Israeli occupation.

    Some of the scenes in the documentary were horrendous.

    The positive of the day is the agreement of the local board to pressure the government into granting visas for the local Palestinian's family members to come here.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Nice cloud formations on this morning's jolk...

    I'm off to another solidarity rally this afternoon, going to pick up a couple of Keffiyehs from a Palestinian lady who sells them, she normally sells then online but will brings some with her today...

    I'll also be on the look out for orca, on the ferry rides...

    The waters around the island are warmer than usual, this could be contributing to the increased number of dolphins and orca sighting...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Just as I was standing under the shower, despair and sadness came visiting me…

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @how said:
    I'm always amazed at how much physical pain that arises in daily life can get diminished under the pressure of a really hot shower.
    I mean just how fragile can my nerve pathways be if the pain signals that have been yelling at me all day, can be tricked into silence with a little hot water?

    Yes, for me also a shower is usually a pleasant experience. But this time there was a short interlude of despair and sadness… it was as if something glass or crystal broke above my head and the fragments carried with it these emotions… it lasted maybe 30 seconds, quite short.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited July 30
  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    Some people describe a spiritual journey as a process of opening yourself up to everything that made us who we are. To a consistent pilgrim on such a journey, that includes an eventual re-visiting of everything we ever tried to hold on to that wouldn't stay around, everything we ever tried to push away that wouldn't leave and everything experienced that we chose to ignore.
    They are called attachments because somewhere within us, we still carry them with our true freedom being ever hobbled by their weight.

    I think that meditation is that process of preparing oneself for the chance of returning to each attachment, each addition to our hobblings, but where our initiating responses to them were formally mixtures of greed, anger or delusion, they can be potentially re-met again but this time with the compassion, love and wisdom that was missing in our origin stories.
    Perhaps your 30 minutes of shower time describes part of this process.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    ...> @Jeroen said:

    Just as I was standing under the shower, despair and sadness came visiting me…

    This too shall pass...It might pass like a kidney stone but it will pass....

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    On this morning's jolk...
    The mist rising off the ocean creating a rainbow over the sun..

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Talking of rainbows...

    Here is a resource from another direction/directive

    ...meanwhile I am off looking for Golden Buddhas at the end of the leprechaun (oops think I gone wrong again) :mrgreen:

  • marcitkomarcitko Veteran
    edited July 31

    Taking into account the current crazy rent prices in my city, I am on purpose living in a cheap rented flat that is OK but has its downsides. I've had visitors call it a dump which did hurt. Just now, I've had some student-age workers over who were elated at the cost-benefit of the flat and practically begged me to let their friend take over my lease once I move to the flat that is being renovated. I can't seem to remember the exact saying at the moment, but it's like "one man's terrible situation is another man's dream". The same principle can be applied to our lives and spiritual standing in general. Iz interesting.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Calm waters on this morning's jolk..

    A couple of locals swimming with their dog.

    On the last leg of the jolk...silence then faint bird song...

  • marcitkomarcitko Veteran

    I was hiking with a friend today and we had a very nice and clear view of two female deer. I think it was a mother and a cub. Had a nice time so changed my avatar to a hiking one. Think it's also a good metaphor for the spiritual path.

  • FosdickFosdick in its eye are mirrored far off mountains Alaska, USA Veteran

    The current visitors to our bird feeder. It's taken me months to figure out how to keep the bears from tearing the whole thing down at night. Now if I can figure out some way to clean the window ...

  • KotishkaKotishka Veteran

    Living in Samsara

  • KotishkaKotishka Veteran

    I'm also learning some Flemish and Dutch @Jeroen . It is similar to German. But more Viking sounding. AAAuuuuaa!

    Also @how , you sounded Malthusian there! Tehe! Hope everything is good in Canada.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited August 10

    I attended another solidarity rally this afternoon, quite a few island locals were there. The rallies are normally held on Sundays but this was a big nationwide rally which they decided to hold on a Saturday.

    Towards the end of the march, it passes by the ferry terminal around 3.45pm, this is where I normally depart from the march to catch the 4pm ferry.

    Some locals had taken their bikes over to the ride for Palestine bike rally first (which I think began around 12pm, the bike ride's around 40kms-the approximate length of Gaza). Driving home from the ferry, I passed a couple of locals who had taken their bikes over for the bike rally.

    In this weeks local newspaper there was an article about our local board/council adding its voice to call for our government to urgently grant humanitarian visas to help Palestinian residents and citizens get their families out of war-torn Gaza. The board is also asking other local boards around Auckland to join them in lobbying the government.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Another beautiful morning

    Well I've decided to visit Europe again in October...My daughter is flying over on Monday for 5 months to catch up with her brothers in London, Berlin and Budapest and she's going to do the Camino de Santiago walk in Spain...
    I will catch up with her somewhere in Europe or the UK..

    The flight over is long and quite tiring and I'm not getting any younger... So I will see about a short stopover on the way, but this time I won't go via the US I'm looking at going via Asia...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Attended another Palestinian solidarity rally this afternoon...Standing in the cold, strong wind and heavy rain. A small price to pay, when I think of what the Palestinian people are facing.

    On the way over more dolphins came to say Kia Ora to the passengers, the captain slowed the ferry down, and at one stage it looked like they were surrounding the ferry. I walked outside and managed to take a short video of them riding the wake, but it was quite windy (gale force winds) so I was holding my phone with two hands, not realising two of my fingers were over part of the lens...

    If you look carefully you can also just make out a couple swimming under the surface to the left...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited August 20

    Towards the end of my jolk this morning a car pulled up in the reserve carpark and I could see this large dog (Staffordshire bull terrier) like in this photo

    looking at me as if I was its lunch.. I have seen this dog on a number of occasions and every time we meet, it wants to take a chunk out of me...

    When I see aggressive dogs like this off their lead, I take my phone out and start videoing, their human companion when seeing this will then (and only then) call their dog and put it on a lead, then they will make up some excuse like "It's only playful, or excited ...It won't bite!"....

    Yeah right, it won't bite as it snarls, baring its teeth, growling and starts barking, and even when it's put back on its lead it still wants to take a chunk out of you.

    Well shock horror!!! I was making my way back past the reserve, around a couple of hundred metres up the road when I looked back ( I just don't trust this dog or its owner) I saw the dog heading up the road towards me, with no human companion ( owner) in sight...
    I was about a couple of hundred metres from my place and it was the fastest two hundred metres I've ran in a long while ...Looking over my shoulder to see if it was gaining on me...

    It's not the first time this dog has made a dash for freedom...At the beginning of this year I saw it running up the road but this time it was quite a distance in front of me, I was constantly on the look out for it, in case it ambushed me...
    Well we have a couple of manmade ponds on the property and lots of bird species, chickens, ducks, pukekos to name a few. Anyhow I was around 30 metres from home I heard birds squawking when I looked across the pond, and spotted the dog who had been chasing the birds and then it spotted me, and started to make its way towards me.

    When I got inside I put a notice on out local community FB page asking if anybody was missing a Staffy, I explained the situation, it was on the property chasing the wildlife. Somebody said call the animal control, which I did but the dog had gone by the time the officer arrived.

    Why do some human companions not care about what their dogs get up to, it's not as if they don't know their own dog's aggressive behaviour, sadly, it would seem some are just irresponsible when it comes to keeping their dogs under control..

    My friends are going over to Oz next month for 10 days (daughter's wedding) and I'm looking after their dog, who just happens to be a large Staffy mix, but a real friendly playful one... One that wants to lick me to death and another which wants to take chunks out of me...funny that...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Owners are like their dogs. Fortunately, all dawgs are very friendly around me. Even malevolent ones. Maybe because I consider them potential stir-fry? >:)

    Have i dunz gone wrong again? :3

  • FosdickFosdick in its eye are mirrored far off mountains Alaska, USA Veteran

    Reminds me of an incident, happened a few years ago, involving a pit-bull type dog. We were driving down the road, headed for town and there was a dog in the middle turn lane near the bottom of the hill. The dog was aggressively threatening a family on the sidewalk, - a father, mother, and two kids. The father had put the family behind him and was facing off with the dog - none of this immediately registered with me, I was focused on the dog in the road and intent to keep from running him over. I pulled up beside the dog, we exchanged a long look, and I said "go home, dammit, you really need to go home". Much to my surprise, the dog wheeled about and headed off up through the woods toward the houses. Went home, I greatly hope. Only after he did that did I realize he had been threatening people.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Dogs like other mutated critters, respond to emotion and some understand language. We are basically individually mutated and motivated.

    I occasionally very early morning, visit someone exercising their two bully dogs in a gated area. A former bowling green. Fortunately the owner does not let them out of this area. I always greet them and they all seem friendly.

    People have different responses to dogs and dog ownership. I do not pet cats, dogs or humans.

    When I go walking I prefer to 'just walk', with a smile.
    Bravo @Fosdick you are speaking 'dog'. Every species has their language. Even potential Buddhas... <3

  • FosdickFosdick in its eye are mirrored far off mountains Alaska, USA Veteran

    I speaks 'dogz' better than I speaks 'humanz'

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I grew up with dogs (raised by wolves ;);) ) and has a child I was the local dog whisperer for a while. Back then I had no fear whatsoever of dogs. In primary school if a big dog came into the school playground, I would be called to go and remove the dog from the school grounds.

    But as I got older and (none the) wiser, I started to lose the knack of dog wrangling and after being bitten a few times, I became very cautious when around dogs I didn't know...

    I often have to stand my ground when out jolking, when dogs run at me in a menacing way. I've also got an ultrasonic sound device which I carry with me, I've only used it on some little ankle biters and it seems to work, but I have yet to try it out on bigger more aggressive dogs. (I wish it would work on the dog's human companion too)

    Sometimes standing your ground works even with big aggressive dogs, they may continue to snarl and growl at you but keep their distant when you are facing them, but unfortunately this approach doesn't always work...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Such skills are in no way reserved for Buddhas or forest re-nunciates.

    I am learning butterfly, fish and Garuda languages. Live and lean... eh learn.
    Human is easy...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    An acquaintance of mine has adopted the Google Gemini chat AI as his guru, and is now continually spouting quotes from the cyber-guru. It’s getting so that I think the poor man had his mind taken over.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    I tried Gemini, will give her/hymn/it another GO…

  • Being at that age where friends and relatives are adjusting to their new knees, various aches and pains, only dreaming of running a six minute mile, celebrating just getting out of bed, giving a walk around the block the weight of a completed marathon, and spoiling our grandchildren, it has been and continues to be quite a run.
    Everyone, celebrate each day, all you meet with a smile, hold each friend as priceless, and, while you might take life seriously, don't take yourself such.
    Cry when you must, laugh when you can, and enjoy the ride.

    Peace to all

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @Jeroen said:
    An acquaintance of mine has adopted the Google Gemini chat AI as his guru, and is now continually spouting quotes from the cyber-guru. It’s getting so that I think the poor man had his mind taken over.

    Well I tried registering with Google Gemini but my apple phone number is banned (used for verification)
    Of course they data scammed me first for:
    type of 'account', email, DOB, name of first child (yes really), phone number

    "Do no Evil?" Googles motto.
    Give me a break!

    1. Boston technology (still in use in their bots and in house robots) was funded by DARPA.
    2. Search engine and Youtube are all Google and advert infestestions
    3. Browsers; Firefox, Chromium and Safari all 'default' to 'Do know Evil' Mega-Google

    etc. etc.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Oyster catchers...
    ...they don't 'arf make a racket when squabbling amongst themselves ...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well it looks like Spring as sprung early ...Today has been a warm Spring like day...

    And I've just booked my flight over to Europe via Guangszhou (Canton) China ...leave 8th Oct back on the 7th Nov...

    I have a 20 hour stopover in Guangszhou , arriving early morning (around 5.30am).
    So I'll have plenty of time to explore the city and practice my Cantonese ...Yee haw nǐhǎo China here I come...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    It's a warm sunny morning for the 1st of September

    And yesterday afternoon I attended another peaceful solidarity rally, quite a few island locals were there, include an Israeli woman I know who lives on the island, she left Israel with her husband and children around 10 years ago because of the Israeli government's policies towards the Palestinians.

    Maori in solidarity with the Palestinians performed a Haka for Palestine .

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    I was in our local market this morning, before it was open.
    Looking for the Buddha. They seem to behead them! Not sure if that is a good plan.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I attended another Palestinian solidarity rally this afternoon and this morning before going to the rally, I looked after the local island Palestinian solidarity group's stall for a while at the Saturday morning market.

    At the stall we sell T shirts, flags, Keffiyehs (Palestinian scarves), plus give out leaflets and pamphlets. All the money from the sales and any donations goes to Medical Aid for Palestine aka MAP, to support the doctors , surgeons and other medical staff working in Gaza and the West bank.

    At the rally in the afternoon, I picked up some more pamphlets, leaflets, flags, badges, and wristbands for the stall.

    It's interesting how some local people that I know walk pass the stall pretending that they didn't see me sitting there...It's as if they have this fear that if they stop and have a friendly chat, they could be seen as anti Semites, which is crazy because there are others who also take turns in looking after the stall who 'are Jewish' ...

    It's amazing how the fear of being seen as anti Semitic is so ingrained in some people, that they would sooner turn a blind eye to what is actually happening in Gaza...
    Quite sad really...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well, I'm staying at my friends place now, I'll be staying for 9 days dog sitting Henry...I had to go into the city this morning to an AGM...When I came back this afternoon, I took Henry for a walk, well Henry led the way .

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Went for a walk today. Met a red dragonfly and small egret

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Beautiful sunset...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    We are having a cold snap...So Spring is on hold for a while...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    We are having a cold snap too, 9 degrees C at night and in the morning.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Weather here in Aotearoa (NZ)...Quite a bit of snow in some parts ...

  • marcitkomarcitko Veteran
    edited September 15

    Huge amounts of rain for a week round here in Croatia. Floods incoming. Not as bad as more Northern Central and East European countries. It was 30C one day then 8C the next.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Wow that's some drop in temperature @marcitko ...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Yes, very extreme… we are having days of 24 degrees and nights at 6 degrees at the moment, which is unusual for the Netherlands, more of a desert temperature spread.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Another beautiful sunset

    Last night here with Henry, I'm back at my place tomorrow....

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Busy day today...
    This morning there was a local hikoi (Maori for walk/march) from our Marae through the village centre then down to the ferry terminal, in support of Palestine...A group of Palestinians had been over for the weekend at the invitation of the local Marae (they stayed o the Marae). They held workshops at the Marae over the weekend . Unfortunately I was unable to attend the workshops, however this morning some of then gave talks before the hikoi.

    A song often sung by children in schools here to learn the Maori words for different colours, some of the song's words have been tweaked a bit to fit the hikoi-using the colours of the Palestinian flag...

    Then some of us locals caught the ferry over to the city with the Palestinian group, for the weekly rally there.
    At the city rally a woman of Vietnamese descent (her parents were Vietnamese refugees living in the US, but she had moved to Aotearoa) was having all her long black hair shaved off, in solidarity with the women in Gaza who have had to shave their heads for hygiene purposes, lack of clean water and other essentials due to Israel's bombardment of Gaza and the blocking of vital supplies...

    Whilst her hair was being shaved off a young Palestinian woman with a beautiful voice sang a song in Arabic...

    The words to the song roughly translated into English

    "And you, the brave ones, where are you from? Where is Palestine? The spear strikes with the return of beauty. Palestine, and you, the brave ones, where are you from? We are your youth, Palestine. Palestine, we were not created to live in humiliation, We were created to live in freedom. Hand in hand, we stand together for our land, We won't give up our land. Palestine, Arab from 100% to 100%."

    The young woman was also part of the Palestinian group that visited the island.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I attended another rally on Saturday. A couple of young Kiwi Palestinians who had recently arrived back from spending three months onboard the Freedom Flotilla boat which was blocked from going to Gaza with humanitarian supplies..

    They spoke of their time onboard

    Then Rana sang

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