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KFC Cruelty

Jason_PDKJason_PDK Explorer
edited March 2011 in Buddhism Today

I would like you guys to watch this video. It is the saddest thing I have seen in a long long time.
This is animal cruelty at its worst!



  • I can't watch it. Animal cruelty is too upsetting to me. I am in school to become a veterinary technician. Sorry Jason
    With love, Jen
  • I used to watch such videos, but now i know better. Sorry, but i have seen enough animal cruelty videos to think this will only add to my stress, not my understanding. True, it can be really upsetting.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Yes, those places are bad. PETA is even worse. They support terrorism, they kill animals, and they don't support medical research.

  • Wow PETA? I never would have known.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Wow PETA? I never would have known.
    Also PETA supports and funds eco-terrorists like the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front. Which are considered terrorists organisation by the US government.

    PETA supports violence if they believe they need have to use it.
  • That's awful. There is so much I don't know. Thanks B5C ...I will just have to support local shelters.
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    It's not good that PETA's adoption rate is so low, BUT this is NOT the main issue when it comes to anmial rights & cruelty.

    PETA kills 2,000 cats & dogs (approx) in a year ... BUT ... EVERY YEAR IN THE USA (stats from 2008) these animals are killed and put on plates:

    Cattle: 35,507,500
    Pigs: 116,558,900
    Chickens: 9,075,261,000 - yes, you read that right, over 9 BILLION!
    Turkeys: 271,245,000

    Puts it in perspective, huh?

    Animal killing of any kind (including PETA's) is bad, but please, let's realise the truth about who the main perpetrators are - the meat industry.

  • Also enlightening Daozen. Though a sad thought to swallow. I should start playing my part. Thank you
  • Quick question, hope this isn't off topic.

    Because of videos like this I tried vegetarianism but I lost too much weight and became rather unhealthy. So i am just wondering, how can I replace the protein from meat? I'm not a huge fan of tofu either.
  • Beans and legumes, quinoa is WONDERFUL for protein as well.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    edited March 2011
    It's not good that PETA's adoption rate is so low, BUT this is NOT the main issue when it comes to anmial rights & cruelty.

    PETA kills 2,000 cats & dogs (approx) in a year ... BUT ... EVERY YEAR IN THE USA (stats from 2008) these animals are killed and put on plates:

    Cattle: 35,507,500
    Pigs: 116,558,900
    Chickens: 9,075,261,000 - yes, you read that right, over 9 BILLION!
    Turkeys: 271,245,000

    Puts it in perspective, huh?

    Animal killing of any kind (including PETA's) is bad, but please, let's realise the truth about who the main perpetrators are - the meat industry.

    It's not the meat industry's fault. It's us. Us humans who need a demand for meat. Us humans can't get all our nutrients from feeding veggies. He have to have some meat or dairy products.

    Heck Vegans were charged for the death of their kid because of their feeding habits:

    A vegan couple in France who fed their 11-month-old daughter only breast milk and appeared to ignore signs of her poor health are now on trial for the girl's death.

    The couple, Sergine and Joel Le Moaligou, are strict vegans who chose to feed their daughter, Louise, no solid food, giving her only breast milk.

    After Louise died in March 2008, a post-mortem exam showed the child weighed just 5.7 kg (12.5 pounds) when she should have weighed about 8 kg (17.5 lbs).

    The cause of death was listed as a pneumonia-related illness. But the autopsy also revealed the child suffered from a severe deficiency of vitamins A and B12, which may have left her susceptible to infection.

    The vitamin B12 deficiency could be linked to the mother's eating habits, since the only source of the vitamin is meat, dairy or vitamin supplements.

    The couple reportedly did not follow their doctor's advice to take their daughter to hospital when they went for her nine-month checkup and found she was suffering from bronchitis and was losing weight.

    The court has heard that the parents chose instead to treat her with cabbage poultices, mustard, camphor and clay.

    The couple has been charged with "neglect or food deprivation followed by death" and face up to 30 years in prison if convicted. The trial is expected to last until Friday.
  • Wow PETA? I never would have known.
    apparently they kill animals that are left for their care... "mercy killings".
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    Hey Kunga - you just have to start doing some research, maybe buy a good vegetarian cookbook, but i assure you, it IS possible to have a perfectly healthy diet as a vegetarian, including all the nutrients you need. It's a myth that you MUST eat meat, simply not true, even though i have heard of doctors telling patients they must eat meat, and of course the meat industry encourages this idea too, but the facts as supported by LOADS of scientific studies show that a vegetarian diet can be totally sufficient.

    Just google it, you'll find heaps of evidence for vegetarian health, and recipes etc.

    Beans (legumes), mushrooms and quinoa, as Yacababy said, are great sources of proteins.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I'm not on my own PC at the moment, but I'm bookmarking this thread, because once I get home, I will link an adobe document on how to successfully become a vegetarian with no loss to health, but plenty of gain.
  • Thanks all :-)
  • I'm not on my own PC at the moment, but I'm bookmarking this thread, because once I get home, I will link an adobe document on how to successfully become a vegetarian with no loss to health, but plenty of gain.
    I for one am looking forward to this. Please, do not forget. Thank you!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I promise, I won't!
  • Yes, those places are bad. PETA is even worse. They support terrorism, they kill animals, and they don't support medical research.

    apparently they kill animals that are left for their care... "mercy killings".

    I'd never have guessed that Peta kill animals!
    I'm not on my own PC at the moment, but I'm bookmarking this thread, because once I get home, I will link an adobe document on how to successfully become a vegetarian with no loss to health, but plenty of gain.
    Thanks Federica!
    I'm looking forward to that.


  • Cattle: 35,507,500
    Pigs: 116,558,900
    Chickens: 9,075,261,000 - yes, you read that right, over 9 BILLION!
    Turkeys: 271,245,000

    This actually made me hungry
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    That's a really inappropriate post, TT..... :rolleyes:
  • When I worked at KFC here in Australia ( my first job back in about 1980, it was still Kentucky Fried Chicken in those days) the raw chicken was supplied by the two most popular providers of chicken ... with daily deliveries - rather than being specifically cultivated by KFC - not sure about now of course .... just thought I would add this
  • andyrobyn, yup, I am pretty sure they use the same chicken you will find in your supermarket (steggles, inghams and so on).
  • well its true federica... it did, and it has AGAIN! I eat meat, yes, and thinking about all those steaks and cuts of meat made me hungry...

    It is harsh though how one species cultivates another, further more in harsh conditions
  • tell me you believe in reincarnation right? why would people eat their children?? :( the main reason I'm a vegetarian Is it makes me more compassionate. but that's just me
  • I believe in rebirth, not reincarnation which is a Hindu belief if I am not wrong.. And anyway, there are probably some crazy people going back through time who probably have literally eaten their children, plenty of animals do..

    I am not a vegetarian because I love the taste of meat so much, (which is pretty wrong in the eyes of the buddha for a variety of reasons) and because it seems so hard to construct a diet without meat that is enjoyabke, especially when you live in thailand on a budget.

    Some monks and nuns eat meat
  • edited April 2011
    I'd like to be a vegetarian, but the rest of the family just cannot stay without meat and dairy products....And I can't afford to run a separate kitchen in the house just for me. Will be quite happy if I could have vegetarian meals like this:
    Sorry for goin' off-topic. No use pointing fingers at just KFC, about 90 percent of the population (subject to correction) are into this.
  • I'd like to be a vegetarian, but the rest of the family just cannot stay without meat and dairy products....And I can't afford to run a separate kitchen in the house just for me. Will be quite happy if I could have vegetarian meals like this:
    Sorry for goin' off-topic. No use pointing fingers at just KFC, about 90 percent of the population (subject to correction) are into this.
    This is essentially my story too. I would love to become a vegetarian but as you said I can't run a separate kitchen in the house, so I have been trying to cut meat down as much as I can.

    That food looks so nice!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    It's very simple.
    Roast beef, roast potatoes, parsnips, carrots, peas, gravy, yorkshire pudding, stuffing....

    omit item #1.

    Pasta with meatballs?
    leave the meatballs.

    Anything intrinsically with meat?

    "No thanks, really, I'm not all that hungry."
    And have a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich.

    It's really not that hard.

    Bit by bit, the family learns, appreciates and accepts:
    *Name* doesn't eat meat......
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    here's the document I promised everyone....

    I would like you guys to watch this video. It is the saddest thing I have seen in a long long time.
    This is animal cruelty at its worst!


    Sorry, I have no stomach to see this video.

    I saw how they deal with chickens in poultry farms in Europe.

    Any male chicken is put without anesthetic through the minncer.

    Any female is having the bick ripped off by the machine because if left in the overpopulated cages will damage the future chickens on our supermarket shelves.

  • here's the document I promised everyone....
    I am looking forward to read it.

  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited April 2011
    This kind of animal abuse happens all over the world, and the laws to protect animals in a lot of countries are really pathetic. I do not know to much about PETA but if anyone wants to support an animal welfare organization that really makes a difference to animal welfare around the world, then I highly recommend WSPA. They really do good work.

    Metta to all sentient beings
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    It's not the meat industry's fault. It's us. Us humans who need a demand for meat.
    That's a good point. By buying meat, humans directly support the wrong livelihood of the meat industry. Every meal we eat is a vote! So buy local, buy organic, and buy as little meat as possible - preferably none.
    Us humans can't get all our nutrients from feeding veggies. He have to have some meat or dairy products.
    That's simply a myth.

    Of course many vegetarians do eat dairy products, and personally i don't think dairy is as unethical as meat in terms of animal suffering, by a long way. Especially organic dairy.

    Here's some interesting reading around the 'B12 deficiency myth' which has been mentioned on this thread:
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    That's simply a myth.

    Of course many vegetarians do eat dairy products, and personally i don't think dairy is as unethical as meat in terms of animal suffering, by a long way. Especially organic dairy.

    Here's some interesting reading around the 'B12 deficiency myth' which has been mentioned on this thread:
    A blog doesn't help? Do you have a scientific study showing your case?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I agree..... It would be more reliable.

    But I take the point.
    And thanks for the reference.
    At least you gave one..... :)
  • Taken from wiki

    "B12 deficiency is common among vegetarians and vegans who do not take B12 supplements. In vegans the risk is very high because none of their natural food sources contain B12. One American study found blood levels below normal in 92 % of vegans, 64 % of lactovegetarians, 47 % of lacto-ovo vegetarians who did not supplement their diet with B12.[40] The study applied the old normal values, so in reality a considerably greater proportion may have been deficient.

    On the other hand, one must take into account that the study was conducted in 1982 with a group taking no vitamin supplements: today soy drinks are often fortified with vitamin B12"

    Maybe the B12 deficiency was a big concern decades ago but I think in todays world a vegan can easily ensure they get enough B12.

    Metta to all sentient beings
  • here's the document I promised everyone....
    Thank you very much for adding this. It is a very interesting read.
  • here's the document I promised everyone....
    Thanks for that Federica!

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited April 2011
    Yes, those places are bad. PETA is even worse. They support terrorism, they kill animals, and they don't support medical research.

    They are not even close to being that bad. They use words to get a point across, not chainsaws to cut living beings heads off, while they are still alive... PETA is a picnic in the park, with teddybears and cotton candy, compared to that. Do you know where the popular idea that "PETA kill animals" comes from? From a meat industry lobby group that presents facts in a biased, distorted manner. Big surprise there! The FBI did a very through investigation of PETA after claims that they supported "terrorism". The case was dropped because the FBI found no evidence of any wrongdoing. If they actually did support terrorism, don't you think some one would have been charged with some kind of crime after an extensive FBI investigation? If they actually did support terrorism, then why did the FBI just drop the case? That poster that you posted was made by a meat industry lobby group. Big surprise there! is owned and operated by a meat industry lobby group and it's propagandists.
    Heck Vegans were charged for the death of their kid because of their feeding habits:
    Their "feeding habits" had absolutely nothing to do with it. Child neglect is what cause the death of that child, plain and simple. It had nothing to do with veganism.
    That's simply a myth.

    Of course many vegetarians do eat dairy products, and personally i don't think dairy is as unethical as meat in terms of animal suffering, by a long way. Especially organic dairy.

    Here's some interesting reading around the 'B12 deficiency myth' which has been mentioned on this thread:
    A blog doesn't help? Do you have a scientific study showing your case?
    It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

    This position is based on extensive review of all the relevant science on the issue. The PDF paper goes into great depth on each particular issue, including the B12 issue.
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    edited April 2011
    Thanks, Seeker242, great references.

    As you say, people don't seem to realise the insidious nature of pro-meat propoganda. They will say whatever they think it takes to keep people munching on dead animals -- and the cash registers ringing.

    If only people could empathise with livestock animals as easily they do with their pets, we might see more action on animal cruelty.
  • B5CB5C Veteran

    They are not even close to being that bad. They use words to get a point across, not chainsaws to cut living beings heads off, while they are still alive... PETA is a picnic in the park, with teddybears and cotton candy, compared to that. Do you know where the popular idea that "PETA kill animals" comes from? From a meat industry lobby group that presents facts in a biased, distorted manner. Big surprise there! The FBI did a very through investigation of PETA after claims that they supported "terrorism". The case was dropped because the FBI found no evidence of any wrongdoing. If they actually did support terrorism, don't you think some one would have been charged with some kind of crime after an extensive FBI investigation? If they actually did support terrorism, then why did the FBI just drop the case? That poster that you posted was made by a meat industry lobby group. Big surprise there! is owned and operated by a meat industry lobby group and it's propagandists.
    In 2001, PETA donated too ELF:
    PETA's form 990

    Back in 1995, PETA donated too a terrorist: form 990
    Rodney Coronado

    Rodney Adam Coronado (born July 3, 1966 in San Jose, California)[1] is a Native American (Pascua Yaqui) eco-anarchist and animal rights activist. He is an advocate and former activist for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and a spokesperson for the Earth Liberation Front. He was a crew member of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and a member of the editorial collective of the Earth First! Journal.[2]
    A former proponent of the use of direct action to end what he sees as cruelty to animals and destruction of the environment, Coronado was jailed in 1995 in connection with an arson attack on research facilities at Michigan State University. The incident, which caused $125,000 worth of damage and destroyed 32 years of research data, was part of the ALF's "Operation Bite Back," a series of attacks on animal-testing and fur facilities in the U.S. during the 1990s.[3]

    Bullshit! on PETA and terrorism:

  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    If PETA & the ALF are terrorists ... then the meat industry are genocidal mass murderers.

    Honestly, who is worse? A few million in damages and no deaths VS over 9 billion deaths per year. Hmmm, pretty obvious to me.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    I am sorry, but terrorism is still terrorism. I find it hypocritical from some of you.

    We oppose violence, but meat industry is worst. It's ok to support PETA, ALF, and ELF because they use violence to end a bigger evil.
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    I've personally never supported PETA and don't intend to start now. If they uneccessarily put down animals or financially support people causing violence, I think they should rightly be criticised for that - but they are still 100% correct in their condemnation of the meat industry, who, when you look at the facts, cause far far far more suffering than PETA or eco-terrorists ever have.

    PETA may be hyopcrites, but that doesn't lessen the guilt of the slaughter industry one little bit.
  • I'm quite surprised by some of the postings here..... :(

    The Buddha teaches us not to accept things on face value but to question. I am a veggie and was one before I decided to call myself a Buddhist. I have enjoyed a steak in the past and the thought of langoustine tails in garlic butter makes my mouth water.

    However, buying mass produced meat products from companies who's only aim is to make money or please a shareholder is wrong. It is impossible to produce chicken on the scale that KFC does ethically and still make a profit. A good quality free range chicken probably costs 4-5 times that of a battery chicken. PETA's message to highlight this is helpful....but if we look simply at the economics we should not need them to influence our decision not to buy such products.

    It is also important to consider who defines what a terrorist is.... generally politicians with an alternative agenda. Also, many terrorists, however misguided and wrong, generally have good intention.

    For those of you who accepted the information on .... without question, to see such quick acceptance on a Buddhist forum makes me sad. Its like reading the Daily Mail or watching Fox News or whatever and believing it.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited April 2011

    Back in 1995, PETA donated too a terrorist: form 990

    Did you know that, the place where you got those pictures and information from, is owned and operated by the SAME meat industry lobby group and it's propaganda team? These people get paid A LOT of money to bash PETA, it's their job, literally. The meat industry pays them big money to make those posters and say those things. Meanwhile, PETA volunteers get paid nothing. PETA made donations to some radical animal rights activists who engaged in radical activism. That hardly denotes "supporting terrorism". "Supporting terrorism" is illegal, yet no one at PETA has ever been charged with a crime. That is quite odd if I may say. Do you know why the government considers those people "terrorists" to begin with? Because the meat industry lobby spent millions and millions of dollars lobbying congress to pass that law saying that. Why did they do that? Because they were paid big bucks by the meat producers to do so. Their motivation? To make money. What is PETAs motivation? To stop animals from suffering. There is a huge difference in motives there.

    Rod Coronado, the activist that PETA donated to, set fire to a building. No people or animals were harmed. There is a HUGE difference between violence against a building and violence against other people or animals. In February 2006, Coronado was arrested on a felony charge of demonstrating the use of an incendiary device at a public gathering in the Hillcrest neighborhood of San Diego. He blew up a milk jug filled with gasoline at a public speech he gave. No one was harmed. Also, On December 2, 2004, Coronado was indicted on three charges related to Earth First! hunt saboteur actions to disrupt a hunt of mountain lions in Sabino Canyon, near Tucson by dismantling a lion trap and spreading mountain lion urine.

    Disabling lion traps? That is some serious terrorism right there!... The idea that these activities are equivalent to Al Queda blowing up the trade center buildings is completely ludicrous. No people were harmed by any of these activities. But of course, that meat industry lobby group is not going to tell you that because it does not align with their propaganda message, so they "conveniently" leave that information out of the picture. If they did tell you that, they would lose their job! Is it wrong to set fire to buildings? Of course, but it does not even come close to the actions of real terrorists. Comparing the two is ridiculous. However, the meat industry propaganda team has been quite effective in associating the two. Why? Because they are experts at disseminating propaganda. That is their job. That is what they get paid big bucks to do.

    With regards to that show you posted. Here is a description of it direct from the author referring to that show. "We're biased as all fuck" ~Penn Jillette

    It's better to get information from a non-biased source if you want the real truth and not propaganda. Penn and teller are simply recounting the meat industry's biased and distorted propaganda because it gets TV ratings. They also did a bullshit episode about their show and it explains how the show itself is bullshit. You are only getting 1/2 the story. The half that comes from the owners of the slaughterhouses and that's it. It's better to have the whole truth.

    With regards to the people you are getting your information from. The organization that owns and operated those websites. Hear is some info.

    The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), formerly the Guest Choice Network, is a non-profit American lobby group.CCF was set up in 1995 by Richard Berman, executive director of the public affairs firm Berman and Company, with $600,000 from the Philip Morris tobacco company. Berman told The Washington Post that CCF is now funded by a coalition of restaurant and food companies as well as some individuals; according to the group's website it is supported by over 100 companies and thousands of individual consumers. Sponsors are reported to include Brinker International, RTM Restaurant Group (the owner of Arby's), Tyson Foods, HMSHost Corp, and Wendy's.

    According to The Washington Post, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a watchdog group, asked the Internal Revenue Service in 2005 to revoke CCF's tax-exempt status, alleging that Berman and his company had used CCF to direct over $7 million charitable money to himself and his company since 1997, an allegation Berman rejects. CCF has campaigned against a number of organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and maintains several websites devoted to criticizing them. The forerunner to the CCF was the Guest Choice Network, which was organized in 1995 by Berman with money from Philip Morris, "to unite the restaurant and hospitality industries in a campaign to defend their consumers and marketing programs against attacks from anti-smoking, anti-drinking, anti-meat, etc. activists ...

    If these people are the only people you are getting your information from. You are not getting the real truth.

  • B5CB5C Veteran
    edited April 2011
    I am sorry, but eco-terrorism is still terrorism. I don't support destroying medical research labs and other scientific research. A few years ago, a eco-terrorist group torched a University of Washington lab to protect trees. They burnt it down because it was doing genetic engineering on the trees. Ironicly, those trees were being tested to save the lives of the trees and prevent extention. The only reason why you don't call them terrorists because they haven't killed anyone yet.

    I do not support any group who supports animals lives over humans. You and I are living longer due too the medical research that is done on animals.

    What is more important?

    Saving the lives of these:

    or these:
  • B5C, could you provide hard evidence that animal testing is the only way we can test drugs ? I think there are better alternatives (see link).

    I should also add that I myself think that its just not right to sacrafice the life of an animal just to make sure that human lives live longer. Is it not a persons ego that makes them think that their life is more important than an animals.

    Metta to all sentient beings
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    edited April 2011
    No, some testing can not be replaced with a computer or an artificial device.

    Like the study of the brain and genetics. We used rats to understand how us we humans and other animals learn. We found a gene that makes animals too learn. We didn't know about it until we turned off the gene in a rat and found out it could not learn.

    Without animals. We could not create new organs in a lab and make sure they work.

    On the benefits of Animal research and why replacements don't really work:

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited April 2011
    I am sorry, but eco-terrorism is still terrorism. I don't support destroying medical research labs and other scientific research. A few years ago, a eco-terrorist group torched a University of Washington lab to protect trees. They burnt it down because it was doing genetic engineering on the trees. Ironicly, those trees were being tested to save the lives of the trees and prevent extention. The only reason why you don't call them terrorists because they haven't killed anyone yet.

    I do not support any group who supports animals lives over humans. You and I are living longer due too the medical research that is done on animals.

    They do not support animals over humans, that is not the correct summary of the "animals have right" view. They see the 2 as equals and should be treated accordingly. That is what "animal rights" means. The view is not, "animals are more important than humans". That is not the view at all. The view is "Human are not superior to other animals" The two views are very different views. Which lead to the view that "If it is unethical to do to humans, then it is unethical to do to other animals"

    >Without animals. We could not create new organs in a lab and make sure they work.

    I disagree. If you really want good medical research. Do that research on human beings. That is who it is intended for anyway. Oh wait, we can't do that, that would be "unethical". Really? Why would it be OK to do that to animals and not OK to do that to other humans. Well obviously, because humans are vastly superior to all other animals and animals can be used which ever way we want as long as it benefits us. That is a pretty selfish view if you really look it it. Animal rights people do not believe that humans are vastly superior to all other animals, therefore you can't just do whatever you want to them and claim it as "ethical", just because it benefits humans. Not everyone believes that humans are superior to all other animals. Animal right people are not "Speciests" like most other people are.

    >What is more important? Saving the lives of these (Rats) or these (Kids):

    This is called a "false dilemma" (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black and white thinking or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are additional options.

    False dilemma can arise intentionally, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice ("If you are not with us, you are against us.") But the fallacy can also arise simply by accidental omission of additional options rather than by deliberate deception (e.g., "I thought we were friends, but all my friends were at my apartment last night and you weren't there.")

    In other words, the "save these or these" argument, is not a valid argument. I believe in science, as well as the proper use of logic and reasoning.
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