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"The Moment of Peace" - Worldwide Event

I know this in essence is spamming, I am attempting to achieve something very good for humanity. Please consider this message and help me spread the word! With Metta.

64 days and 1 Million People to Go!

In today's busy world we are consumed in trying to find happiness and peace in materialism, the latest gadgets, money, and working increasingly long hours. Yet, have you noticed this doesn't really seem to be working? Our lives seem to be getting busier, noisier, more out of control and unhappy.

"The Moment of Peace" is a very simple idea; that we as individuals can make a difference if we stop for a while, be mindful, be quiet and be still and enjoy the experience of living. Through this, an innate happiness becomes present and we allow for a more sustainable and lasting peace within us and with those around us.


At 8:00pm (in your local time-zone) on Saturday, 18th June 2011 I'm asking everybody to stop for an hour and to be mindful, be silent and be still. It is that simple!

The Goal

I'd like to get 1 million people participating in "The Moment of Peace" in 2011. We only have 64 days left to go. It seems like a huge target but I believe it is possible.

So if you feel this is a good idea, why not spread the world and help start making a difference in the world.

Is it up to you to change the world, this is our chance to start making a difference. It is possible!

In Kindness,

Dean 'Jagaro' Crabb
The Moment of Peace


  • Check with Lincoln to make sure your "spam" post is ok. He approves (or disapproves) stuff like that. PM him.
  • Oh okay, I'll do that now. Thanks.

    I know it isn't nice to spam, I'm mindful of this, but I'm trying to help as many people as possible.

  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    S'alright. Good luck.
  • HawkinsHawkins Explorer
    Will do!
  • I know this in essence is spamming, I am attempting to achieve something very good for humanity. Please consider this message and help me spread the word! With Metta.

    64 days and 1 Million People to Go!

    In today's busy world we are consumed in trying to find happiness and peace in materialism, the latest gadgets, money, and working increasingly long hours. Yet, have you noticed this doesn't really seem to be working? Our lives seem to be getting busier, noisier, more out of control and unhappy.

    "The Moment of Peace" is a very simple idea; that we as individuals can make a difference if we stop for a while, be mindful, be quiet and be still and enjoy the experience of living. Through this, an innate happiness becomes present and we allow for a more sustainable and lasting peace within us and with those around us.


    At 8:00pm (in your local time-zone) on Saturday, 18th June 2011 I'm asking everybody to stop for an hour and to be mindful, be silent and be still. It is that simple!

    The Goal

    I'd like to get 1 million people participating in "The Moment of Peace" in 2011. We only have 64 days left to go. It seems like a huge target but I believe it is possible.

    So if you feel this is a good idea, why not spread the world and help start making a difference in the world.

    Is it up to you to change the world, this is our chance to start making a difference. It is possible!

    In Kindness,

    Dean 'Jagaro' Crabb
    The Moment of Peace

    At 8:00pm (in your local time-zone) on Saturday, 18th June 2011 I'm asking everybody to stop for an hour and to be mindful, be silent and be still. It is that simple!

    8 :00 pm (in your local time-zone) on Saturday, 18th June 2011.


    What time zone is this starting?

  • I'll need to get my shopping, facebooking, car washing, American Idol, and new Iphone ordering out of the way first. If I'm not too stressed, I'll partake! We have to deal with the realities of life, you know!

    In all seriousness, sounds like a great idea.
  • I'll need to get my shopping, facebooking, car washing, American Idol, and new Iphone ordering out of the way first. If I'm not too stressed, I'll partake! We have to deal with the realities of life, you know!

    In all seriousness, sounds like a great idea.

    This is the typical tragedy of 21 century human’s consciousness, ego, soul, karma..... :D

    PLS Note I am not much better. It is just a question of realities and what we see as important.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2011
    S'alright. Good luck.

    .... nearly.....!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2011
    ...8 :00 pm (in your local time-zone) on Saturday, 18th June 2011.

    What time zone is this starting?
    It doesn't matter, I don't think.
    It's just important to remember 8.00pm at your local time, although the OP I believe, finds himself in Australia....

  • "

    What time zone is this starting?

    It starts at 8pm wherever you are. It keeps it nice and simple. Thanks for supporting everybody!

    Please help spread the word!

    Dean 'Jagaro' Crabb
  • Oh, please remember to vote on the website to show your participation.

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