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The Royal Family



  • @fest64

    it will be much more effective to give the money directly to charities.
    Yes I agree, in fact no tax payers money should be wasted on people who are already filthy rich.

    With Metta

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Interesting, it was reported yesterday on CNN that more coverage is being given to the royal wedding and its surrounding activities in the States than in England itself.
  • I think that we should become a republic again, but properly this time without all that Cromwellian nonsense and barbarism.
  • Vincenzi ⁠
    "it will be much more effective to give the money directly to charities."
    Yes so true!
    zidangus ⁠

    "Yes I agree, in fact no tax payers money should be wasted on people who are already filthy rich."

    But that's the way they desired to spend it after being voted in to power.
    I think a world without barbarism.
    Sounds nice!


  • But that's the way they desired to spend it after being voted in to power.
    The royal family do not get voted into power, and the politicians who are voted into power do a great job at wasting the tax payers money themself. So there just as bad as each other IMO.

    With Metta

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    The royal family do not get voted into power, and the politicians who are voted into power do a great job at wasting the tax payers money themself. So there just as bad as each other IMO.

    Yes, but politicians can be voted out of power. Royals cannot.

  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    I heard that it is estimated that around 2 billion people will watch the wedding, that is nearly 1/3 of the human race, bearing in mind how many people do not own a TV in africa and other undeveloped locations.

    Personally, I am not that interested. I barely watch the news so any news to me is just fob, yes I said it, fob! I am however British, but fail to see the importance in this day and age of the royal family. They have little legal power or democratic power, there was a survey done on UK tourists in 1997 and less than 1% of them came to the UK due to the Royal family, The queen does not pay taxes and costs the country 80 million each year.
    Two words...President Blair.
    The Royal family is a good political buffer, Is fairly cheap compared to presidents like Sarcozy and even cheaper then the EU ( Not to mention the queen does little to make our lives a misery or take billion of pounds of our money to spend on leftist equality and BS projects which gives her a one up on the EU )
    She doesnt sit on her backside her Highness is one of the hardest working people in the country there are hundreds of royal engagments throughout the year for her and the royal family to be at and considering she is 85 she has spent the majority of her life working alot harder then we will unto that age.

  • The royal family do not get voted into power, and the politicians who are voted into power do a great job at wasting the tax payers money themself. So there just as bad as each other IMO.

    Yes, but politicians can be voted out of power. Royals cannot.

    From my experience all politicians no matter what party, are good at wasting tax payers money IMO.

    With Metta
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Here's an interesting Dharma talk on fame and reputation based on the royal wedding

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    From my experience all politicians no matter what party, are good at wasting tax payers money IMO.
    Personally, I think that's an awfully broad statement. And I think what's in question is the word waste.

    I used to be a school principal back in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Ours was an old school (1960), cinder block and brick, some spaces had industrial carpet, no air conditioning, etc.

    In the mid-80s the district began upgrading schools. And some of the thrifty taxpayers would come in and complain to me about my effort to make our school "luxurious". To begin with, it was a School Board decision, and the School Board was elected; my role would only be after funds were approved. When some of these thrifty taxpayers would come in they would say things like:

    "Look at these expensive and luxurious walls." -- cinder block that got painted every 10 years.

    "Look at this rich carpeting." -- Most rooms had asbestos tiles. The rooms that were carpeted had the cheapest industrial carpet available, which actually saved in maintenance costs.

    "Air conditioning? They're only children!" -- And I'd ask if their work environments were air conditioned. "Of course, but I'm an adult."

    "New textbooks? These science textbooks are only 15 years old!"

    My point here is, it's a personal perspective whether tax money is spent wisely or wasted. That's not to say that it shouldn't be spent wisely, but virtually every expenditure is not a waste in somebody's eyes. And those expenditures are approved by people we elect.

  • Well vinlyn,

    I was talking about the UK politicians, I don't know so much about American or other countries. If you read about the expense scandal in the UK that politicians were castigated for, then you would know were I was coming from.

    With Metta
  • I hear wedding bells! But I don't see a wedding image
  • @caz namyaw

    now going to ceremonies and rituals is considered work?
  • edited April 2011
    Jeez, so much negativities and cynacism homeboys!!! Am I the only person excited about this? Watching the Live broadcast right now, come on homies, they are such a lovely couple!
  • I am not your homie, I am a stranger who shares the same religion :p but anyway, I am a brit and choose not to watch because, well it is meaningless. It will soon be the past, and quite frankly, I don't give a shit lol.
  • A monarchy is just another form of government, based on an overpowering tribal instinct to identify with, give loyalty to and fight for your tribe and the tribe's leader. ....................
    Agreed, @Cinorjer. While people complain about this wedding, they are 'sweating the small stuff'. The 'big stuff' is the tribalism and is far from limited to the UK or to monarchies. Haven't we seen a truly bizarre event in the US this week, where the Head of State has been forced to prove his 'right' to office? What difference would it make if the President had been born somewhere else? What is so magical about 'American soil'? Can any 'soil' be national? Only if we hallucinate and make up stories.

    Contemporary tribalism is different from that of our ancestors only in scale and still leads to war against other tribes. It is not for nothing that the bridegroom and his brother are both soldiers.

  • The wedding is particularly boring IMO
  • This reminds me of the story when Sariputra asked why this world, Sakyamuni Buddha's world is so impure and evil. The Buddha showed him how pure this world actually is, it's because Sariputra's mind is still filled with discrimination and unwholesomeness that the world appears to him that way.

  • This is true, maybe I do view things such as this in a negative and discriminative way. But that does not dispute the fact of the monarchy and england in general, the whole situation, remember I am a brit.
  • @fest64

    it will be much more effective to give the money directly to charities.
    Yeah, but even if all spending was stopped on this sort of thing, or even on waging wars, not a penny of that saved money would go to the poor and you have to know that. Governments find the resources to do what they want to do, and never have enough to do what isn't in their interests. They'd give any "surplus" to the rich and powerful who keep them in power, while whining that the poor don't deserve it. That's what happened in America, at any rate. From what I hear, the UK didn't do any different.
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