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Buddha's Birthday

edited May 2011 in Buddhism Today
Just thought I'd mention today (May 10th) is celebrated as Buddha's birthday in Mahayana Buddhism :) (8th day of the 4th month in the Chinese lunar calendar). It's actually an official holiday in Hong Kong, Macau and South Korea.


  • An auspicious day, indeed. Thanks for mentioning this.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited May 2011
    thanks jenzay :D

    I suppose a good question to ask is, has anybody on the forum done anything to celebrate this ?
    I think I will add 10 minutes to my meditation time tonight :om:
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I thought it was the 17th.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I thought it was the 17th.
    it is in Thailand Singapore Sir Lanka Indonesia and Inida, but in China it is today.ākha
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Good question, MG. Now I'm curious to see what date the Tibetan calendar gives. Do India and SE Asia use a different calendar for this?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    z to the rescue!
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I should apply for a job at Google or Wiki, seems every post I make has a wiki link in it :D
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    You and SherabDorje. wikipunks.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
  • hermitwinhermitwin Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Actually it is on 17 may 2011 in many countries.
    Lunar calendar, 15th April.
    I think its supposed 2b fullmoon day.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Makes me smile to think of celebrating the birthday of one who had seen through the illusions of "birth" and "death". :)
  • ShutokuShutoku Veteran
    Hmmm Jodo Shinshu temples observe it on April 8th
    We have a service called "Hana Matsuri" or "flower festival" and during the service we set up a little garden with a little pond. In the pond is a statue of the baby Buddha, standing with one hand pointing up, and one pointing down.."Worlds above and worlds below, I alone and the world honoured one!" and each person comes up, places a flower in a vase, and pours a ladle of sweet tea over the Baby Buddha, symbolizing the sweet rain that is said to have fallen on that day.

    It is one of my favorite services of the year actually.

    Anyway date specifics aside, Happy buddhas Birthday to all!!! :clap:
  • party tme in thailand on the 17th :) I will be in malaysia though :(
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