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every American school teacher's dream



  • Genkaku, don't school districts have a gifted program these days? It falls under "Special Ed". Before some school districts developed such programs, it wasn't all that unusual for some of the gifted students to drop out due to boredom. That happened to a couple of friends of mine. Well, one didn't drop out, but he underachieved due to boredom.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    edited June 2011
    CW -- My understanding is that of someone outside the academic realms. That understanding is that, yes, some schools (the ballsy ones?) do have programs for the gifted. But most are constrained by the political incorrectness of suggesting that some people are simply smarter -- and sometimes considerably smarter -- than others.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I think a lot depends on the individual and not the school. My highschool was decent but not that great. Some of my friends in college went to excellent preparatory highschools. They had test anxiety and so forth and had much more difficulty than me. Because I had an interest in the school. A passion apart from what job it would give me or how easy it was. I would walk to class thinking about my classroom material my head buzzing.

    In the actual college you could possibly not do much, but there was every opportunity. If you wanted to do summer research you could do it. But you didn't have to. If you wanted to really research a topic thoroughly for your psychology class you could do it. Read for pleasure. Otherwise you could just 'study for the test'. ABCD.

    How about students being accountable too? Which is the original point of the australian commercial. No not really accountable as in blaming. But rather they need to be given the message that school can be like a sport, enjoyable. They don't have trouble getting people to play basketball do they? I guess they have trouble with getting people to take PE though.

  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    As a footnote, my reference points are pretty much U.S.-centric.
  • I think that means we're all on the same page, here.
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