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Teen sells kidney for iPad 2

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited June 2011 in General Banter


  • If someone gave me an iPad 2, I'd sell it and buy something necessary. Or give the money to someone or some charity who needs it.
  • What's really sad is that it's apparently not only common, but not illegal to sell organs in China. Sorry, but they call themselves civilized? Not in my book. The government shooting convicts in the back of the head and then harvesting their organs for sale on the world market isn't civilized. It's barbaric.
  • . . . but not illegal to sell organs in China. Sorry, but they call themselves civilized? Not in my book.
    I believe that selling blood is legal here. Not sure I see the difference. Of course, I don't consider my country very civilized either.
  • AmeliaAmelia Veteran
    edited June 2011
    I wouldn't really call it a bad idea to legalize the sale of organs. It would help to shut down the black market, because there is going to be organ trading no matter what. The people that want to sell their organs are going to do it anyway. They might as well get a safe environment to do it in. It's about personal choice, and I guess it is akin to the legalization of drugs.

    /\ Amelia
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I believe that selling blood is legal here. Not sure I see the difference. Of course, I don't consider my country very civilized either.
    Blood is replaced, organs are not.
    I wouldn't really call it a bad idea to legalize the sale of organs. It would help to shut down the black market, because there is going to be organ trading no matter what. The people that want to sell their organs are going to do it anyway. They might as well get a safe environment to do it in. It's about personal choice, and I guess it is akin to the legalization of drugs.

    /\ Amelia
    Shutting down the black market and making sure its done in a safe environment are good things. However, its the poor that end up selling their organs out of desperation to the wealthy, so even if its legal exploitation will occur and possibly in greater numbers.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011
    Yeah I think safe exploitation is contradictory upon inspection.
  • AmeliaAmelia Veteran
    I guess what it comes down to, for me, is that I am learning not to tell someone what I think they should and should not do-- and that includes selling organs.
  • What's really sad is that it's apparently not only common, but not illegal to sell organs in China. Sorry, but they call themselves civilized? Not in my book. The government shooting convicts in the back of the head and then harvesting their organs for sale on the world market isn't civilized. It's barbaric.
    Ceausescu sold live children. That's how the international adoption of Romanian kids got started.
  • I just have to disagree. Selling organs for profit is barbaric.
  • I can understand the very very basic aspects of the desperation; there have been times in a financial crunch where I tried to find a local site to sell blood plasma so I could afford food. I mean, it's not the same thing, by any means; food is a necessity and an iPad is....definite not, so I still find the whole concept baffling, but, I can see how someone would do something crazy if they believed they needed something in their life. (Even if in all reality they didn't need it at all.) Coupled with the naivety and, sometimes downright ignorance that comes with youth....this doesn't surprise or even shock me nearly as much as it should.
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